Man Thinks His Shed Has Been Targeted By Intruders, Turns Out That It’s Just A Daring Mouse

An unexpected visitor is caught on camera

Do you ever feel like you’re losing your marbles? Like, you put something on the kitchen counter 5 minutes ago, and now it’s disappeared without a trace, with no one else in the house?

Well, that’s what happened to 72-year-old British man Stephen Mckears, who began to question his sanity when he started noticing objects had been moved around in his shed overnight. We’re not talking one or two random bits here – dozens, if not hundreds of screws and other pieces of metal that had been laying around Stephen’s workstation were being moved together into one little tub.

Mr. McKears was baffled by this – what was going on?! Surely someone wouldn’t have broken into his shed just to tidy up after him? Baffled but determined to solve the mystery, Mr. Mckears decided to empty out the tub and scatter its contents all around the shed. He was astonished to find out that everything was back in its place the next morning. Something was definitely afoot.

Enlisting the help of friend and neighbor Rodney Holbrook, the pair decided to set up a trail camera to catch the helpful ghost once and for all. Mr. Holbrook is a keen wildlife photographer, so he has a little experience in tracking down mystery visitors. What they found was adorably unexpected – a cute and determined mouse lifting objects twice its size, in an effort to keep its ‘home’ clean.

It’s good that someone’s trying to keep the place tidy!

“I’ve been calling him Brexit Mouse because he’s been stockpiling for Brexit,” Mr. Mckears told a local newspaper. For those who don’t know, Brexit is the UK’s political exit from the European Union, which has been dragging on for a few years now.

“The heaviest thing was the plastic attachment at the end of a hosepipe – and the chain of an electric drill. I didn’t know what it was at first. The kids were saying it was a ghost.”

“One day I emptied the tub out and spread the contents on the side – and the next day they were all back in again. I thought I was going mad.”

Mr. Holbrook was relieved to find that it was a harmless rodent, rather than an anally retentive poltergeist. He was also astonished at the mouse’s diligent behavior. “Some people have been saying he’s just mouseproud,” he joked.

“The mouse was chucking things into the box – we thought it was a ghost or something at first. I thought I have to see this for myself.”

It seems that the mouse goes on-shift from around midnight to 2.30am – and has been doing its cleaning duties every night for about a month now. It’s good to have a little routine!

“It was doing it for about two hours that night – he must have had to go for a sleep after it,” Mr. Mckears said.

Stephen has no plans to get pest control involved, and seems happy to share his little work space with his rodent friend.

“I’ve seen a mouse moving objects to make a nest but never metal objects. It’s quite amazing. It’s still busy doing it now.”

It’s amazing what animals get up to when we’re not looking! AAx

The post Man Thinks His Shed Has Been Targeted By Intruders, Turns Out That It’s Just A Daring Mouse appeared first on Go Social.

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