23 Of The Most Hilariously Relatable Valentine’s Cards People Gave To Their Partners This Year

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Ah, Valentine’s day. A magical day filled with love, happiness, millions of rose bouquet pictures on Instagram and annoying engagement posts on Facebook… Yeah, we all know the drill by now.

And let’s not forget one of the most important Valentine’s day traditions; the card. The card is vital to the perfect Valentine’s day because it gives you the opportunity to say all the things you’ve wanted to say to your significant other throughout the year, but couldn’t because, y’know it’s not Valentine’s day and that would just be wildly inappropriate, obviously.

However, there is one redeeming quality I enjoy about the Valentine’s Card tradition, and that’s the cards you can purchase that show how much you love your significant other, while also insulting them (No really, it’s a thing). And seeing as I’ve had nothing else to do this weekend, I decided to gather up my favorite ones in order to share them with all you lovely people. You’re welcome! And get ready to laugh.

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1. Well, they do…

Now if you’re like me and hate literally everyone, this is the perfect V-day card for you and your significant other!

2. Gross but… sweet?

I’m not usually one for “toilet” humor, but I can 100% get behind the message of this card. I mean, at the end of the date, it’s pretty freakin’ accurate, right?

3. One for the Nicolas Cage fans out there…

I knew Nicolas Cage was a versatile actor but… using him on Valentine’s cards? Absolutely genius. I know at least 3 of my boyfriends would simply love to receive this one Valentine’s day!

4. One for the foodies.

I enjoy this because it’s sweet (or savory!?) and involves one of my favorite things of all time… food.

5. The card for your significant who isn’t like officially significant but like you guys hang out a lot and you don’t hang out with anyone else so like you’re kinda together but not really together together so…

This could possibly the most perfect Valentine’s day card I’ve ever seen. If they’d had this back when I was younger… well, let’s just say there would have been a lot of guys receiving it.

6. No higher honor.

I mean if you give this card to someone then you must really, really really love them.  I mean if there’s one thing we all know, it’s that literally, nobody on this planet loves themselves as much as Kanye loves Kanye.

7. Honestly is key.

Look, we aren’t stupid, we know times have changed. It’s not like the “good old days” where you’d go down to the local Sock Hop, catch the eye of a young dandy and they’d court you for a couple of months before you finally let him kiss you on the cheek.

8. Their best feature.

I’ve honestly bought this card for a boyfriend before. But in my defense I really did want him to have a nice day… and his butt was really, really nice.

9. True Love.

Nothing says “I Love You” quite like that creepy person hanging out in your bushes without you knowing… even if you have been married to them for six years.

10. Sacrifices.

I figured I’d add this one even though 100% do not agree with it. For me, there are some things even love can’t conquer.

11. Straight to the point.

Why play games when you can just let them know what’s on the cards for the day? If you’re like me and your biggest weakness is a check-list, you know freakin’ well you won’t be able to sleep until you ticked this off! Everybody wins.

12. True Romance

Sometimes the romantic thing you can say to your SO is that yes, even after all these years, you can still bare to be in the same room as them. I mean, that’s what we all hope for at the end of the day, right?

13. Playing it cool.

The card for when you know what you want to say but are not quite sure how to say it. Or you know what you want to say and you’re not really sure you should say it. Or if you’re just a total mess when it comes to feelings and stuff in general.

14. So sweet.

You can keep your Disney fairytale endings. All I want is someone who doesn’t annoy the cr*p out of me 7 days a week. That’s my definition of a soulmate.

15. Those two, magical words.

Sometimes you reach that point in your relationship and you just gotta go “well, this is it, guess I’m stuck with you now” and honestly I think that’s the most beautiful sentiment of all.

16. Until the end of the world.

Who says romance is dead? And it’s always good to know you have someone in your life who would let you live as long as they could before shooting you in the head if the world ever had to surrender to a mass zombie outbreak.

17.  PIZZA.

Sometimes you have to go the extra mile to show someone how much you really care, and in order to do that, you have to let them know that they mean more to you than your first ever one true love (aka, Pizza).

18. A modern day romance.

Remember back in the good old days when you used to lay next to your love in the comfort of your own bed and talk about your day? Your dreams? Your wishes? Your hopes for the future? Yeah… that’s not a thing anymore.

19. Weirdos.



I believe it was the renowned poet, Dr. Seuss, who once said;

“We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”

20. Drunk texting.

It really is true what they say; it’s not about the person you think about at any old time of day, it’s about the person you text blindly a 3 am in the morning after your 16th shot of Jager and you’re so wasted you can’t even spell your own name. Now THAT’S LOVE.

22. Lovesick.


Isn’t that what Valentine’s Day is all about really? Letting your significant other know that even after all this time, you’re still not sick of seeing their face every freakin’ day, or hearing their voice every freakin’ five minutes.

23. A twist on a classic.


And last but not least, the classic roses are red… poem, with a saucy twist to it. Because after all, if you can’t spice it up on Valentine’s day, then when freakin’ can you!?

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Valentine’s day may have passed but it’s still not too late to tell those wonderful people who you kinda sorta care about in your life that you still tolerate them even though you don’t really have to. Share this with the loved ones in your life! And if you got a funny valentine’s last week… let me know in the comments! And remember; I love you ALL x

The post 23 Of The Most Hilariously Relatable Valentine’s Cards People Gave To Their Partners This Year appeared first on Go Social.

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