20 Passive Aggressive Notes That Say What We Are All Thinking

Sometimes people do things that are so extremely annoying, you reach levels of anger that you never quite thought was possibleā€¦it can be pretty scary to witness.

You are then left with two choices. The first is to directly confront the person about their annoying obnoxious behaviour. Or, the second option is to write a sassy passive aggressive note which is FAR more satisfying in my opinion.

1.) The truth hurts

hello.mopan / Via instagram.com

This could potentially hurt their feelings but they are hurting your hearing with their terrible singing so they definitely deserve it. Thereā€™s definitely a few people I would love to give this note to!

2.) I wonder whoā€™s paying the bills?

Twitter: @a_bar90

I have no idea someone would leave the heater on when they leave the house, this infuriates me beyond belief. Maybe they truly do believe that it magically turns itself offā€¦

3.) ā€œDonā€™t be a piggyā€¦Scrape your dish in trash before putting in sink! Rinse with warm water! Sink full? Donā€™t add to it! Wash one! Do not leave dirty plans on stove! Rinse!ā€

linniehaha / Via instagram.com

Listen to Miss Piggy, she definitely knows best. I wonder how Kermit would respond to a passive-aggressive note like this? This person is clearly pretty annoying, they need someone to tell them how to clean the dishesā€¦

4.) ā€œTURN YOUR F**KING TV OFF! Nobody wants to hear Curb Your Enthusiasm all night. Put on a timer! ā€”Next Doorā€

bidnessknowsbetter / Via instagram.com

I cannot even begin to imagine how annoying this must be to listen to every single night! Some people really do fail at basic everyday tasks such asā€¦turning the TV off before bed. Why is that so hard for some people? He was just ASKING for a sassy note.

5.) Simple but effective

shutupdadyouredrunk / Via imgur.com

I love this one. Itā€™s so simple yet incredibly effective. Its just basic morals to pick up dog poo and not just leave it, especially on someone elseā€™s lawn!

6.) Yikesā€¦

simmons.0410 / Via instagram.com

Oh wow, this is one ANGRY passive-aggressive note, I wouldnā€™t want to mess with this person! I can agree though, itā€™s boring enough having to listen to friends and family moan about drama, having to listen to your neighbours too must be awful.

7.) This one isā€¦a lot.

stacey.ogilvie / Via instagram.com

ā€œI understand times are difficult as I have heard you multiple times saying (yelling) that you do not have more than $100 in your account and that you cannot afford your DUI. Maybe if you stopped drinking you wouldnā€™t have this problem. Not to mention neighbours wouldnā€™t be having problems with you being loud and obnoxious at inappropriate times. But even if you donā€™t review your life choices at least review the volume of your voice.ā€

This one is next level savage and Iā€™m loving it! This person clearly needs to take a look at their life choices and stop making life miserable for their neighboursā€¦

8.) Stop destroying communal bathrooms

Twitter: @Tamalebrin

I am a little concerned about how bad this personā€™s poop must be for someone to leave a note like thisā€¦they really need to probably get it looked at.

9.) This is just disturbing

hello.mopan / Via instagram.com

Who actually makes audible grunting noises when they poop? Thatā€™s just strange. I can fully support someone leaving a note about this, it needs to be spoken about.

10.) Motivational

j.me.75 / Via instagram.com

If you are ever searching for some motivation and/or will to live then this sign really scratches that inspirational itch. Also, this advice applies to those who NEVER flush properly!

11.) Try peeing like a normal personā€¦

Twitter: @AllieMangus

ā€œIf you are the a**hole that keeps peeing on the seat, please consider these alternatives: 1. Not being terrible at f**king peeing; 2. Sitting down because clearly, you donā€™t deserve standing privileges; 3. Wiping off the seat, you degenerate. Sincerely, everyone who learned to pee at 3 years old.ā€

Wow, this one truly is a savage and cuts incredibly deep. To be honest, everyone knows how to pee so why are some people STILL peeing on the seat as grown adults?!

12.) Inconsiderate parking

joe__stringer / Via instagram.com

Some drivers really are the worst, most inconsiderate people. They must think that they are literally the only car in the car park when surrounded by other cars! This note was deserved.

13.) Another parking predicament

Twitter: @_andrewwiley

ā€œIf you could please refrain from taking up two spots with your tiny vehicle, that would be lovely. This is Carl. Carl parks with his neighbours in mind and not like heā€™s the only person who lives in Wayne Gardens Apartments. Be like Carl.ā€

How do people even manage to take up two spots with a tiny vehicle?! Itā€™s quite a talent reallyā€¦

14.) Mr Important

Twitter: @snidog

Some people act like they are the most important people in the world I guess they expect to be treated as such, hence this note.

15.) I hope you feel bad about it

datablue / Via imgur.com

Co-workers can be hard to work with sometimes, especially when they steal your food or Diet Coke! This person was so offended by their stolen Diet Coke that they shamed the perpetrator with a sad penguin.

16.) Even the washing up fairy is done

Twitter: @mathewclarke

What did these people do so bad that prompted the washing up fairy to take the year off?! At least sheā€™s left them with some handy advice that I would be very concerned if they didnā€™t know in the first placeā€¦

17.) Why would you do that?

Twitter: @kl_coop

This is a littleā€¦unusual. Not sure why someone would be so desperate for soy sauce and wasabi. At least this note at first shames them before offering help.

18.) No one likes a Comic Sans user


This note was definitely written by the font police and I really do admire their hard work. Comic Sans shouldbe universally banned, it is too painful to look at.

19.) Thanks for understanding

This is quite possibly the greatest passive aggressive note I have EVER seen. It goes from CONSUME YOUR SOUL to super polite. People who donā€™t return the pens are the worst though.

20.) Being passive-aggressive at work is risky

This guy really knows howto respond to a passive-aggressive note, passive aggressively! I get what the note is trying to say but the response is just too good.

Have you ever written a passive aggressive note or been left one before? Let us know in the comments!

The post 20 Passive Aggressive Notes That Say What We Are All Thinking appeared first on Go Social.

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