Tom Cruise Estranges Himself From 12 Year Old Daughter Because Of Scientology, According To Source

Whether he’s doing his usual thing of trying to kill himself in the most extra and unnecessary way ever recorded to film, somehow avoiding the ageing process, or being offensively nice on a chat show,  Tom Cruise’s private life is an absolute labyrinth of PR misdirection.

(Photo Credit: Instagram @tomcruise)

Now I’m a big fan of so much of Tom Cruise’s work, Jerry Maguire is still one of my favourite films, and it’s impossible not to be charmed by the man himself whenever he’s on Graham Norton’s couch. However, it’s difficult to ignore the madness that is his reported relationship with his estranged daughter Suri whom Cruise hasn’t seen for several years, despite being perceived as one of the nicest guys in Hollywood.

(Photo Credit: Fanpop)

Suri is the daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, and since the pair’s much talked about split in 2012, much has been made of the fact that Cruise still has no contact with her. Cruise initially lost primary custody of Suri back when he and Holmes split yet has the option to see his daughter up to 10 days each month.

Apparently the decision not to see his daughter for any of the time allocated by the courts is ‘because she is not a Scientologist’, according to an article by the Daily Mail.

(Photo Credit: Instagram @nicolekidman)

Back in 2018, A spokesperson for the Church of Scientology, responding to suggestions that ‘Holmes feared for Suri’s safety after splitting from Cruise, worrying that the Church of Scientology may abduct her’, was quoted by as saying:

“We never comment on individual parishioners’ lives […] scientologists respect the faith of others, associate with and befriend members of every religion. Scientologists do not cut ties with non-Scientologist friends or family members because they have chosen another religion.”

This is not the first time that accusations have been made about Cruise’s scientology affecting people close to him, with reports only last year being made of Nicole Kidman not being invited to her own son’s wedding due to her leaving the religion back when her and Cruise split in 2001.

(Photo Credit: Yahoo entertainment)

There was a glimmer of hope for a reunion between the two as New Idea published an article claiming that Cruise was ready to finally patch things up with Suri; however, in typical circular Cruisian tabloid logic this was seemingly debunked along with other reports of him meeting up with Suri in an article by Gossip Cop. As it stands, it would appear that the star isn’t going to be reaching out any time soon; but, who knows in the world of Tom Cruise?

(Photo Credit: Twitter @TomCruise)

Regardless of what insanity goes on in the somehow ever-youthful (relinquish your secrets to us Cruise!) head of Tom Cruise, the fact of a man being so estranged from a daughter who is only twelve is quite confusing, especially when he is a person so clearly in the public eye and with such a charming personality. Furthermore, the fact Cruise still has such a strong relationship with his children from his previous marriage who are now prominent figures in the church of scientology doesn’t help the matter.

(Photo Credit: @tomcruise)

In recent years Cruise has been much less vocal about his attachment to the religion, which is strange considering his immense standing in the church; however, if he is moving out of the church’s spotlight is it possible that he may try and mend the relationship that has gone dormant for so many years? Only time will tell.

I find it so discomfortingly fascinating that, in a world where I can probably find out what Channing Tatum had for breakfast in five minutes with my phone, Tom Cruise manages to create so many conflicting news stories with so many varied and insane tangents yet remain at the heart of it the same charming beloved actor as always. AAx








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