Delivery Man Shamed After Leaving Pregnant Women To Take $250 Worth Of Groceries Up Stairs
Who said chivalry was dead? This guy, apparently.
It’s pretty widely-acknowledged that giving birth is one of the most painful, stressful, and challenging things that a human being can do. However, what people sometimes fail to be mindful of is just how difficult it is being pregnant for 9 months.
You can barely touch your toes, your ankles are swollen, and you basically have small human pressing against your bladder at all times. Bearing this in mind, it’s important that people are mindful of how they behave towards pregnant women – although apparently, not everyone got the memo, including this delivery man.
A mom from the UK is now shaming the seriously unhelpful delivery man on social media, after he refused to help the pregnant mama bring more than $260 worth of groceries up the stairs to her apartment.
In her Facebook post, which has since gone viral, Amy Botten said that the delivery man had basically refused to be “a decent person” and instead made her make the trek alone.
Of course, taking that amount of groceries up the stairs is a lot of hard work – but firstly, that’s literally his job, and secondly, just imagine how hard it will be for a pregnant woman!
The mom had a crying son inside her apartment and, according to a report from The Daily Mail, is about 4 months pregnant. Although there’s still a long way to, at 4 months, getting around is not the easiest task.
But instead of taking the groceries to Amy’s apartment, the delivery man left all of her packages on her first-floor landing. He also left many of her purchases on the ground, unbagged, which would make the journey up the stairs even harder.
When Amy confronted the man, she asked him if he would help her bring some of the packages upstairs as she was “heavily pregnant.”
In the video Amy posted online, you can see the mom huff and puff up and down the stairs to get all of her groceries.
At one point she confronts the delivery man and asks him if he could help her bring the food upstairs because “my little boy is up there crying his eyes out.”
But the delivery man refused.
“You’d rather not?” Amy asked. “But this is your job.”
The man eventually left Amy alone to finish what he should have done, but Amy was not through with him by a long stretch.
In a post Amy wrote on Facebook, the mom shared that she “just had to carry £200 monthly shop up two flights of stairs alone, pregnant with pelvic problems,” and added that she had “no choice but to leave my son on his own crying.”
Her post seems to have struck a chord. More than 12,000 people have shared the post and it has been liked more than 5,000 times. But not everyone agrees that Amy was in the right.
The devil has no shortage of advocates, and some people online are calling Amy out for overreacting. They argue that it wasn’t the delivery man’s job to carry the groceries to her door. I have to say, the clue is in the name – delivery man. If someone delivered your groceries to the bottom of your garden, you wouldn’t say they’d been delivered, would you? Well, for all intents and purposes, the same thing happened here.
Still, people made their thoughts known, as always:
And another person argued that the man simply may not have had the time to go up the stairs with the mom because he had other trips to make.
“Does she want him to lick her feet as well?” another person asked. Yeesh.
In a screenshot on ASDA’s website, Amy points out that door-to-door delivery is sort of in the job description.
Since posting her story online, Amy wrote that her local branch ASDA “gave me a bottle of champagne and some flowers and couldn’t apologize enough for the driver not doing his job.”
I mean, she’ll have to wait a good few months before drinking the champagne, but it’s a nice gesture, I suppose.
She will be meeting with execs from the grocery chain to “talk about what ASDA will be doing to ensure that their customers always get the service they deserve”
A spokesperson for ASDA gave a statement to The Daily Mail, saying, “We always try to offer our customers great service but clearly we got it wrong on this occasion and we are truly sorry.”
‘We have offered our full apologies to Ms. Botten and are in contact with her to try and make amends.”
It’s good that they’ve tried to make it right, but it’d be even better if it didn’t happen in the first place! AAx
The post Delivery Man Shamed After Leaving Pregnant Women To Take $250 Worth Of Groceries Up Stairs appeared first on Go Social.
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