Dog Owner Tries to Get His Girlfriend ‘Re-homed’ Because She Doesn’t Like His Beagle

If you’re anything like me, you love your pets so much that you consider them part of the family. In fact, I’d go out on a limb and say that there are plenty of family members who I don’t like anywhere near as much as my dog (naming no names!)

Considering how much we love our pets, dating someone who isn’t as keen on them can be a real turn-off. If someone you were dating asked you to choose between them and your family member, you’d probably immediately show them the door.

But for whatever reason, there are people out there who think it’s appropriate to ask their significant other to choose between their pet and them.

This is literally always a bad move. Even if they somehow agree to part ways with the pet – which they almost definitely won’t – they will likely resent you for the rest of the relationship for making them choose.

One boyfriend had the best response when he was given this ultimatum – instead of getting rid of his beloved Beagle, he put an ad up on Craigslist which appeared to be a typical ‘free to a good home’-style ad, but had a hilarious twist at the end.

First of all, here is a picture of the Beagle in question, which I think we should all take a moment to appreciate:

How could anyone get rid of this perfect creature?

The Virginian beagle owner decided to pen a hilarious Craigslist ad seeking “any willing home” for his “purebred.” He placed the following ad in the “community/pets” section of the website:

“My girlfriend does not like my beagle Molly. SO I have to re-home her,” he wrote. “She is a purebred from a wealthy area and I have had her 4 years. She likes to play games. Not totally trained. Has long hair so she’s a little high maintenance, especially the nails, but she loves having them done.”

It seems as if Molly’s dad is talking about Molly, but readers soon learn that this isn’t the case.

“Stays up all night yapping but sleeps while I work. Only eats the best, most expensive food,” he continues. “Will NEVER greet you at the door after a long day or give you unconditional love when you’re down. Does not bite but she can be mean as hell!”

Wow… this doggy sounds like a nightmare to own!

“So… anyone interested in my 30-year-old, selfish, wicked, gold-digging girlfriend?” he asks. “Come and get her! Me and my dog want her re-homed ASAP!!”

Ahhh, I see what you did there!

Once they had stopped laughing, people commenting on the post agreed with the original poster that his girlfriend was being unreasonable.

“The dog should not be the one leaving. She’s your child not just a dog” said one. “The trauma you do to that baby is cruel and despicable. Girlfriends come and go but baby’s stay forever”.

“I give you six months with the girlfriend what are you going to feel like then about giving up your baby” said another. “It shows who will wear the pants in your life. If she can’t accept you and your baby you need to think twice before you continue a relationship with someone so cruel.”

Amen to that! I ain’t giving up my beloved pooch for anyone, and if someone asked me to, they’d be out the door!

The post Dog Owner Tries to Get His Girlfriend ‘Re-homed’ Because She Doesn’t Like His Beagle appeared first on Go Social.

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