20 Times Doctors Had An Awesome Sense Of Humour Copy

No one really enjoys trips to the hospital or the dentist, so if your doctor has a great sense of humour, the experience is much more enjoyable! It will also make you trust the doctor so much more, making you feel much more at ease.

Stressful occupations need a good sense of humour, it makes any day much more enjoyable! These are the coolest doctors out there and I would happily go to hospital if I would get to laugh with this bunch!

1.) Make sure you rinse your hands

© Kukhura / Reddit

I wouldn’t be too keen on rinsing my hands in THIS sink. It’s not the “cleanest” looking thing in the world. I love this sense of humour though!

2.) Bring on the purge

© Caesar100 / Reddit

This doctor is more than ready to take on the purge or an intruder. I love how he is embracing his disability and loving life. I want this guy to be my doctor!

3.) Doctors love Fortnite too

© captaincookiedough1 / Reddit

Remember folks, always floss like a boss after every meal. This dentist really knows what’s in at the moment and clearly is a Fortnite fan, making looking after your teeth actually fun!

4.) A sturdy stool

© Euphoricsoul / Reddit

I never thought I would say it but this stool looks pretty nice! Sturdy craftsmanship, nice colour, all in all, this is an awesome stool!

5.) Brace yourselves for Halloween

© Bob223 / Reddit

This definitely has to be a dentist’s Halloween pumpkin. They are reminding kids to enjoy Halloween but maybe think of your teeth and lay off the candy a little…

6.) A doctor’s Christmas tree

© jacks_human / Reddit

I wonder how long this took to make? It’s pretty disturbing if you ask me. At least they are trying to be festive though! Rubber gloves give me the creeps…

7.) Dentist’s version of the poop emoji

© willardfartmore / Reddit

Do you think this dentist actually knows that this emoji is usually a poop? I like their style though, getting down with the kids with the toothpaste emoji.

8.) Diva surgeon

© CameronandHobbes / Reddit

This surgeon might be a little extra but I think she is killing it! I love the cat ears and whiskers, making even scrubs look cool. I would trust her to operate on me.

9.) Easter dentists

© GladPost / Reddit

Okay, I know that it’s awesome they are trying to make the kid feel more comfortable. But this is just terrifying. If I was at the dentist and had to stare up at two terrifying bunny rabbits, I would probably cry and that’s as an adult…

10.) They can enjoy the view

© IfYouChooseNotToDecideYouStiIIHaveMadeAChoice / Imgur

Privacy and modesty really aren’t a priority to this doctor. Yes, the whole world may be able to see you but hopefully, this is just a joke!

11.) Love a good pun

© candy_heart / Reddit

This doctor clearly knows that puns are life because they ARE. I would immediately trust this doctor just after reading their name plaque.

12.) It’s for a good cause

© K. Lesser & A. Drauglis / Flickr

Want to support your local hospital? How about you try getting sick? They will really appreciate it and you will be doing a good deed! Everyone wins, except maybe you…

13.) Before and after

© kiffmeizter / Reddit

Wow, I didn’t know that Gollum went to the dentist! Even he is better teeth than me and that’s pretty worrying. I think the dentist is trying to tell me something here.

14.) Tasty lunch

© Mags2792 / Imgur

Wow, imagine if someone actually mistook this for a human organ and took it to an operation, only to open it and discover someone else’s lunch? I’m sure all hell would break loose.

15.) Imagine waking up to this after your operation…

© dotacasher111 / Reddit

This surgeon really does love a big prank. Although, I’m not sure it’s a good idea to terrify your patients with THIS after an operation. They will wish they never woke up…

16.) Dentist waiting room

This one is pretty intense. I’m not sure this would have made me feel more at ease as a kid, I would have probably run away screaming. At least the doctor as a sense of humour though!

17.) A gift from the doctor

© rjdlrjdl / Imgur

Considering this doctor saved this guy’s nuts, why not eat some nuts to celebrate?! Seems very fitting to me.

18.) Everywhere is suitable for an eye test

© waffleshavenocrust / Reddit

This optician grabs every opportunity to test her client’s eyes. I wonder if anyone who pees on the seat HAS to get glasses. I think they should.

19.) Sassy skeleton

© peerpressure_mademe / Reddit

This doctor is a massive fan of his sassy skeleton poster. It teaches all of his patients to be sassy, it’s the cure for any illness!

20.) Fertile Christmas

© peerpressure_mademe / Reddit

This fertility clinic felt the need to DIY their own Christmas decorations and I’m loving it. They actually look cute! Which is NOT something I would ever think I would say.

I want to become best friends with all of these doctors! Did any of these tickle your funny bone? Let us know in the comments!

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