Embroidery Tattoos Are The Incredible New Trend In The Tattoo World And You Won’t Believe They’re Real!

the rock thats amazing GIF by The Titan Games

Tattoos and Embroidery… not two things that really sound like they go hand in hand, do they? I don’t know about you but the image I get is an old gran knitting something for her grandkids sporting a whole sleeve of tats. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, that’s 100% going to be me one day!

My point is, that it’s not exactly something you would normally picture together, is it? Well, as it turns out, the two do actually go hand in hand, and when they do – well, it results in one of the coolest things I’ve ever come across in my life!

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Personally, I believe that the results speak for themselves. The beautifully rich, textured designs almost make it look as though the ink has truly been sewn into the skin like wool, and takes on an almost 3D appearance as they pop right out at you! It truly is a thing of wonder. Many of the designs are rather contemporary and take on a timeless technique, involving a series of tiny x’s being combined in order to form a bigger picture.

Don’t take my word for it though – scroll down and see for yourself! You never know, you may find your next (or first) tattoo somewhere on the list!

1. Rockin’ Robin

I had to begin this one, it just blows my mind! I honestly had to double check to make sure is real because the detail in this tattoo is absolutely ridiculous!

2. In Bloom

This is a gorgeously delicate tattoo which as you can see is based more on the cross stitch side of the embroidery skill. It looks like if you touched it gently, it would rub off immediately… I can’t believe somebody created this with a needle and some ink!

3. Heart of Hearts

I love this piece because it’s such a great mix between the two art forms; the classic sketch tattoo and the ever so beautiful embroidery tattoo. It’s the perfect example of two worlds colliding!

4. D’oh!

If you’re as big a fan of The Simpsons as I am (I just can’t get enough of that freakin’ family!) then this is the tattoo for you! I used to be crazy obsessed with iron-on patches when I was younger, and now that I know you can get them inked onto your skin permanently, there’ll be no stopping me!

5. Crosstitch

Ah, two of my favorite things combined… tattoos and skeletons! This is a genius idea, I mean, it looks as though the skeleton hand is actually the one doing the cross-stitching… HAHAHAHAHHAHA! Truly glorious.

6. Pretty Birdie

This is another that absolutely blew my mind. The detail in the “stitching” is insane and whoever did this deserves a freakin’ award! I can’t even draw a straight line on a freakin’ piece of paper, and there are people out there ding THIS on people’s skin. Crazy.

7. Delicate

This is so adorable, it’s basically an exact replica of a sweet rose cross stitch pattern and I am so so incredibly jealous that it’s not on MY skin. Maybe if my Nana saw this she would approve of my tattoos!

8. Rock n’ Roll

What’s more rock’n’roll than getting a Rolling Stones tattoo? Getting a Rolling Stones tattoo in the form of an embroidered iron-patch, OBVIOUSLY! The deatil in this is brilliant, check out the teeny little fray’s around the edges of the patch!

9. Under The Sea

Where do I start with this one!? I’m a huge fan, not only of the mermaid design but because it’s an old school mermaid designs… and the mermaid actually has tattoos too! I don’t know if you’ve caught on by now, but I am a freakin’ sucker for details! I would 100% have this on my body!

10. Stitches on Stitches

This is so cute that I can’t stand it. It’s a sewing machine tattoo done in an embroidery style of tattooing. And I just LOVE how the tape measure is actually done more realistic than the rest of the tattoo. This is just TOO MUCH!

11. Big and Blue

This is one brave, blue, beautiful tattoo to get! It kinda reminds of one of my Nana’s old carpets… which is a good thing because my Nana had IMPECCIBLE taste, for your information.

12. Gawrsh

I’m not even joking here, I’ve wanted to get a Goofy tattoo for YEARS! He’s my absolute favorite Disney character (come on, just look at that adorably goofy face!) but I just couldn’t find the right design. Well DING DING DING! I think I may have found it folks!

13. The Force Is Strong With This Mouse

I’m a huge fan of Disney (let’s be honest, who isn’t!?) And having Mickey Mouse combined with a Storm Trooper is just so magical that honestly want to cry. I wish I knew the people who have had these tattoos done because I feel like we would be beast freakin’ friends.

14. Flower Power

You know, I’m actually not usually a massive fan of flower tattoos – unless they’re roses or sunflowers – but this? I like this. One, it’s a beautiful flower and two, it’s just a little bit different. I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything like this before and the embroidery detail is so on point that it looks as though it’s been glued on!

15. Flutterby

Who doesn’t love a beautiful butterfly? The subdued colors in this tattoo really add to the embroidery effect of it – also, did I mention it’s just SOOOOOOOO CUTE?

16. That Cowardly Dog

Well, THIS one certainly takes me back. I can honestly say I have never seen a Courage the Cowardly Dog tattoo before – in fact I’ve tried very hard not to see nor think about absolutely anything to do with Courage the Cowardly Dog since I was a young child because that dog and his TV show used to creep me the HECK out!

17. Love Birds

Another very pretty, incredibly detailed, beautiful traditional piece of embroidery we have here. I honestly can’t believe that there are actually people out there who are THIS darn talented. I love this!

18. A Stitch in Stitches

STITCH! My sisters favorite Disney character. This is super adorable… although for me, maybe it’s a little too adorable to be Stitch. A Stich tattoo in a stitched tattoo style? Outstanding. IT’s like Inception… but for tattoos!

19. A Cross Over Cross Stitch

And for some reason, somebody out there woke up one day and thought “man, I really wanna get a tattoo of two minions dressed up like Dragon Ball Z  characters” and you know what? That’s absolutely okay. Besides, as an iron-patch it looks pretty freakin’ bad-a*s, don’t you think!?

20. Oh, Popeye!

I’ll let you in on a little secret – I used to be OBSESSED with Popeye! Especially the Robin Williams version! SO I am all about this tattoo. I especially love how incredibly sassy Olive Oil looks. You slay girl! Slay errrrr’day!

blow your mind wow GIF by Product Hunt

Well, folks, what do you think? Have you been inspired? Did you find any of the above pieces of art particularly amazing? Do you have an embroidery tattoo yourself!? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this with your friends and family so that they can be inspired too! AAx

The post Embroidery Tattoos Are The Incredible New Trend In The Tattoo World And You Won’t Believe They’re Real! appeared first on Go Social.

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