Woman Share’s Her Grandad’s ‘Boyfriend Rules’ List And It Is Absolutely Hilarious

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Most of us have probably had to deal with our fair share of overprotective parents in our lifetime, am I right? I know it was 100% the case for me (in fact, my Dad still refers to my husband as ‘my good friend’), but I suppose that’s all just part of the growing up process. And anyway, technically it’s their job to be protective, right?

Yeah, protective parents are usually a pretty standard thing to deal with. But what do you do when you have an overprotective grandad as well?

Well, this is exactly the predicament 21-year-old Amie McHugh found herself in earlier this year. Amie (thankfully!) shared a screenshot of a message her beloved grandfather, William, sent her via Whatsapp, which laid out quite the set of ground rules that she is to apply to any of her future potential love interests.

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Amie is a student, who hails originally from Airdire in Lanarkshire, Scotland of the UK, took straight to Twitter in order to say that she was ‘howlin’ (Which I am told by a very reliable source is British slang for ‘laughing really hard) at her Grandad’s strict set of rules.

To make the matter even more hilarious, the message in question, like many messages that come from ‘senior citizens’ often are, was written ENTIRELY IN CAPITAL LETTERS!!!

As you can see, the rules themselves ranged from the adorable sentiments like ‘he must ‘never look at another girl’ while he’s with Amie; he must be ‘very kind” to the absolutely hilarious (and very important) ‘he must be Roman Catholic; he must ‘offer to pay’ if he’s ever in William’s company’.

You can read William’s full set of rules below!:

Rule 1: “He must be RC [Roman Catholic].”

Rule 2: “He must be Celtic supporter.”

Rule 3: “He must be working.”

Rule 4: “I must like him.”

Rule 5: “He must like me.”

Rule 6: “He must be financially well off.”

Rule 7: “He must never look at another girl while in this relationship.”

Rule 8: “He must be very kind.”

Rule 9: “He must have a car.”

Rule 10: “Whenever in my company he must offer to pay bill.”

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Luckily for Amie (and her future potential lovers, I guess), her grandad William stopped his rules at the number 10. However, he did  hint that there could be more, by signing off his message with:

 “Ok that’s it so far.”

Amie further explained online that her grandfather is the one who has always been there for her and that they pretty much see each other very regularly. So. CUTE!

She went on to say:

“I was brought up with my granda always being there for me, and he only lives a two-minute walk away so I see him nearly every day,” she said.

Amie has also insisted that his list of rules and regulations were, in fact, more of a joke, and says she won’t be taking any of them too seriously…. but I suppose we’re just going to have to see what her protective grandfather has to say about that!

And Amie has been sure to put out there that, thankfully, her own list of requirements for a future potential partner in crime is just a little more realistic (but hey, it’s still good to have some standards, am I right, ladies!? (Learnt that one a little too late myself)

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In her own words she said:

“I just look for someone to have fun with who’s a good laugh, the small details don’t matter much to me,”

Still, it must be really nice to know that she does have her number one fan, grandad William to look out for her best interests! And by the sounds of it, anyone who doesn’t like him (aka rule number 5, remember?) honestly isn’t worth Amie’s precious time anyway!

But hey, after this I think Amie will be hard pushed to find anyone who doesn’t like her Grandad. I mean who doesn’t love someone with a sense of humor as brilliant as his!

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So what’s your opinion, folks? Do you agree with this grandad William’s rules? Have you ever given your kids, grandkids or anybody else a set of rules like this to follow in certain situations? Or maybe you’re said kid or grandkid who’s had to follow the rules yourself. If so let me know in the comments!



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