Real Or Fake? 15 Truthful Insights About The Biggest Assets In Hollywood

It seems everywhere you look in Hollywood there is a new beautiful girl who catches your eye. It can definitely be intimidating to try and keep up if you’re a celebrity but for the 15 women on our list, they have access to some assets that help keep the attention focused firmly on them. Even if some of the assets that you may find yourself ogling are far from natural.

Several women have gone under the knife on multiple occasions and while some are left with regrets, what you’re left with is photos that help highlight their most prominent area.

Many women who made our list are currently working in Hollywood, but we aren’t going to be able to leave someone like Jennifer Love Hewitt off a list like this just because she isn’t working as of late! We’ve tracked down quotes from several of our entries, helping further peel back the clothes and giving a truthful look at what is going on upstairs.

Whether real or fake, we’re sure you’ll think every woman on our list is spectacular. This is Real or Fake: 15 Truthful Insights About The Biggest Assets In Hollywood

15. Jennifer Love Hewitt (34D) – Real
Jennifer Love Hewitt may not be as relevant in society as some of the women on our list. But she definitely still has some of the most notable assets and definitely can stack up to the competition.

In a past interview it was revealed that Hewitt valued her all-natural chest at being worth $5 million but when talking to USA Today, Hewitt gave more insight on the comment

“I was doing an interview and somebody said, ‘Oh, all of these people are insuring their parts. They were naming off all these different parts. They were like, ‘Would you insure the ladies?’ And I said, ‘No, I’m not going to.’ They said, ‘Well, how much would you do it for if you did? So, I just threw out a number trying to get them to move on, and the next thing you know, my brother’s calling me and he’s like, ‘You’re doing what?'”

Having comments getting taken out of context is definitely one of the ramifications of being famous!

14. Nikki Bella (36C) – Fake
There are several women in the world of sports that may get some extra attention from their male fans because of their prominent assets. That’s definitely the case for Nikki Bella who has very clearly undergone some plastic surgery in order to enhance her upper-region. In a past interview, Nikki admitted that she paid under $10,000 for her adjustment, but it was clearly money spent well.

Even fans outside of the world of wrestling will get a chance to get a glimpse of Nikki Bella this upcoming fall when she makes an appearance on the reality show Dancing With The Stars.

13. Scarlett Johansson (32DD) – Real
There are many gorgeous women that have lent their talents to the world of superheroes. But we don’t know if there is anyone out there who is more captivating than Scarlett Johansson. She looks gorgeous when she is in character, but there is also no question that when she dresses up for a night on the town that she is going to capture the attention of everyone there.

After going through a divorce not long ago, Johansson has recently found herself in the arms of the Saturday Night Live star Colin Jost. Who we’re sure would be more than happy to verify what Johansson has in the past – which is that they’re real, and they’re spectacular!

12. Carmen Electra (32E) – Fake
Carmen Electra made an entire career based off of her ability to turn heads wherever she went. The body that she used to do so, however, was far from natural. In a past interview, Electra admitted that she jumped from a 32B to a 32DD.

When talking about the adjustment, Electra did admit that she did have some regrets

“I didn’t want to go as big as that. It’s nice that I don’t have to wear a push-up bra any more, but I could have left myself alone. I think I was fine the way I was. I had nice breasts before – though they were small.”

While Electra has been part of some of the worst movies of all-time, that doesn’t discredit how good she looked in the roles!

11. Kate Upton (34DD) – Real

Kate Upton has several features that help make it clear why she is one of the most successful models in the world. But when talking about her chest, Upton admitted that she wishes she could change the size for something smaller

“I wish I had smaller boobs every day of my life as I love to wear spaghetti tops braless or go for the smallest bikini designs. If I could just take them off like they were clip-ons.”

It’s clear from her modeling portfolio that she’s still comfortable wearing some of the smallest bikini designs! Upton is putting her acting talents to the test this year as she appeared in the film The Layover with Alexandra Daddario and is also appearing in the upcoming James Franco film The Disaster Art.

10. Kaley Cuoco (32C) – Fake

If we’re being completely honest, Kaley Cuoco is actually one of the smaller endowed women on our list. I mean if anything that speaks to the level of competition on our list, but how do we leave someone like Cuoco off this list? Especially when unlike some women in Hollywood who refuse to comment, Cuoco has been completely upfront in the past about the fact that she isn’t the most natural in the world.

On top of having her chest altered, Cuoco has also undergone a nose job; decisions that she called some of the best things she has ever done in her life. While both of these operations seem to have come prior to her time on The Big Bang Theory, we wouldn’t be shocked to see her re-go under the knife again in the future.

9. Kat Dennings (34DD) – Real

Every year more television shows make their way to the air. And in order to make way for all the new potential winners, old shows that have been starting to fail can get the boot. That was the case for Kat Dennings show 2 Broke Girls which got canceled earlier this year. We’re sure you aren’t alone in hoping that this isn’t the last time that we get the opportunity to check out Dennings!

When talking about the cancellation, Dennings stated

“We’ve had a wonderful 6 seasons as Max and Caroline and we thank all of you for watching and enjoying it along with us. We are so proud of our time on 2 Broke Girls and of all the things this experience has given us, the most treasured is our lifelong friendship.”

Not only is Dennings all natural in the upper region, but it’s a natural enough look at that she’s largely escaped online controversy and guess-work in regards to her authenticity.

8. JWoww (34F) – Fake

JWoww was used to being the subject of discussion when she was making a name for herself on the reality show Jersey Shore. But with her more than sizeable assets, she’s also definitely able to make waves online whenever she strips down and posts photos like this to her Instagram account.

JWoww talked about her adjustments in an interview,

“Ten years later and with the birth of my angel baby Meilani, they had changed a bit, especially with breastfeeding! I wanted them really badly and Roger was kind of like, ‘If you have to, go do it.’ He loves me just the way I am, but he’s not complaining about the upgrade now LMAO.”

JWoww’s decision to enhance post-child was the 2nd time she had gone under the knife for enhancements.

7. Katy Perry (32D) – Real

Katy Perry is no stranger to ending up in headlines because of the various controversies that she finds herself in. But she is also no stranger to stepping out in outfits that wear little to the imagination and often highlight her various assets.

When talking about her non-surgically enhanced chest, Perry revealed

“I lay on my back one night and looked down at my feet, and I prayed to God. I said, ‘God, will you please let me have boobs so big that I can’t see my feet when I’m lying down?’ God answered my prayers. I had no clue they would fall into my armpits eventually.”

To say he answered her prayers is an understatement!

6. Denise Richards (34C) – Fake

Denise Richards has several moments in her life that we’re sure she wishes she could do differently. After all, she did spend a solid portion of it knocking boots with Charlie Sheen! But while Richards may be the recipient of one of the most desirable bodies in the history of Hollywood (and if you disagree, just go watch Wild Things), but Richards is far from all natural. But not only that, her decision to go fake was one of her bigger regrets

“When I was 19, a doctor put in bigger implants than what I asked for. I was in such a hurry to get them that I didn’t research my doctor. I just thought because they’re a plastic surgeon, they must be good. You have to be your advocate for your own body and ask 100 questions.”

Richards went under the knife 3 times but admitted (at least in 2011) that she was finally in love with her body.

5. Charlotte McKinney (32D) – Real
Charlotte McKinney is one of the most talked about models in the entire world. And while some models may have made a name for themselves due to their petite frame, the photo we have should make it abundantly clear that McKinney is far from small.

But when talking about her natural chest, McKinney admitted that it was a big source of bullying growing up

“Obviously, I got more attention from the male side than from the female side. I didn’t have any girlfriends. A lot of my friends were guys, and I was called a s**t by a lot of people. I was just growing these large breasts at such a young age, not really knowing what to do with them or how to wear them. So it was definitely awkward.”

McKinney said her experiences are why she works hard to try and promote anti-bullying.

4. Jenny McCarthy (38D) – Fake

Jenny McCarthy made a name for herself when she bared it all for Playboy back in the 90s. Throughout her career, that including time as Playmate of the Year, McCarthy has gone under the knife to get her assets enhanced (outside of one instance where she had a reduction).

McCarthy also found success in a variety of films, worked as a co-host on The View and also had a 5-year relationship with Jim Carrey. In 2017, Jenny is lending her talents to a new series entitled Return of the Mac. While we don’t know how it will do, you may be interested in learning that Joey McIntyre (yes, the singer from New Kids on the Block) is playing the leading role.

3. Amber Rose (36H) – Real

You don’t have to stare at Amber Rose for very long before it becomes evident that she is one of the most well-endowed women in Hollywood. But while some women on our list are even smaller, yet artificial, Rose is all real.

When talking about her chest in a recent interview, Rose did reveal however that she may be thinking of a reduction in the near future

“I’m really scared of the lollipop scars tho…. any advice? Are there any ladies out there that are much happier even though you have breast reduction scars? And no I don’t have implants so they can’t just cut around the n*pples .. tell me about ur experiences.”

Here’s hoping she ends up doing the decision that makes her the most comfortable with her body.

2. Kendra Wilkinson (34E) – Fake

Kendra Wilkinson is one of the most recognizable Playboy models of all-time. Along with stripping it off for the magazine, Wilkinson has also appeared in the reality show The Girls Next Door and also spent time as one of Hefner‘s girlfriends.

The photo that we have above definitely shows Wilkinson putting her assets on prominent display. Though if we’re being upfront, the Wilkinson that is walking around today may be substantially smaller

“I’m going through a phase right now where I don’t fit my boobs anymore — I’m thinking about a reduction because that was a phase and now I am out of it. After my daughter was born, when I was breastfeeding, it became hard not to look at my boobs and not see them as milk and fat,” said Wilkinson in a past interview.

1. Christina Hendricks (34H) – Real

You surely fell in love with Christina Hendricks when she was playing the role of Joan on Mad Men. She has also appeared in several films including the critically acclaimed Drive, and the less successful, but still enjoyable Fist Fight and Bad Santa 2.

You can also expect to be terrified for her as she makes an appearance in the upcoming film The Strangers 2.

There are several reasons to get excited for the career of Hendricks, but the photo above makes it evident why she was deserving of a spot on our list. Hendricks is definitely all real and in the past has stated that you’d have to be an idiot to think otherwise!

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