Bratty Kid Won’t Move His Legs On Crammed Subway So Sassy Stranger Sits On Them

Is there anything worse than other people’s badly behaved children? We think not.

It doesn’t matter what Mommy and Daddy think, we see these spiteful sprogs for exactly what they are; seat kicking, tantrum throwing, peace killing, howling brats. One commuter had finally had enough and, blessedly, someone documented the *entire* thing.

He’s lounging now but not for long… Also, look at the girl in the reflection, “God, give me patience with this child.”

(Image credit: da_drought_3)

We can hear your blood boiling already, you know where this goes…angry Sports bar GIF by Originals

But this behavior is forgivable, right? Maybe the more persnickety parents amongst us wouldn’t want shoes on the seat. But save your outrage, it’s about to get *so* much worse/better.

Our mystery commuter boards the train and all hell breaks loose. For now, we’ve only got a snapshot of our heroes tan satchel, backing up into the leg-populated seat. He’s taking no prisoners and we couldn’t be more excited. What does this satchel wearing wonder look like? Read on for the full reveal…

Look at that kid’s expression, that’s bratty innocence leaving his body via the face. Beautiful.

(Image credit: da_drought_3)

So, the insolent child’s arrogance is beginning to crack beneath the glorious weight of our righteous satchel wearer. There are protestations, can this guy not see mama’s angel needs his leg room?! You bet he can’t. So the stakes get higher and outright outrage begins. He’s about to be put in his freakin’ place.

kim kardashian smile GIF
Which is very satisfying to know if you’ve ever been in this situation before.

Paradise Lost… on the subway.

(Image credit: da_drought_3)

“Excuse me, Sir! My very important legs are resting there!”

“I could not give less of a freakin’-,”

Hang on, these still images aren’t giving us the full, epic drama of the encounter.

Let’s see this in *action*.

(Image credit: da_drought_3)

God bless the almighty GIF and the bountiful joy it brings.

Also, whose side is this mother on? She seems pretty apathetic to both parties, just wants to relax and listen to her tunes. Although, honestly, who can blame her? This is the first time she’s sat down in a week, her offspring usually needs her seat to rest his legs.

Maybe we’d feel we were being a little harsh if the kid wasn’t *so* emphatically repulsed by the notion of being considerate to a stranger. Don’t be giving us that look kiddo, we’re giving it right back to you.

not sorry GIF

But what now? Pandemonium in the carriage? Yelling, weeping, the break down of civilization as we know it? No. It’s even better.

A lesson is learned. The world is righted.

(Image credit: da_drought_3)


AND we get a full-length look at our social justice warrior. AND he looks fabulous.

The darkened shades, he knows he’s a star. That scarf was made to be flung over the shoulder in one dramatic sweep. Rolling up his sleeves so they don’t get in the way of all the teachable moments he’s got to deal out today. That phone better be on the front facing camera, we want a selfie to commemorate this momentous occasion. This is 2019’s iconic look; sunglasses and zero percent tolerance for annoying children.

Keep fighting the good fight and raise your kids to be polite…airplane kicking GIF by Cheezburger


Had a similar experience? Haven’t we all?! Let us know about the times you’ve been in a similar situation, we’re sure you dealt with things just as well as our subway savior!

kid plane GIF


The post Bratty Kid Won’t Move His Legs On Crammed Subway So Sassy Stranger Sits On Them appeared first on Go Social.

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