These 20 Pictures Of Celebrities With Themselves As Kids Will Freak You Out

We are bombarded with images of celebrities on a daily basis, whether we want to see them or not. So, we sometimes forget that celebrities are just normal people and were once children too… even if they have changed a lot!

Dutch artist Ard Gelinck is a photoshop wizard and decided to edit pictures of celebrities into the same photo as their younger selves. The results are chillingly realistic, shocking and sometimes maybe just a little bit emotional.

Prepare yourselves for some seriously weird pictures of celebrities hanging out with their younger selves…

1.) Taylor Swift

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Taylor Swift has certainly changed a lot in terms of music genres throughout the years. From country hits in her teens to a pop icon as she grew older, she has definitely evolved. She looked extremely angelic as a younger girl and it’s so strange to see them in a picture together, she looks like her own older sister!

2.) Jane Fonda

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The accuracy of this edit is just incredible! Jane Fonda definitely means something different to everyone. For those who remember her when she was younger, they will think of her as an activist against the Vietnam War and a heartthrob. For you younger ones, you might think of her as an elder stateswoman on Grace and Frankie. Either way, she is a legend!

3.) Kim Kardashian

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Love her or hate her, Kim Kardashian definitely has taken the world by storm, whether you like it or not. She was once young and innocent though and she looked beautiful! They definitely look like they could be mother and daughter…

4.) Aretha Franklin

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Aretha Franklin was and still is the absolute queen of soul, I will not hear anyone say otherwise! She lived a long, happy life and brought a lot of beautiful music into the world. She started performing when she was just 12-years-old and definitely looked a lot different when she was younger.

5.) Idris Elba

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Some of these photos show a huge contrast in celebs when they were younger compared to now. However, Idris Elba looks exactly the same! Okay, he may have gotten a little greyer but he certainly hasn’t changed much in 20 years. Sadly, I wasn’t blessed with the same anti-aging gene that Idris seems to possess…

6.) Debbie Harry

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Debbie Harry was the stunning lead singer of Blondie and I pity the younger generation that may not have heard of her, you must listen to her music! I cannot understand how she seems to only get better with age but oh well, I’m not jealous at all…

7.) Madonna

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Madonna is instantly recognizable and was (still is) a huge influence on the female pop genre. Thankfully, her sense of style hasn’t changed much from what it was in the 80s as you can see in the picture!

8.) Paul McCartney

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I seriously cannot get enough of these edits, how are they so realistic?! The Beatles are one of the biggest, most influential bands in history and Paul McCartney was the one all of the girls were after (including me!) Paul has aged well like a fine wine and I wonder what advice he would give his younger self?

9.) Julia Roberts

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This is such a sweet picture, they look like mother and daughter! Julia Roberts is often called America’s sweetheart and it’s easy to see why, she has had a very long, successful career, is bursting with charisma and is stunning! It looks like she was a very sweet little kid too.

10.) Katy Perry

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Katy Perry is a huge international pop star but many of us don’t know that she actually began by singing gospel music! She definitely looks very similar to how she looked as a kid…

11.) Ariana Grande

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Ariana Grande definitely wins the cutest kid ever award! You can see how she has grown into the woman she is today but she certainly has changed a lot…

12.) Courteney Cox

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Courteney Cox actually began her career in the Bruce Springsteen music video, “Dancing in the Dark” which is where the iconic picture on the left is from! Although most of us know her from Friends, she has stayed relevant since. She also doesn’t seem to age either…

13.) Mick Jagger

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The frontman of the Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger, is instantly recognizable as a rock icon. They have toured the world and hugely influenced the rock world. However, they all began life as just a bunch of English schoolboys and this photo proves it!

14.) John Travolta

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John Travolta was definitely a teen idol back in the day and I don’t think any of us can ever forget Grease! He looks very similar as he did as a young man… I want whatever anti-aging potion these celebrities are taking!

15.) Haley Joel Osment

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This is definitely the most adorable one yet, they look like father and son! Most of us know Haley for his main role in the creepy movie Sixth Sense and he was nominated for an Academy Award for best actor because of it.

16.) Ralph Macchio

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Ralph Macchio is well-known for his star role in The Karate Kid and it’s easy to see the resemblance between his younger self and him today, I wonder if he still has the same moves?

17.) Ed Sheeran

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This one is a little creepy, Ed Sheeran even does the same expressions and poses as he did as a younger kid. Imagine if he knew when he was young just how famous he would become.

18.) Al Pacino

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Al Pacino is well-known for his scary roles in huge crime films such as the Godfather and Scarface. His iconic looks and acting skills remain to this day, he is more eccentric than ever!

19.) Bruce Springsteen

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Bruce Springsteen might just be the coolest guy out there and he definitely is just as cool now that he’s older. I wonder if he would have any wise words of wisdom to share with his younger self?

20.) Prince

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Prince is a legend in so many ways and is well known for his flamboyant style and stage presence. He maintained that look his entire life and is greatly missed.

So, if you were to meet your younger self, what would you tell yourself? Let us know in the comments! AAx

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