BREAKING NEWS – Hollywood Legend Doris Day Has Died Aged 97

Legendary American actress and singer, Doris Day, has passed away.

(Image Credit: Instagram, jedbrewis)

Perhaps best known for her starring role as Calamity Jane, Day was also a passionate activist for animal rights.

(Image Credit: Instagram, ykceb_85)

Day’s truly enviable acting career included credits such as; Hitchcock’s The Man Who Knew Too MuchMove Over Darling and Pillow Talk.

From a golden age of the silver screen Day co-starred with actors such as Clark Gable, Cary Grant and David Niven.

Doris Day is considered to be one of few surviving actors from the Hollywood Golden Age, her extremely sad passing seems to signify the true closure of that wonderful era.

(Image Credit: Instagram, seamstressoffb)

Day’s impressive career earned her many awards, perhaps most notably the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.

Despite her acting success, awards and fame Doris Day’s life had its fair share of tragedy. She married four times, Terry Melcher (her only son) died before her in 2004, her brother Paul died in 1958 and she also suffered bankruptcy at the hands of her husband Martin Mulcher who squandered her earnings.

Though we know her as a smiling, vivacious spirit, Day had survived a great deal of upset and pain.

(Image Credit: Instagram, carolynmathers)

Despite her troubles Doris Day was well known for her sassy, witty quips (much like myself!)

Here are a few of my favorites…

Any girl can look glamorous… just stand there and look stupid.
If it’s true that men are such beasts, this must account for the fact that most women are animal lovers.
Wrinkles are hereditary. Parents get them from their children.
… truly a woman after my own heart!
(Image Credit: Instagram, tiffanyhd1)

Bless Doris Day for smiling through it all. She certainly cheered the lives of many! She will be forever remembered in Hollywood’s history and is, of course, memorialized in WHAM’s classic “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go”;

“You make the sun shine brighter than Doris Day!” 

Rest in peace, Doris.

(Image Credit: nerdinformants)

How will you remember the legend that was Doris Day? Where you a big Calamity Jane fan? Let me know in the comments. AAx

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