Voted for Someone other than Modi? Feeling Low? Don’t Worry Everyone Makes A Mistake

2 Months of hot battles, blocking debate opponents on Facebook, and breaking best friendship have finally come to an end. Narendra Damodardas Modi – A brand name in India has swept and gobbled up everything that came on his way. More than 300 Seats have been bagged by the BJP and its Allies! What made Modi Victorious?

Well, the best answer to it is: Rahul Rajiv Gandhi. This man-made maximum number of self-goals and Congress party’s baseless allegations is the main reason for negative effect on the vote bank of Its own ministers. The main allegations that congress dropped on Modi and yet weren’t able to prove were:

Voted for Someone other than Modi

Rafale Scam, Chowkidar Chor He, Demonetization Blunder and so called ‘Gabbar Singh Tax’ as quoted by Rahul Bhaiya! All these allegations were brought but sadly weren’t been proved. The opposition parties insulted The Prime Minister Modi with Immature cuss words like: Lootera, Chor, Nich, khooni, Maut ka Saudagar etc and these words too worked negatively for Congress party.

Top 3 Tasks carried out by Modi that helped him to win 2019 elections

1) Jan Dhan Yojana :

Jan Dhan Yojana

The main thing that BJP led government did to connect with major population was Opening up 15 Crore bank accounts for poor under the scheme of Jan Dhan Yojana. Main focus has been on reaching every household to provide credit facility, pension and insurance to account holders.

2) Building Up Toilets:

Building Up Toilets narendra modi

PM Modi has initiated a huge project to construct 10 crore toilets by 2019 at an unbelievable rate of one toilet per second. Almost 5 Crore toilets have been built up and major villages of western India are now Open Defecation free zones

3) Surgical Strikes:

surgical strike

The other main boost was surgical strikes. Not once but twice has Modi shown that: “Ye Naya Hindustan he” The major boost among youngsters has been generated because of these surgical strikes

This way, Modi has targeted almost every class of people- Poor, Rich and Youngsters. Although there are certain people who still day-dream about Mr. Rahul being the next PM of India. Sadly, we don’t have anything for them except Consolation and Advice. Advice is- Next time don’t waste your vote!

Vote for Someone other than Modi? Here’s what you can do

Log out of All Social Media Platforms, switch off Your Phone, don’t go out without any urgent task, Switch off your television screens and Go back to sleep!

You will feel a bit better. Because, #AyegaTohModiHi !

The post Voted for Someone other than Modi? Feeling Low? Don’t Worry Everyone Makes A Mistake appeared first on dontgetserious.

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