Don’t Be Alarmed But Spiders Could Eat Every Person On Earth Within One Year If They Get Organized

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There are many, many many people in this world who do not like spiders, some even suffer from a severe phobia of spiders named arachnophobia. Me? I don’t mind them so much. Well, I didn’t that is, until I wrote this…

Okay, I’m just gonna start this by ripping the bandaid right off with this one. As it turns out, considering the fact that spiders are able to eat so much food in comparison to their own body weight that they could very technically eat every single human being on Earth within just one year if they ever wanted to. No… really.

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It won’t be surprising for you to hear, but one of the most common fears among people on Earth is in fact, the fear of spiders, or to use its more scientific name; arachnophobia. However, in all honesty, most of us don’t actually have arachnophobia – it’s more so that a large majority of those who don’t like spiders just simply aren’t massive fans of creepy crawlies… and arachnids just happen to top that list.

Personally, I think it’s quite difficult to put your finger on why most people don’t actually like spiders that much. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that it’s mostly those eight-legged, spider-lookin’ creepy crawlies friends we end up seeing inside out houses most often… despite the fact that the ones that do end up in our houses are pretty much completely harmless. But I suppose, there are some species of spiders that can bite you… and if you happen to live in certain parts of the world, those bites potentially can be fatal.

Alas, as mentioned before, for the most part at least, spiders are pretty darn harmless. Unless you happen to live in some exotic country then spiders are really nothing to be afraid of whatsoever.

I mean, that is until some very… helpful scientists went ahead and pointed out how terrifying spiders could be though if every single one of them on the planet worked together as a team. In fact… when you actually go ahead and crunch the numbers (although I have no idea why you would want to), if all the spiders on the Earth suddenly got a taste for humans, arachnids could actually wipe us out entirely is less than a year.

An incredibly scary thought…yes. But thankfully, not one we really have to worry about due to the fact that there is (currently) no spider on Earth that can or wants to eat a human being. PHEW. The science and math behind it is actually pretty fascinating though, as laid out by The IndependentThe world’s spiders eat between 400 and 800 million tonnes of prey every single year. Seeing as it’s estimated that the total weight of all the humans on Earth comes to around 287 million tonnes, you can see why it wouldn’t take potential man-eating spiders long to wipe us out.

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The report, which was published inside the Science and Nature Journal, actually delves even deeper into the diet of the spider. And despite their teeny tiny size, collectively, spiders do eat around the same amount of food as the world’s whales do each year. Yep… that’s right, whales could actually eat us all too if they actually felt like they wanted to. Isn’t that wonderful news? However… that one was probably a little less surprising… besides, obviously, marine creatures would have a much harder time getting to us all than spiders would.

Are you somebody who hates spiders? What do you think of the idea man-eating spiders? Do you know of any other crazy scientific theories you’d like to share with us? Then do so in the comments! And don’t forget to share this with all your friends and family to… warn them! x

The post Don’t Be Alarmed But Spiders Could Eat Every Person On Earth Within One Year If They Get Organized appeared first on Go Social.

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