Ugandan Woman’s “Unusually Large Ovaries” Means She’s Had 44 Children By The Age Of 39

Forty-four babies by thirty-nine.

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Anybody with half a brain cell knows that something is not quite right about that figure. I don’t even have a third of that number and even getting them all fed, bathed and dressed?! It’s like commanding a small army of drooling, giggling, gurgling, pooping soldiers who never take orders or shine their shoes!

So, as you can imagine, the amount of children that Mariam has can be really challenging. But this Ugandan mother’s story is more than just challenging, it is truly heartbreaking.

Mariam Nabatanzi is just 39-years-old. According to Reuters Mariam has given birth a staggering twenty times. Delivering six sets of twins, four sets of triplets and five sets of quadruplets. Anybody who’s been through childbirth will not envy that number.

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Mariam was first married at just 12 years of age to a man 28 years her senior. Yeah, I don’t like the way this is headed either… I guess I should have expected it though, right? She wouldn’t have had time to have all those babies if she hadn’t had the first few far too young.

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Mariam had her first set of twins after just a year of marriage. Shortly afterward a trip to the doctor confirmed that she had unusually large ovaries. The doctor advised her that birth control could cause health complications. Options like the pill would not be suitable for Mariam.

Three years ago Mariam’s husband left her. Mariam is now single-handedly raising forty-four children on her own.

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Mariam is now struggling to provide for her family (as anybody would! She’s single-handedly supporting a huge number of babies!) Her children (aged between 2 and 23) live in four cramped cement block houses.

(Image Credit: Reuters)

Mariam spoke to Reuters saying,

“I have grown up in tears, my man has passed me through a lot of suffering. All my time has been spent looking after my children and working to earn some money.”

It is absolutely heartbreaking that this poor woman has been left with so little for herself and such limited means to provide for her family.

(Image Credit: Reuters)

Mariam admitted she had always wanted a big family, she specified six children, following early tragedy in her life. Her own mother abandoned her and her step-mother was horribly cruel to her and her siblings.

I can’t imagine Mariam had this many children in mind. Clearly, a lack of contraceptive alternatives have meant a truly challenging life for this woman.

Reuters reported that Mariam has turned her hand to several occupations to try and pay for her and her children. Mariam has made money; “hairdressing, event decorating, collecting and selling scrap metal, brewing local gin and selling herbal medicine”.

This woman is doing everything she can, even though she’s struggling she’s refusing to give up.

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Mariam says she wishes for her children to be happy. All mothers can relate to this wish I’m sure with regards to their own children, but I’m sure you’ll join me in wishing the very same for Mariam’s children.

This woman should never have had to endure what she has, nobody should.

Stories like these really do make you appreciate how fortunate you are. My heart goes out to Mariam and I hope she and her children find a more hopeful path in life. Let me know your own thoughts in the comments below. AAx

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