21 Times This Photoshop Wizard Took People’s Request INCREDIBLY Seriously…
Photoshop is a pretty darn controversial subject sometimes. Of course, it can be used for good and can also be pretty darn handy in moderation… however more often than not it is used for bad – and is most heavily abused, especially when it comes to the glamorous world of beautiful looking celebrities.
With extreme “face-tuning”, ridiculous body re-shaping, and the smoothing out of body parts I never even knew existed within the celebrity world, there really are no limits as to what you can photoshop (even when it comes down to the fact that you probably shouldn’t.)
But then, here’s come James Fridman to shake things up! James is a hilarious photoshop pro who takes his skills to a whole new level. He’s more than earned quite the following of fans for himself across the internet and for one very good reason – his edit responses to peoples requests are absolutely HILARIOUS.
Although he does come with one warning to anyone who dares to submit a request to him;
Be careful what you wish for!
1. Well, she asked for it…
This one is AMAZING. I love how he has edited the guys head so that he is ACTUALLY looking down, it’s hilarious and I love it.
2. The scariest thing I’ve ever witnessed…
In James’ defense, the Teletubbies WERE some of the freakin’ scariest lookin’ things on the TV back in the day. I’d probably run from them myself!
3. Now you see it, now you don’t.
The phone is now gone and Jesse gets to flash a little bit of thigh… cheeky! Totally a win-win situation in this picture. 100%.
4. No Changes Necessary
James is a bit of a softie, too, and clearly, he knows that just because others think they need their self-perceived “flaws” fixing on photoshop, he knows when he should deny their request and remind the sender that their “flaws” are what make them beautiful. Good job James!
5. Very Important Sign
Maybe next time she should specify exactly what sign she wants to be holding up. Although this one is pretty darn convincing.
6. I see what you did there… kind of. DO you get it? Do you? it’s like… like he literally REMOVED HIS GLASSES… instead of just photoshopping them off of his face. GENIUS. And also… hilarious. Incredible effort!
7. Your wish is my command…
I know these seem like silly photos but the sheer talent it takes to make them is unreal. I mean just check out the washing machine picture!? That little tuft of hair sticking out of the top of the door… it’s all in the details people!
8. Prom Throwback
It’s never great when you break up with someone and suddenly realize they’re in some of the most important pictures you’ve ever taken. Thank god for freakin’ photoshop!
9. Yep, that’ll do.
Student loans definitely are more expensive than that car so he did do what you asked…not sure that’s exactly what this guy had in mind though.
10. You asked for it…
If I’m completely honest, I definitely prefer the second one. Who wouldn’t love to wear a massive t-shirt with their bro? At least they are matching now…
11. Three Little Piggies…
Aww, these guys look super cute together now that they are all the same size. The girl on the right is the best, her proportions are a little out though…
12. No such thing as imperfections.
James also uses his editing skills to do absolutely nothing at all. This poor kid was being bullied over something so unnoticeable to the rest of us that James refused to remove it, encouraging us all to embrace our imperfections!
13. Selfieing when you’re hungry is a dangerous game.
I can completely relate to this. It’s actually impossible for me to smile when I’m hungry, it’s quite worrying.
14. Don’t wish your life away!
Why on Earth would you want to make yourself look older?! I LOVE what James has done here, to be honest, I want to be older if this is the kind of party I’ll be invited to, it looks awesome.
15. Don’t forget to wear your seatbelts, folks!
Before you ask to photoshop a seatbelt out again, think about this picture and the consequences of not wearing a seatbelt. Even if the car is stationary and you are parked, always wear your seatbelt or James will get you…
16. Face Swap.
Took me a while to notice the difference between these two photographs, however, if you look closely you can see it… all James has gone and done is swapped the two faces around, and it’s absolutely hilarious!
17. Romantic engagement pictures
To be fair, she didn’t specify whether to make the guys look more in place or the couple! At least the two guys look more at home now…my problem is, who the heck took this engagement photo?!
18. Captain Big Face
What concerns me is that this woman actually has that much of an issue with the size of her boyfriend’s face. Thankfully, James was here to put her right and he LITERALLY made her boyfriends face quite a bit smaller…
19. Get that gum out!
Something tells me James didn’t try to remove that writing… although I have to admit, the one with the bubblegum is a lot more fun than the original one!
20. Would you like a side of wings with that?
Come on, photoshopped wings on your back…really? I’m glad James responded with a bucket of chicken wings instead, I know which one I would prefer.
21. The most important one of all.
There’s no way I couldn’t finish on this request… it’s just so incredibly powerful and honest. Good for you James for taking the time out of your day to send this message to this young lady who obviously truly needed to hear it! Remember everybody, nobodies life is easy, or perfect, and the marks we gain throughout life are marks of strength and hope! And you should never deny yourself them.
And as for James, well, James never fails to make us laugh with his photoshop creations. I love how he doesn’t promote changing photos for aesthetic purposes and rather for comedic value. Keep using photoshop for good James, we love you! And thanks for bringing us joy on a daily basis with your hilarious, yet important photoshop requests!
So what do you think folks, would you like to have a photo retouched by James and his amazing photoshop skills? Or do you think the idea of using photoshop to correct any sort of images is completely and utterly ridiculous? Let me know in the comments! And don’t forget to share this with your friends and family so that they can join in with the laughter too! AAx
The post 21 Times This Photoshop Wizard Took People’s Request INCREDIBLY Seriously… appeared first on Go Social.
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