22 Dads Absolutely Nailing The Parenting Game
From Dad jokes to Dad bods the fate of a father is a funny thing. We love these prime examples of paternal perfection.
You don’t have to look far to find the stereotypical scene: Mum comes home after leaving Dad with the kids and hell has broken loose in her absence. Though it’s not for us to say whether that idea is fact or fiction we know one thing for certain, we’re *very* impressed by these Papas. Ingenious or idiotic these Dads are trying their best, and for that we salute you!
1. This baby wrap isn’t really wrapping the baby, just precariously suspending it from Dad’s chest…
(Image Credit: @dadshit / Via Instagram: @dadshlt)
What matters is that baby looks happy (if slightly concerned).
2. You *could* clip your baby’s vest between their legs OR you could fashion them a far superior cute crop top?
(Image Credit: @nikki_baron / Via Instagram: @nikki_baron)
The look on this child’s face, they just want to know when Mum is coming home.
3. This Dad who gave his daughter a water bottle twice her body weight and could only look on in shock when things went wrong…
(Image Credit: @kristinsday via Instagram)
It’s like bath time but with ten times more betrayal. “Father, why have you forsaken me?”
4. This baby needs Dad to put him properly in his papoose but he looks so cute smooshed up like this!
(Image Credit: @lucmoorey / Via Instagram: @lucmoorey)
The cheeks on this little goober!
5. Baby butt/mouse pad are one and the same to this Dad
(Image Credit: Via imgur.com)
We’ve all made that mistake before.
6. This Dad, who missed out on a successful career in hairdressing
(Image Credit:@cartasdocanada / Via Instagram: @cartasdocanada)
Again, the kid knows something is *not* right but where’s Mum to fix it??
7. This Dad is celebrating his daughter’s birthday in a very special way…
… by having somebody else’s name on her cake
He’s suitably abashed, here’s hoping Not Billy still enjoyed her day!
8. An ingenious hack from this Dad, let’s just hope the baby isn’t being strapped into guacamole every day
Nappies have never looked so delicious.
9. ANOTHER Dad who could have made a fortune in the hair dressing world
Bit worried by the fairly aggressive release at the end. Careful not to shove your kid’s face into the cabinets when using this hack.
10. This girl is blessed to have a Daddy who can find the magic in a laundry basket and TV screen
(Image Credit: Zena Levine Gay / Via youtube.com)
That’s some serious suspension of disbelief!
11. A father wearing florals better than his daughter
She’s beautiful but her Dad is the one really stealing the scene.
12. It’s good to have a parent who really teaches you your limits
(Image Credit: earphone4 / Via reddit.com)
He’s got an admirable amount of trust in her driving abilities!
13. This girl got her phone confiscated by Dad… but he still finds a way to send her these savage texts
(Image Credit: Twitter: @bailee_xox)
This daughter probably aspires to be as cool as her Dad. We all do.
14. An exceptionally artistic eye, let’s hope it’s passed down to this little one
(Image Credit:khalifa69 / Via reddit.com)
Memorable moments are always guarenteed when you get creative with a fruit bowl.
15. Dad is loud and proud about his selfie stick, if only his family were similarly keen…
Varying levels of desperation here, ten points to the son in spectacles, at least he’s humouring his dear Dad.
16. This Dad is not afraid to embrace his daughter’s style but he should be
(Image Credit:therealburrmartin / Via instagram.com)
Kudos to this guy, it’s character building stuff.
17. Next level Dad jokes you just can’t touch
(Image Credit: randomgeekydad / Via instagram.com)
This is next level pun humour, bravo!
18. Prom is a memorable night, and you’d never forget this Dad’s facial expression
(Image Credit:imgur.com)
Her prom date must have been terrified!
19. There’s a special bond between fathers and their daughter’s, but sometimes the little princess gets faced with some no nonsense parenting
(Image Credit:females.relatez / Via instagram.com)
He should be running a relationship column, his talents are wasted here.
20. Word of (kind of?) encouragement from this proud Papa
(Image Credit: WilfordBrimly / Via instagram.com)
This poor kid doesn’t need any further accidents, Dad!
21. Child-proofing a home is never easy, but this guy makes it look effortless
(Image Credit: Instagram: @undefined)
Kids are too good at getting at the stuff you don’t want them to. Good job Dad is way ahead!
22. This little girl needs a hearing aid, so Dad got one too
(Image Credit: Alistair Campbell)
Give us a moment, our hearts are exploding from how genuinely lovely this is.
Bless these weird, witty and wonderful Dad’s! Though some of their methods may be, at best…. questionable, we love seeing them trying their hardest for their kids.
Did your Dad have a particularly bad Dad joke? Have a story that will make us cringe harder than some of the above just did? Let us know and celebrate the fab father’s across the world!
The post 22 Dads Absolutely Nailing The Parenting Game appeared first on Go Social.
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