Heartfelt Britney Updates Fans About Mental Health Struggle

After the explosion of coverage that the #FreeBritney movement received following the release of photos showing Britney being being allowed one day out from a health institution she checked into one month ago, Spears was forced to take to social media to assure her fans she is fine.

(Source: TMZ)

The #FreeBritney movement are a collection of fans (and a few conspiracy addicts) who believe that Britney Spears was being kept against her will by her family and legal team amongst others in the institution. The movement received huge amounts of traction after the podcast ‘Britney’s Gram‘ posted this photo on Instagram:

(Source: Instagram)

The idea that Britney was being held against her will was becoming so widely covered that Britney had to take to Instagram herself in a video on her own page in order to assure fans that she is fine.

(Source: Instagram)

The statement on the post said:

“I wanted to say hi, because things that are being said have just gotten out of control!!! Wow!!! There’s rumors, death threats to my family and my team […] I am trying to take a moment for myself, but everything that’s happening is just making it harder for me […] you may not know this about me, but I am strong, and stand up for what I want!”

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The fact that her family is receiving ‘death threats’ is just insane, what kind of world do we live in where an online mob can simply start shooting off death threats because they’ve got a hunch about something? It’s freakin’ terrifying!

(Source: Instagram)

Britney’s statement simply managed to annoyed some of the people who believe that she is being held (yes held) against her will at the mental health facility she was checked into, who have claimed that she has been forced to release this by her press team. I mean… really?!

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However, the #FreeBritney movement is not just a recent development. Since 2008, when Britney shaved her head and was hospitalised twice, there have been those that protested against her being trapped, so to speak, by the terms of her ‘conservatorship‘ which means that, ‘Spears cannot make personal or financial decisions without the approval of her father.’

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Now, that does seem like something a bit weird, but as someone without a degree in law finance, I don’t really feel qualified to make a judgement on it. Furthermore, as someone who doesn’t know what Britney is going through in her head, also make me hesitant to start piling on with opinions about something which I don’t know about. What I do know, is that I hope to God she’s getting the help and care she deserves in that institution, ’cause she’s clearly going through some stuff.

(Source: Instagram)

People are quick to jump to opinions about celebrities, and I suppose it’s in the nature of the society we’ve ourselves created, but we cannot afford to forget that, at the end of the day, she is just a person with real world struggles like the rest of us. Mental health is no joke and thankfully is becoming a topic which we can more openly discuss, but some people are still quick to disregard other people’s mental health as just them being ‘crazy’, which is freakin’ awful.

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She’s given us some fantastic pop tunes over the years, and was rocketed to mega-stardom at an immensely young age, something which we see time and time again as causing people immense emotional and mental strain in one form or another. And yes, I know that people will probably point out that ‘these people have tonnes of money so nothing to worry about’ and all the usual arguments, but no one knows what’s going on in someone else’s head and I can’t stand seeing people being abused online for their struggles with mental health regardless of who they are.

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I hope we see Britney back knocking out some more tunes as soon as possible, let me know in the comments what your favourite Britney tune is, if you can guess mine I’ll be very impressed! AAx


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