20 VERY Dangerous Dogs And Their “Beware of the Dog” Signs
“Beware of the Dog” signs are always great to have up, they deter burglars and cover your back if you have an aggressive dog that reacts badly to strangers. However, a lot of owners put up these signs ironically as their dog is, in fact, a big softie.
These dogs decided to take it upon themselves to prove just how SCARY and DANGEROUS they are by posing next to their signs and they really aren’t convincing anybody…
1.) Aggressively defending his land
This dog definitely means business. Look at how casual he is, just lounging around by a sign that makes him look FAR scarier than he actually is. 10 out of 10 would offer him a snack.
2.) Are you sure?
Bored Panda
I think that this sign is lying to us. That TINY dog peeping through the cracks in the fence looks nothing like the scary-looking dog depicted in the picture. Small dogs can be pretty aggressive though so you never know…
3.) You should be very afraid
I am so intimidated by this dog, the fear is very real. Would you be brave enough to approach this dangerous dog? I know I wouldn’t be. Just kidding, the looks like the friendliest dog in the world!
4.) Are these dogs real?
These dogs literally look like soft toys, that’s how NOT intimidating they are. Obviously this duo are the best guards dogs ever though, only because people will be distracted by how adorable they are!
5.) Sleeping on the job
This guard dog isn’t doing a particularly good job, he can’t scare people away while asleep! Although, I’m sure that when he’s awake he is incredibly scary and intimidating…
6.) The scariest dog breed ever
As I’m sure you all know, Golden Retrievers are an incredibly dangerous dog breed…or not. I don’t think that there’s any danger here, this Goldie is actually SMILING…unless that’s a trap of course.
7.) Who let the killer dog loose?!
Amanda Syzmczak
If I was a criminal, I would certainly think twice before approaching this ferocious pooch. Although I’m joking, I must admit that this little Chihuahua is sat like she means business.
8.) I don’t like the look in his eye
Amy Duke
This dog has some kind of crazy eye twitch going on, I’m pretty sure he will rip any trespassers limb from limb. Any dog with a crazy eye twitch is one to avoid.
9.) This dog made his own sign!
Hmm, this seems a little fishy to me. The spelling mistakes and the sign saying to pet the dog, I’m pretty sure this mischievous dog made his own sign. I would definitely pet him though!
10.) Very dangerous dog
Bored Panda
This dog definitely looks like he is capable of viciously attacking anyone who enters. The rolling around, exposing his tummy is just a way to make you trust him. He definitely knows what he is doing.
11.) Pretty accurate
The Wisdom Journal
This dog has a sign for it’s specific breed and I believe it! No, it won’t bite your face off but your ankles are in real danger here. I don’t think its worth the risk.
12.) Poor Joey
Bless Joey and his little personalised doormat. He looks so sad about the beware warning, all Joey wants to do is love!
13.) A more direct approach
Meaghan Crowell
This owner really wants to make sure that you get the message. Not only does he have two signs but two dogs too! Also, the body comment really concerns me, I definitely wouldn’t risk going round his house!
14.) Enter at your own risk
This pup could easily take ANYONE down. I definitely don’t think it’s worth the risk trying to pass the fence with this guard dog on patrol, incredibly intimidating.
15.) He’s watching you
This dog is alert and ready to defend his property! He looks like a friendly pooch really and I’m sure he is, I certainly wouldn’t want to risk finding out if the sign is accurate though…
16.) He’s on his way
How did the dog get up there?! I really would beware of him, he seems to have superpowers. Also, whats with the red hand prints all over that fence? That has me just a little worried, is it from one of the dog’s victims?
17.) Who could be scared of that adorable face?!
You know what they say, don’t judge a book by its cover, you never know what this adorable fluffy dog could be capable of doing. I think I’m willing to find out though as he is so cuddly!
18.) Scary puppy
Don’t laugh at this adorable little puppy carrying his sign around or he might attack. His innocent looks work to his advantage as no one suspects him to be a killer…
19.) Trying to attack
This puppy is trying to attack the person taking the picture! Well, either that or he has got his head stuck trying to get someone to pet him.
20.) The saddest guard dog ever
Aww, this poor dog definitely doesn’t seem to like his job as guard dog! He just wants people to love him, not be scared of him!
Let this be a warning to you, these are incredibly dangerous dogs with signs that tell you so, listen to the signs! I still want to be best friends with all of these good boys and girls though. Which one was your favourite? Let us know in the comments!
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