[Photos]: Nigerian photographer Obi Somto does Yoga completely naked

Popular Nigerian photographer, Obi Somto has caused a stir on social media following the latest photos he just shared on there.

The ace photographer shared photos of himself doing his yoga butt naked.

Obi who describes himself as a yoga enthusiast and nudist, shared the photos a few hours ago with the caption;

“Yoga is not just about self improvement but self acceptance,” he said. “What better combo is there? When you put on clothes you immediately put a character on, but naked reveals itself”

The photographer however made it known he only just started doing Yoga and so far, it seems all is going on well.

See photos below;

[Photos]: Nigerian photographer Obi Somto does Yoga completely naked [Photos]: Nigerian photographer Obi Somto does Yoga completely naked

The post [Photos]: Nigerian photographer Obi Somto does Yoga completely naked appeared first on Information Nigeria.

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