Mom’s Breastmilk Turns BLUE After Her Baby Gets Vaccinated – Viral Post Proves Beautiful Mom & Baby Bond
It’s no secret, the body reacts to childbirth in truly weird, wonderful and wow-worthy ways!
(Image Credit: Instagram, Soulfulstorytellers)
There’s no feeling more magical than meeting your baby for the first time! And no feeling more powerful than sustaining that little life all on your own when breastfeeding! (If that’s what you choose to do, of course!)
It’s well known that breastfeeding your baby can help them out with a whole host of things in their early months. As it’s the only thing the little goobers are getting there’s a heck of a lot breastmilk needs to provide! Breast milk helps your baby’s immune system and provides them with the nutrition they need for a strong start in life.
But I bet you didn’t know that breastmilk can turn blue! (I sure as heck didn’t!)
(Image Credit: Instagram, Jody Danielle Fisher)
So the bottle on the left just looks like normal breastmilk, nothing to shout about there… but the bottle on the right looks like it’s filled with some kind of… greeny-blue milkshake??? It does not look like it came from a human boob, that’s for sure!
Well, there’s a special reason the milk on the right looks kind of magical… it’s because it kind of is! (Remember kids, science is magic!) Mom, Jody Danielle Fisher, posted this amazing photo to her Facebook page when her baby daughter, Nancy, got her vaccinations.
Her breastmilk changed color because of the presence of new antibodies Jody was producing because her body (mistakenly) thought her babies vaccinations meant her baby was ill. She started producing more antibodies to help her little baby fight an illness!
How freakin’ cool is that?! The human body just amazes me, especially the way mother’s bodies know how to adapt to help their little ones. It’s like a super power!
Jody explained in her Facebook post;
‘The “blue” colour milk is from today – 2 days after she had them. It’s blue from all the antibodies my body is producing as it thinks she’s sick with what she was vaccinated against! When she feeds her saliva sends signals to my body to produce more milk with illness specific antibodies!’
Of course, it’s worth mentioning that Jody’s wee one was not ill from her vaccination! Jody’s body picked up on the illness her baby was protected against and sent in some extra help! How amazing!
Jody sites these benefits as the reason she champions breastmilk above all else!
“This is one of the reasons I’m still breastfeeding 13 months on….you don’t get all this goodness and nutrients from formula or cows milk! Way to go boobies”
(Image Credit: Facebook, Jody Danielle Fisher)
And here’s one of Jodie’s little angels! How sweet is she?!
Jody’s post went viral as people liked, commented and shared the incredible photograph far and wide! However, Jody was keen to point out she wasn’t bashing those who chose not to breastfeed;
“I’m by no way shaming formula, I formula fed my 1st, and combi fed my 2nd & 3rd. I Was merely showing what women’s bodies can do when their children are poorly and this is one of the reasons I’m still breastfeeding at 13 months as I’m often questioned as to why I’m still doing so.”
No matter what choices you’re making as a Mom, they’re your choices to make! Do right by your baby and ignore anybody trying to bring you down!
Jody had a couple naysayers who felt that her breastmilk had changed because of food she was eating, but Nancy set the record straight;
“My milk isn’t this colour from what I’ve eaten (not had anything artificially coloured/no supplements/no green vegetables), my milk is only ever this colour when my daughter has been sick…it’s never been like it when she’s be well.”
The wonders of breastmilk, folks! Amazing!
Ever produced blue milk, ladies?! Or know of any other amazing changes mother’s bodies go through? Let me know in the comments and be sure to share this round with all the parents of newborns you know! AAx
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