30 Times Kate Middleton Was A “Normal Mom” Like The Rest Of Us

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine the royals have similar struggles as us peasants do.

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I mean, my wedding day was nice and all but I sure wouldn’t have minded the addition of a castle, a prince and that freakin’ BEAUTIFUL wedding dress. However, Kate Middleton makes the whole thing look super natural and (weirdly!) super normal.

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Seriously, what is not to love about this woman? Devoted Duchess, wonderful wife, freakin’ fabulous and philanthropist and to top it all off? A magical mother.

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The woman just gave birth but looks like this? Pure witchcraft.

But she’s not always the flawless royal we know and love (just kidding, she absolutely always will be perfect in our eyes) but sometimes she is just like a regular Mom! Here are some of our favorite Mamma Kate Moments…

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1. Safety-first for Georgey!

(Image Credit: Jeff Moore/Splash News)

All new Mom’s can relate! You’ll do anything to keep your baby safe! You’d wrap ’em up in bubble wrap if you had to! (We do not endorse wrapping a child in bubble wrap…) Kate has opted to keep Prince George safe as can be in a rear-facing car seat.


2. Clothing sacrifices

(Image Credit: James Whatling/Splash News)

“Clothing sacrifices?!” you cry! “What clothing sacrifices?!”

Sure, the Duchess has the most enviable wardrobe around but you’ve got to hand it to her! She’s fearless letting her little ones cling and clamber all over her (doubtless VERY expensive) garments. She’s clearly not phased about George gripping onto those buttons, this little goober’s comfort comes before her own. N’awwww.


3. A royal stink!

(Image Credit: James Whatling/Splash News)

Prince George is clearly concentrating hard on something… we can well imagine what! Kate still cuddles him close with a serene expression. Okay, maybe this isn’t exactly how we would deal with this event but we love that she doesn’t just hand him over for the servants to deal with (it must be a tempting alternative!)


4. Perfect patience

(Image Credit: Mirrorpix/Splash News)

Babies will grab anything! And what’s a better thing to grab a hold of than Mummy’s perfect blow dry?! Kate remains calm despite this royal wrenching on her scalp! We can’t really blame George though… Kate always has the perfect hair, we’d be just as curious to touch its magical lengths…


5. Giggles in the grass

(Image Credit: Ford/Splash News)

This is my freakin’ favorite! They look just like a normal family enjoying a day in the park, Kate and Wills are just enamored with George, he’s the center of their world. Okay, maybe we’re not taking our sprogs down the park in our baby-blue suit and matching hat but still…


6. A guiding hand

(Image Credit: ames Whatling/Splash News)

She may be a Duchess but Kate always makes time to support her kids through all the challenges they may face. They could never toddle too far, she’ll always be around to help out!


7. Acting on behalf of your baby boy

(Image Credit: James Whatling/Splash News)

We’ve all had this event right? Not stepping out of our private jet but having the baby play up when we need one little act from them! Every parents knows what it’s like when they won’t give their Aunty a kiss, or when they refuse to recite the song (they could never freakin’ stop singing before!) to their grandparents. George is not up for waving, so Kate takes the reigns and waves on his behalf.


8. Topple-proofing

(Image Credit: James Whatling/Splash News)

Sometimes just keeping baby on their own two feet is a challenge! Kate is propping a very curious George up by his bottom and the two look so sweet! She’s clearly bemused by his adventuring, but no less encouraging! We’ve all had to entertain the pretty weird interests of our little ones, right?


9. Sibling synergy

(Image Credit: Matt Dunham/Splash News)

Kate is just *glowing* with pride here! She’s so pleased her little ones are getting along, we can relate a lot to that look of complete calm when the kids are finally behaving themselves! It’s so good to see the family in perfect harmony.


10. Duchess does funny faces

(Image Credit: Ian Vogler/Splash News)

She may be royalty but Kate isn’t afraid to play the court jester from time to time! We just know she cracks out these funny faces to make her own little ones giggle. She’s the fun-loving Momma we all are from time to time!


11. Her majesty is most amused!

(Image Credit: Splash News)

We love that Kate is pretending to be just as enthused by a balloon flower as Charlotte is! She’s so willing to get involved with the kid’s imagination and their tiny-tot world. We love seeing her silly side!


12. Wrapped up warm!

(Image Credit: John Stillwell/WPA Pool/Getty Images)

As all Mom’s know, you never let the kids leave the house unless they’re well wrapped up! Practicality trumps fashion every time! Kate has balanced both in this snowy scene. She’s looking like a radiant snow angel (which is, of course, very relatable) and the kids look totally adorable. No Momma can resist a bobble hat!


13. Shared wonder in shared color schemes!

(Image Credit: Splash News)

Again, Kate loves sharing in the wonder of her little ones, she’s not too proud to join in with the fun. We also love that her and Charlotte are in matching outfits. What cuties! We love how much care Kate puts into her kids clothes.


14. The little princess has a strop

(Image Credit: Splash News)

This is something we can all relate to! You’re just going about your business and then BAM, the kids want to hurl themselves to the floor and pound their tiny fists into the supermarket linoleum. Why? THEY DON’T NEED AN EXCUSE, YOU FOOL! Kate is keeping her cool here. She’s as breezy as the lilac of her dress… but every Mom knows, behind the polished veneer is a woman ready to stamp this kid all the way back home and put them on the naughty step!


15. The balcony SCENE

(Image Credit: Splash News) 

Smile for the camera’s Charlotte! Kate is taking control of this tantrum once again, trying to cheer up her only daughter who’s got a face like thunder. The rest of the Royals don’t look too impressed but Kate is the first to step in and comfort Charlotte into a smile.


16. Playing catch-up

(Image Credit: Splash News)

No Mom ever manages to stop running around after her kids and Kate is no exception! She looks graceful as a goddess in this snapshot… anybody who’s seen me run for the bus knows I cannot relate!


17. Loved-up Lady

(Image Credit: Dominic Lipinski/WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Kate is completely ga-ga over her newborn, we can all relate to that. Look at the pride in her eyes, she’s so excited to see this little one grow.


18. The old flame still feels like a new spark

(Image Credit: Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

Okay, so I’m super guilty of shrugging off just what a great guy my husband is but… every so often you do just look at them and burst with pride that this (slightly balding) guy is the one you’re lucky enough to have as the Daddy of your kids. Yeah. Super cute.


19. Duchess in the den!

 (Image Credit: Eddie Mulholland/WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Kate proves she doesn’t mind the dirty work! We love that she gets so involved with the kids when they’re playing! She’s beaming and completely shrugging off the signature stiff-upper-lip the royals are renowned for.

20. Kate, the Queen of cuddling

(Image Credit: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)
Even royalty needs a time out. We love how calm Kate looks, just holding her little one, eyes closed, enjoying the moment. I know this feeling so well, once the sprogs have run themselves tired and you get to hold them close again. Perfect.

21. Kate keeps it ticking over…

(Image Credit: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)

It’s hard trying to herd the kids into one place! Especially at posh events! Kate has no end of fancy dinners to attend and she’s clearly practiced in keeping the little ones in line. She’s only slightly flushed here?! By this point my kids have ripped a hole in their trousers and eaten the confetti they were meant to throw in the air… how does she do it??


22. Fresh air with the family

(Image Credit: Instagram, @kensingtonroyal)

Kate knows the importance of getting the kids out and about and sharing some quality time. It’s not all about ball-gowns and tiara’s, Kate is happy to throw on a pair of jeans and get out of the house (palace) with the kids for a stroll. I adore this photo, again, how does she get all the kids together with such little mess??


23. Booking babysitters

(Image Credit: Mirrorpix/Splash News)
Anybody with kids knows, you need a night without the kids! Kate knows she’s got to treat herself every so often to a date night with Wills. We love that the pair are letting themselves enjoy a bit of alone time without the kids and with whiskey in their place! Down the hatch!

24. Getting on with grandma

(Image Credit: PopSugar) 

I love that Kate has such a close relationship with the Queen. She’s clearly charmed the in-laws effortlessly. Doubtless, Liz can see that Kate is the perfect wife and mother.


25. She never lets the little ones out of her sight

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Just look at the way she gently twiddles George’s hair at the end of this clip? It isn’t hard to see that, like all Mom’s, Kate’s whole world revolves around her beautiful children.

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And there you have it! Royal or otherwise, we all love our babies! Kate is such a fab Mummy, just like so many others!

Tell us about the Moms who deserve this kind of appreciation in the comments below and share this with your friends and family, because everybody needs a little more Middleton! AAx



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