Don’t Do These 20 Things If You Want To Be A Real Lady

Women receive a lot of advice about how to live their life on a daily basis, it can get pretty exhausting. However, many women turn their nose up at etiquette, thinking that it’s outdated and old-fashioned. Well, apparently there are certain things you should and shouldn’t do in order to be a real lady…

So, you might want to avoid these common etiquette mistakes if you want to be taken seriously as a real ladylike lady. Or, you could just ignore them and live your life how you want…it’s up to you! A true lady would never make THESE terrible mistakes though…

1.) Don’t wear fake designer items

No, you don’t have to spend all of your money on ridiculously priced designer bags and clothes but if you can’t afford it, don’t even bother buying the fake. Apparently, it will ruin your first impression when meeting people, with your poor-quality designer rip-offs. Instead, choose stylish high-quality bags and outfits that you can afford, remember, they don’t HAVE to be designer.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t tell the difference between fakes and real designer pieces which is probably why I’m just a normal girl…

2.) Don’t make fashion mistakes

Phulkari Co. / Pinterest

A real lady would never DREAM of subjecting herself to baggy clothes such as tracksuits. Yes, they may be comfortable and practical but those two words have no place in a ladies closet. Her clothing is sophisticated, tasteful and compliments her body.

I think I prefer being comfortable in tracksuits but I guess I’m throwing those out now…

3.) Don’t slouch

Vancouver Chiropractor / SelectHealth

Royal posture is vitally important when fulfilling the role of a real lady. When you’re slouching, you look lazy, burdened and sleepy. Thankfully, it’s easy to improve your posture with regular exercises and determination.

When I’m working at my computer I look like a real-life gremlin rather than a real lady…

4.) Do take good care of yourself

Video Blocks / Women Buddha

Real ladies only ever eat healthily, they love sports and skin care. Ladies always have amazing glowing skin, are in good shape and have great hair. It’s important to take care of yourself.

I agree with maintaining good self-care and eating healthily. However, regular exercise and constant salads aren’t the most appealing of things.

5.) Don’t wear too much makeup

Pinterest / YouTube

If you are a real lady, your skin should look amazing and so you can get away with minimal makeup. Real ladies are great at applying subtle makeup and know how to compliment their best facial features. She doesn’t need tons of makeup to look gorgeous!

A lot of women see makeup as a form of expression and love creating exciting looks. However, we all need to ditch the eyeliner and eyeshadow if we want to be ladies, sorry.

6.) Don’t fuss

Freepik / Video Blocks

Ladies are in control of any nervous habits such as playing with hair, fidgeting with your hands or bouncing your knee. Real ladies are patient, calm and just stand or sit still.

From now on we must all sit perfectly still with amazing posture, balancing books on our head. If anyone asks what we are doing, just smile and tell them how you are being a real lady.

7.) Don’t drink out of the bowl

PixCove / What Woman Needs

A real lady would NEVER drink soup out of a bowl in order to get the last bit. She will eat her soup with a spoon and if the spoon can’t get the last bit of soup, she will just leave it, no matter how delicious it is.

I like to get every last scrap of my soup so this has taught me not to do that anymore. (I’m still going to do it…)

8.) Don’t gossip

Almay / The Tempest

Real ladies are never rude about others and don’t spread rumours. Whining and gossiping are taboos for real ladies and they don’t have time to talk about other people, it’s beneath them.

This one I can agree with, we shouldn’t gossip about one another as it only spreads hate and judgement. We should all be real ladies in this sense!

9.) Don’t talk or laugh loudly

Tenor / Masterfile

When you are a real lady, you need to watch the tone of your voice, avoid vulgar language and loud laughter. You should have the same, quiet ladylike voice in all scenarios.

I don’t know about you but when I laugh, I laugh loudly, I just can’t help it. Swearing is also a frequent part of my vocabulary. Sadly, I don’t think that I qualify as a real woman.

10.) Don’t argue

Illimitable Men / The Daily Meal

A true lady is 100% of her own opinion and doesn’t see the point in wasting time trying to get others to agree. She will never force her opinion on others and sees no need to prove her position.

This is a great attitude to have but what happened to standing up for what you believe in?

11.) Don’t eat on the go

SheKnows / Shutterstock

You must use cutlery when eating at the table if you want to appear to be a real lady. Also, avoid ever eating on the go, real ladies rearrange their busy schedule in order to fit in a sit-down meal.

I personally don’t know anyone who has enough time to have a sit-down meal every single day but I guess that just means that I’m terrible at organising my schedule.

12.) Don’t be too honest

Shutterstock /

If you want to give off the appearance of a lady, you should never talk to strangers. Ladies never reveal their personal life, innermost thoughts, fears or even their job to new people.

I’m a very open person and probably share far too much with people I meet, what do ladies actually talk to strangers about then?

13.) Don’t wear white high heels

Pinterest / Asos

White high heels are an absolute no-go for real ladies. You can only wear white pumps with a wedding gown or a white summer dress. The rest of the time beige, two-tone or black heels should be worn.

I don’t know about you but I didn’t realise that the colour of your shoes was so important. Also, what’s wrong with white high heels?! I’m definitely not ladylike enough for this…

14.) Don’t be late

Smart Women Travelers / Shutterstock

A true lady knows how unacceptable it is to be more than 15 minutes late. She values her time as well so if something kept her waiting more than 15 minutes, she will just leave.

I mean, this is just common decency but sometimes we can’t control a train or bus being late. I guess real ladies control public transport too?

15.) Don’t leave your umbrella open to dry

Twitter / AliExpress

It’s a common mistake for normal girls to leave their umbrellas open to dry. However, real ladies always shake the water off and put it on an umbrella stand to dry. You must close your umbrella before entering the building.

My umbrellas never dry unless I leave them open but I guess now I will just have permanently wet umbrellas.

16.) Don’t respond to sneezes with “bless you”

If the said sneezer is a close friend or family member, then a real lady will say “bless you” If the person sneezing isn’t someone you know well, just ignore it like you didn’t hear it.

I would feel exceptionally rude not to say bless you to someone who sneezed. I will never stop, real lady or not!

17.) Always wear tights

Lulus / Fashionmylegs

Etiquette rules always state that ladies must wear pantyhose to work and other formal occasions, even if it is a hot summers day. If it’s too hot you can always wear loose pants.

I like wearing dresses without tights in the summer and I couldn’t imagine how uncomfortable this must be. Real ladies are dedicated, I’ll give them that.

18.) Don’t ever refuse food or drinks offered by the host

The How / BBC

It is very rude to say no to food or drinks that the host offers you, real ladies always accept food or drink offered gratefully. If you aren’t drinking you can just take a sip of the wine and then set it down.

I would have thought it ruder to accept food and drink then not touch it. That’s why I will never be a real lady, I’m just too basic…

19.) Don’t dance with your hair down

Radisson Blu Blog

Real ladies always wear their hair up and never wear stiletto heels when dancing, they always think about others and don’t want to injure other dancers. A true lady values health and safety.

I thought dancing with your hair down was quite liberating and thrilling but I guess that’s too much fun for real ladies.

20.) Don’t blow on your food to cool it down

Masterfile / Medical News Today

It is completely unacceptable to blow on your food. Real ladies wait patiently for their food to cool down, stirring it with a spoon often helps.

I am a very impatient person and if I’m hungry, I’m going to wait to eat my food. Screw waiting for it to cool down when I can cool it down by blowing on it!

So, what do you think? Are you a real lady according to these etiquette rules? Do you have any tips yourself or do you think this is all ridiculous? Let us know in the comments!

The post Don’t Do These 20 Things If You Want To Be A Real Lady appeared first on Go Social.

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