Teacher Calls Pupil’s Work ‘Absolutely Pathetic’ Sparking Calls For Her To Be Fired
A Pennsylvania father has sparked calls for his son’s 2nd grade elementary teacher to be fired after she wrote on the top of his test ‘absolutely pathetic’, due to the fact that the child ‘answered 13 in 3 mins’, and the internet is furious.
(Source: Facebook)
Chris Piland furiously posted this photo on the 16th April of his 7 year old son Kamdyn’s test with the comment, ‘My son Kamdyn’s teacher has been so rude to him and myself all year he comes home with this and I am beyond frustrated that someone would write this on a childs work such great motivation’.
The photo quickly went viral and caused an uproar amongst parents across America and further afield. There were some people quickly calling for her to be fired, while others were quick to defend the teacher’s position, if not her actions:
One enraged Peckville village resident, said, “A teacher bullied […] a second grader, I think they should be fired.”
While another resident made the more considered point, “We [teachers] do millions of things that people don’t see behind closed doors, things that are good for kids […] One moment cannot define this teacher’s character”.
(Source: vves)
The petition titled, ‘Petition to fire Alyssa Rupp Bohenek from the Valley View school district’ on Change.org has since gained 19, 349 signatures, and the number is still rising daily! Although, another petition quickly arose ‘For Alyssa Rupp Bohenk from the Valley View School District to keep her job’, which has just under 950 signatures.
Look, as horrific as it is to write that on a child’s piece of work, teachers are often overworked and underpaid so is it really fair for her to be fired by what is essentially a form of mob justice? She should obviously be severely reprimanded for her actions as they are very unprofessional and unwarranted from a profession which should be encouraging children, but can we simply start making decisions to people’s life based upon one incident without a real knowledge of the wider context of her life and what she may be going through?
Rose Minniti, the superintendent for the school, assured people that the punishment for the behaviour would not be influenced by social media:
“It’s a personnel issue and the results of that are not going to be dictated by social media […] It’s going to be dictated by the facts and evidence […] As always with everything, we’re going to try to do what’s best for the students and what we need to do for the employee under investigation.”
I can’t imagine how angry I would be if someone wrote this on my kid’s work, and so it’s completely understandable that Chris Piland would seek help in ensuring that his child doesn’t have to undergo this kind of unnecessary abuse again. According to Fox News: “Piland says he’s just looking out for his kids, not trying to make someone lose their job.”
It truly is a horrible thing to write on a child’s piece of work, teachers should resort to such base bullying tactics. However, can we allow people’s personal lives to be dictated by mass public opinion without an insight into the intricacies of their situation? AAx
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