Woman Insists That Her Date Should Pay For Dinner After He Asks Her To Split The Bill

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This world is a minefield. It seems that these days you can’t open your mouth without someone getting offended or telling you that you’re being politically incorrect. One of the hardest issues to navigate at the moment, in my personal opinion, is the ever-ongoing battle of “Female Empowerment” Vs. “Chivalry”. Honestly? Even as a woman myself I’m still not sure what “side” I should be rooting for.

And this particular issue has been highlighted pretty recently on a British reality show called “First Dates”, after things got pretty freakin’ awkward when it came time to pay the bill during this couples, well, first date. And let me tell you folks, it has now kicked off one hefty debate across the world.

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Luckily for you lot, I’ve gone out on the hunt and found the exact moment I’m talking about, for your enjoyment!

You can see it for yourself below:

Okay so let me give you a little background information first. Just in case you’ve never heard of this before (and if you haven’t, I would highly recommend that you try and catch it sometime). First Dates is a British reality television show that is basically what it says on the can – two people, who have never ever met before, go on a first date. Pretty simple right? And it actually makes for some entertaining viewing.

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However, a recent episode has sparked quite the fiery debate amongst the people of the internet after the male half of the date asked his female companion how exactly she wanted to split the bill.

Split the Bill?

Channel 4
The guy started by asking his date, “how do you want to do this?” when the bill eventually arrived… and let’s just say, the woman’s face says it all. The woman looks shocked, but says nothing and then the poor waiter attempts to break the tension by asking if they’re going halves on it. After some awkward back-and-forth, she agrees that it’s fine (but as a woman, we all know, if we say “It’s fine”, then it is most definitely NOT fine) for them to split it.

The Debate.

Now, you may be understandably surprised by this, there have been a lot of women responding to the video which was posted and shared multiple times via Twitter who thought that the female on the date was the one who was in the wrong… and I agree. Nowadays, men shouldn’t automatically be expected to pay for a meal.

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There are also a lot of  ladies out there who had a good solution to this problem: You should just offer to pay for half right away, thus eliminating any potential awkward silence when the bill arrives… and then if the man offers to pay for all of it and you’re okay with it, then allow him to!

Of course, the completely overlooked aspect of this entire video is just how awkward this whole ordeal must have been for the waiter. He’s literally stuck standing there on camera, just waiting to get paid and move on to his next table while these two daters squabble over about $60.

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Of course, if you’ve ever worked in the restaurant industry before, it may be nothing new to you… especially when it came to the tipping part!

There’s a whole lot of nuance within the conversation between the two first daters. The woman does make it clear that she wants someone who would pay the full bill for her dinner while on a date by making a small “joke” (and we’ve ALL made those kinds of jokes before, amiright?) about it but at the same time, she is willing to foot half the bill… if not begrudgingly.

Channel 4
When the guy says “How do you want to do this?” the look on the woman’s face is absolutely INCREDULOUS, yet she doesn’t actually, specifically say the words “I want you to pay.”
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And as we all know, trying to read people’s facial expressions is not an effective way to communicate. Not to mention, have you ever met a man who knows what a woman is thinking just by the look on her face? Because if you have, then I 100% would like to meet him.
Channel 4
Clearly, this guy doesn’t actually know whether or not he’s made a fatal mistake, but you can tell that at one point he senses that he may have somehow. Like a champion though, he continues to plow on through with his decision anyway.
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 Look, maybe he was just trying to respect his companion’s female empowerment? Or y’know, maybe he hasn’t been paid yet and can only afford to front half of the bill? Maybe she ordered the lobster and he just had a side soup?
Channel 4
Either way, when the guy then tells the waiter to “let her have some change back” now THAT is like a big no-no. For something like that, there definitely needs to be a conversation beforehand, y’know, something along the lines of “Hey, you want some change back?” don’t make the decision for her. For that part, he gets a solid F from me.
Channel 4
And then, of course, he goes and makes the situation just a little worse than it now already is. “Is it bad?” he asks her to which she replies with “No. It’s fine.”. Now, remember what I said before? When a lady says it’s fine, it is totally NOT fine… and you can tell by the way she looks at him on the video clip that her mouth is saying one thing, while her eyes are saying something completely different.

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Basically, what I personally think we should all take away from this debate is the fact that, no – a man should not be expected to pay the entire bill for a meal on a date HOWEVER, there is a way to go about broaching the subject of splitting the bill and this definitely NOT the way to do it. Like, at all.

But that’s just my humble opinion – as always I want to hear yours! How do you feel about the Split The Bill debate? Do you think it’s wrong for women to just expect a man to pay for everything or do you think that in today’s modern society everything, including bill splitting, should be equal? Let me know in the comments (remember to expect each other’s opinions though!). Also, don’t forget to share this with your friends and family so that they may join in on the debate too! AAx

The post Woman Insists That Her Date Should Pay For Dinner After He Asks Her To Split The Bill appeared first on Go Social.

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