20 Brilliant “Brain-fog” Moments When People Failed To Remember Basic Words
We’ve all been there… and yes, you can tell yourself it’s one for the older people if you like, but I can guarantee that whether you’re 21 or 71, this WILL have happened to you at some point in your life!
I’m on about the ‘brain fart’ and yes, that is a technical term. Those moments when your brain decides it’s had just about enough of working for minimum wage in cramped conditions and is tired of getting the same thing for lunch every day and being slowly murdered by those two bottles of wine every evening.
& It decides to pack up and leave town…only for a few moments mind, but it always makes sure that those few moments are when you need your brain the most so that it makes the most impact and provides as much embarrassment for you as possible. Thoughtful isn’t it!?
Personally, from someone who suffers from a chronic illness, I know all too well those moments when my brain decides to leave me to it…and it’s awful and hilarious in equal measure.
That’s why I can almost guarantee that reading these next 20 accounts of brain fart central will be both excruciatingly painful, but also refreshingly relatable and hilarious…
‘shiny crumb’ anyone…..?
1. Now, who wants the wet salad to start!?
This is brilliant! Although to be fair to her, that’s still a pretty elegant way of putting it, considering I would have probably said something along the lines of, ‘you know, like, REALLY mushy food…!’
2. & Rightly so…!
It definitely should be as well! I love that name…how was it not called that in the first instance!?
Anyway, it turns out that this “tip of the tongue” phenomenon has a name: lethologica. Psychologists define the feeling as a feeling that accompanies the temporary inability to retrieve information from memory.
Well, it’s always a bit more reassuring to know that something has a name, it may be debilitating and embarrassing, but as long as it has a name and sciencey people are aware of it, then we’re OK with it, right!?
3. A person that you don’t hate…yet
Well, he’s not wrong, is he!? Although I do have a few friends who I hate just a teeny bit…just for the record. I can never fully unhate someone, even if they’re my friend.
“These brain evacuation moments occur quite often and this frequency increases with age. Young people typically have tip-of-the-tongue moments about once each week, while older adults find that they may occur as often as once each day.“
Well then, it’s official, at 31 years of age, I am officially an ‘older adult….!’ Because this sh*t definitely happens to me on a daily basis!
4. I want a white one
Well, I’m sure it is white, so again, he’s not lying, is he!? Although sadly, I’m sure that cashier would have had a bit of a giggle over it for the rest of the day!
It’s akin to going to buy a new car and they ask you what kind you’d like and you say ‘err, a nice green one?!’ It doesn’t really give you the air of sophistication and intelligence, does it!?
5. Sounds horrifying
Thanks to that terrifying description, I can honestly say that this is the only time in my whole life when I’ve been terrified of a Pineapple…well, except when it’s been on my pizza! *shudder*
6. Don’t judge me! I was once like you…
This is brilliant! I forgot the word for ‘spoon’ one time and genuinely said to the person I was with, ‘can you pass the…errrr, you know, the thing that you…’glop’ food up with!?’
If that wasn’t bad enough, what the hell is ‘glop!?’ & Yes, that person I was with is still my friend…god knows how! Their own amusement, probably!
7. It comes with its own case!
This one has genuinely made me laugh the most up to now, but give the girl a break! She’s pregnant, baby brain is bad at the best of times! & ‘It comes with its own case!’ is frankly genius.
8. Cold Cabbage
To be honest, dude, if I was your wife, I wouldn’t let you forget it either, it’s comedy gold!
Not the best situation for this to happen in reality, is it!? A pretty crucial moment for your brain to up and leave…
“So what can you do when you are struck by a “tip-of-the-tongue” moment? One tentative study suggests it could be as simple as squeezing your fist. “By clenching your left fist (or, theoretically, any significant portion of the left side of your body) you increase blood-flow to the contra-lateral or right hemisphere, which gives the retrieval mechanisms a lift,” it is claimed.“
So, at least there is something you can try to eliminate it when you need to…if your brain lets you remember it, that is!
10. Thank you random person on my flight
Oh yeah, because that’s not suspicious at all, is it!? That’s hilarious! There are moments when your brain could literally get you into border control jail…that’s a nice thought, isn’t it?!
11. A what!?
Ahhhh, that’s better….this is incredibly cute and amusing and that’s all I’m going to say on the meat pickle matter…..p*nis…
12. Nervous chihuahua…
That’s a brilliant term to be honest…did you really have a brain fart or did you just come up with a better term for it!? I’m going for the latter!
13. Nurse not wife, nurse not wife, nurse not wife…
Ach! How incredibly embarrassing! To be honest, though, I would do (and have done) something like this…and repeating it to myself beforehand would probably only increase my chances of saying the wrong thing! #arseholebrain
14. Well, that’s one way to get their attention…
I don’t know who would have been more embarrassed in this situation…her or the 18-year-olds…yeah, you’re right, definitely her! Yikes!
15. Utter brilliance
This is my favorite one so far…can you imagine the embarrassment!? I’m guessing he didn’t get the job…but it’s even better if he did!
I know words, I have the bestest words in the world. #classic
16. Small Dog Babies
But, they ARE small dog babies…I fail to see the problem here, that’s what I always call them!
17. A lack of remembrance thought
I think that’s a pretty good substitute for it if you ask me! It sounds fairly fancy, I may steal it. If I can remember it…
18. All hail the Duckapuss!
It is a far better name, Graham, I agree…I think your wife should get a job re-naming all of earth’s creatures because they’re bound to be awesome!
19. Errrr… Oops!?
Not to correct you here, Emer, but I think they prefer to be called ‘IRS agents…’
20. It’s all shiny!
Don’t worry, Paul! I think that’s a super, shiny and lovely term for it! I wouldn’t have any worries about that at all!
Original content and all images sourced from and credited to: Bored Panda
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