Australian Police Post Very Convincing Video Of Potential UFO Sighting, Twitter Is Divided
The subject of UFOs and the possibility of alien life is one that I could talk about until the cows come home. Although I’ve never seen a UFO myself, or had a ‘close encounter’ of any kind, my personal feeling is that we’re not alone.
I mean, we’re just one planet, in a vast universe which comprises of an estimated 100 billion galaxies. How could there not be life out there somewhere?
On the other side of the argument, there are skeptics who are always keen to explain away any possible sightings caught on tape or camera, however convincing they may be. Explanations range from sneaky image editing to ‘cognitive bias’ in those who spot them, meaning that we are seeing what we want to see, as opposed to what is actually there (or not there, as the case may be).
Well, an Australian police department have shared a bizarre clip of CCTV footage which appears to show a UFO flying around during a storm, and it certainly takes some explaining.
Broome Police, from the north-west of Australia, tweeted a short clip of a weird bright light spotted in the sky while a thunderstorm hit the area. It features a spinning top-like figure comprised of light, which dances around the top-left of the screen before disappearing.
It was posted on the Police departments official Twitter account, and you can watch it below:
After reviewing CCTV at town beach of last nights storm, it appears we were not alone
— Broome Police (@BroomePol) February 17, 2019
In a caption alongside the clip the force wrote: “After reviewing CCTV at town beach of last night’s storm, it appears we are not alone.”
Since being posted yesterday, the tweet has attracted a fair bit of attention from all sorts of folks with different views on the video. One Twitter user wrote: “It’s a damn alien, but not sure if it’s area 51 replica vehicle or intergalactic vehicle.”
However, not everyone is convinced it is an impending alien invasion, and there were a whole bunch of smartypants commenters who were keen to offer their explanations. “You know it’s just light refraction from the reversing 4WD [4×4 car] right?” said one Twitter user.
A bunch of other people offered other explanations, such as lens flare or glare from an off-camera light source. This was a point made by the page ‘ufo of interest’, who according to their Twitter bio, have a mission of “Debunking hoaxes, conspiracies and misinformation”. I think it’s safe to say that they’re on the ‘skeptical’ side of the aisle, then!
ufoofinterest included their own visual demonstration of their point, as seen below:
Nice optical effect. Of course it's just a typical lens flare caused by that vehicle's reversing light.
— (@ufoofinterest) February 18, 2019
To be fair, they make a very convincing argument. I’m by no means an expert on physics or anything of that nature, but the way they set it out does seem to make a lot of sense. Why do they have to spoil my fun like that?!
Although, given what a mess we’re in at the moment, maybe it’s best that the aliens don’t make first contact for the time being. It gives us a chance to tidy up and get our best crockery out.
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