20 Memes That Are Too Real For People Who Travel A Lot

Who doesn’t love to travel? You get to see the world, meet new cultures of people and eat a variety of delicious cuisines. However, travelling does come with some downsides too. Whether it’s delayed flights or not knowing what to pack, it can be difficult to get from point A to point B in a stress-free fashion.

Obviously, the pros of travelling definitely outweigh those minor annoying cons, however, it can be funny to laugh at them every once in a while.

Whether you can’t afford to travel and need a laugh or travelling is your bread and butter, these memes will definitely get you laughing and ready for your next adventure!

1.) On a new adventure

travelmemes_ / Instagram

This is amazing and definitely VERY relatable. If only I could afford to jet off to Dubai I could stop staring through milk carton handles pretending that I’m on a plane…sigh.

2.) Feels nice to be included

The number of times we have all probably done this is pretty unbelievable. Maybe if people included the entire car in the conversation this wouldn’t happen though!

3.) The sad truth

Friends can be the most reliable people in the world until it comes to travelling and parting with money and days off work. Thankfully, travelling alone is still fun as you can make friends on the road! You only need yourself to have a good time travelling…that’s what I tell myself anyway.

4.) The best feeling in the world

When you’re flying in an aeroplane, high above the rest of the world, it is a nice thought thinking that you’re away from all your stresses, including people! I’m sure most of us could happily stay up there forever.

5.) We’ve gone backwards…

Sadly, planes are often quite cramped and you can end up sitting next to someone you rather wouldn’t. Unfortunately, we can’t all afford first class service like Susan can.

6.) We’ve all been there

A lot of us tend to overpack when we go on holiday, even if it’s only for a few days. By overpack, we mean packing clothes we have never worn from years ago and probably the kitchen sink too. Hey, it’s better to be overprepared than underprepared!

7.) Lesson: don’t visit tourist hotspots

It’s great to see the most famous tourist locations in different countries, however, don’t expect to get great pictures as they are usually packed with, you guessed it, tourists! If you can find a quiet day its definitely worth it though.

8.) My luggage doesn’t weigh the same as a SPACE SHUTTLE

This is so unbelievably true! I think that the airlines are just trying to con us out of money. If they can carry an entire space shuttle on the plane, they can carry the excessive amount of clothes I’ve packed!

9.) A well-seasoned traveller

Wittbrass / Reddit

This man definitely knows what he is doing and simply has to be a well-seasoned traveller. I am very impressed with his method of making his carry-on weigh less, definitely trying this next time!

10.) Patience is a virtue

People do seem to get MIGHTY impatient as soon as the plane hits the ground. It takes a long time to get off the plane, don’t rush and make it more stressful than it needs to be. Jeez, some people!

11.) Very true.

travelmemes_ / Instagram

When travelling with your parents, it is immediate panic stations the second the day of said-travel happens to arrive. Flight at 2 pm? We MUST arrive at the airport by 7 am JUST IN CASE. Then your flight is delayed another 5 hours and you’ve spent your entire day at the airport for no reason.

12.) We are all young at heart

Who actually doesn’t act excited and is just calm at the airport? If you are going on holiday, it’s like you are going on an adventure to a brand-new place, it’s EXCITING! Should we run around the airport shouting “I’m going on an adventure”? Probably not. Do we still do it? Definitely.

13.) We don’t all love travelling

Sometimes travelling IS overrated and there isn’t all that much to see. Especially when it’s a big clock, clocks are everywhere right? Maybe I’m just a killjoy.

14.) Every single time!

travelmemes_ / Instagram

This happens to me every single time I travel with a particular friend. They will always insist that EVERYTHING is just a short walk. Well, I’ll have you know that anything over a mile is NOT a short walk.

15.) Don’t we all…

roobots / Twitter

I think that it’s always better to be over prepared than under prepared and not have enough underwear. So I see absolutely nothing wrong with this! Unless you actually are crapping your underwear every single day, then you should probably be a little concerned.

16.) Your family should count themselves lucky

Or maybe your family are the exact reason WHY you travel, to escape them! Anyway, there are a lot of worse things that you could be addicted to. Although, your wallet might not agree.

17.) How could you not wake me?!

How could you do this to me?! I would prefer someone to wake me up from the best sleep ever than let the snack cart escape me like that. It’s just cruel.

18.) Where do you think you’re going?

travelmemesofficial / Instagram

This happens all the time and it’s disgraceful. If someone owes you money they should pay you right away, not go on holiday! Unless I’m the one who owes money of course, then those rules don’t apply…

19.) We will never lose each other again

travelmemes_ / Instagram

I want this suitcase. No, not one of me, one of this guy. I want people to be confused, scared and wonder who the strange man on my suitcase is. Imagine if one day he and I crossed paths with our matching suitcases, it would be magical.

20.) Living the dream

travelmemes_ / Instagram

Sometimes we simply cannot afford to travel and that’s okay, we can watch our washing machine cycles go round instead because that’s FAR more fun and interesting, not to mention cheaper!

Which travel meme did you relate to the most? Let us know in the comments!

The post 20 Memes That Are Too Real For People Who Travel A Lot appeared first on Go Social.

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