6 Year-Old Girl Dies After Her Brother Accidentally Shoots Her With Parent’s Firearm

Heartbreaking news from the state of Georgia

There is nothing more tragic than the death of a child due to a tragic accident, but sadly, it’s something that happens far too often. A little girl has died after her younger brother accidentally shot her in the side of the head when their mum tried to fix the family’s car.

Millie Drew Kelly, 6, was sat inside the vehicle on Monday evening with her four-year-old brother on the driveway of their home in Paulding County, Georgia.

With their mom stood outside, focusing on repairing the vehicle, the young girl’s brother apparently took a gun from the console of the vehicle and began waving it around. Tragically, the gun discharged, and Millie was struck on the right side of her head.

According to the MailOnline, Sheriff’s spokesman Sgt. Ashley Henson said: “They were all loaded up to leave the home and the car wouldn’t start. Their mother hopped out to find the source of the problem, and somehow the young boy got hold of a handgun.

“That is when she heard the shot. As you can imagine, the mom was frantic.”

Millie was immediately rushed to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta in a critical condition, but died on Wednesday evening.

A GoFundMe page has now been set up to help with the family’s expenses. In a recent update, they have posted to say that Millie’s organs hhave been donated, in order to help give life to others – a very compassionate touch from the family in this time of unimaginable grief.

The fundraiser has currently raised more than $34,000, surpassing their initial goal of $25,000. This has been donated by over 500 people in just four days.

The page gave thanks to the kindness of stragners, saying “The outpouring of love shown towards the Kelly family from friends and community is exactly what being the hands and feet of Christ is.”

“Please continue to uplift this family in prayer. They are going to need us in the days, weeks and months to come more than ever. Finally, we ask that you go and love others as Millie does!”

That’s such a nice sentiment, and I know Millie and her family will certainly be in my prayers tonight.

“Smile a Millie size smile and hug someone with all you got! Show this world that needs Jesus more than ever what it means to love.”

People have been sharing messages of love on social media, one wrote: “How awful for the 4 year old who no longer has his big sister. Two years apart and so little. They must have been the best of friends.”

In a statement given on Thursday morning, Sheriff Gary Gulledge said: “Our hearts break for this family and we hope God puts his healing hands around them during this difficult time.”

“We want to remind everyone to keep their firearms unloaded and secured in an area away from children to ensure that this never happens again.”

It has been confirmed that no charged will be filed – the incident was simply a tragic accident.

If you want to donate to Millie’s family to help with their expenses, you can do so at their GoFundMe page here.

God rest this little angel, and watch over her family. AAx

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