6 Main Health Benefits of Kelp – Why You Should Take Kelp

Like many other popular vegetables, kelp is one that is lodged with nutrients that your body really needs. Apart from being a good source of some essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, health benefits of kelp are enormous.

Kelp is a type of large brown seaweed that grows around the world in shallow, nutrient-rich salt water – And its colour, flavour, and nutrient profile depend on the type of water where it grows. Kelp grows in shallow, underwater oceanic forests and it depends on cool temperatures between 43-57 degrees F (6-14 degrees C). With almost everyone being used to eating their regular greens, it makes us wonder if you have ever tried eating kelp, which produces a compound called sodium alginate.

Whether consumed raw, cooked, in powder form or as supplements, kelp is good for your health and may as well prevent diseases.

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Why you should eat Kelp

You may already know why it is beneficial for your eat to eat wild fish but may have overlooked the fact that those yummy and highly nutritious wild fish, get their nutrients from consuming sea vegetable. Studies have shown that some of the world’s healthiest cultures are those that consume seafood and sea vegetables.

Therefore adding more kelp and other sea vegetables such as dulse, nori and kombu in your diet could be more options for improving your overall health. Kelp is highly rich in nutrients such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Looking to boost your blood cell formation? kelp being an excellent source of chlorophyll can do that and even purify your body.


What are the Benefits of Kelp?

As we mentioned, the health benefits of kelp in consumption is enormous so we trimmed it down to the six main benefits.

Superbly rich in Iodine

Experts have said that kelp is your number source in the world for naturally occurring iodine. Some species of kelp have been found to possess 30,000 times more iodine concentration that what is contained in seawater. With the high rates, Iodine deficiencies spring forth daily in the world, a good amount of kelp in your diet could be a good cover.

It will interest you to know that the least amount of iodine deficiencies are mostly coastal regions, where they easily eat seaweed. Hypothyroidism and goitre formation are common results of Iodine deficiency.

Consuming Kelp can boost Glutathione

In Japan, several Pacific species of kelp are known as Kombu. Kombu has been used by the Japanese in many traditional dishes such as soups, stews & sushi. Kombu is a natural source of glutamic acid and which is said to be a precursor to the bodies master anti-oxidant glutathione.Kombu can also help convert challenging sugars into a more digestible form and thus reduce flatulence.

As we grow older, our bodies lose glutathione, which helps keep the body adapting to stress, healing properly and preventing chronic disease, so if we We naturally lose glutathione as we consume kombu, it can help to prevent against excess oxidative stress.

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Kelp can control Blood Sugar

Kelp and other forms of seaweed contain what is known as mineral vanadium. According to experts, the mineral Vanadium helps form the haloperoxidase enzymes. What this does is to help provide a natural antioxidant defence that has allowed these sea vegetables to flourish.

Vanadium is a critical trace mineral that enhances insulin signalling and blood sugar balance by inhibiting the tyrosine phosphatase enzyme. This process also reduces glucose formation and enhances the body’s ability to store sugar in the form of muscle and liver glycogen. This is an important adaptation that helps the body withstand stress more effectively.

Anti-Inflammatory Polysaccharides

Kelp and other sea vegetables contain a group of polysaccharides known as fucoidans. Researchers are studying Fucoidans for their ability to reduce inflammation within the body — And they have been shown to reduce pain, fight viruses and prevent atherosclerosis.

Studies have also begun to determine these fucoidans can act as anticancer agents in preclinical development. You could also consider Thyroid Strong, if you desire a thyroid supportive sea vegetable-based supplement. It is a combination of kelp, dulse, Irish moss and bovine glandulars to support the endocrine system.

Kelp can protect you from virus

Studies have revealed how these sea vegetables can block the typical binding sites for many viruses such as Herpes. When it does this, the virus is unable to replicate and when it doesn’t replicate,  the viruses will not be able to survive.

Perfect for Blood Clot Reduction

These are also known for their excellent ability to reduce blood clots because they contain heparin (Coumadin), a popular medical agent which is used to reduce clots. While Heparin has been known to carry some dangerous side effects, when it occurs naturally in sulfated polysaccharides just like in kelp, it has no known side effects.

Where can you get kelp?

Clean waters of the Northern Atlantic and in particular the Maine coast are a healthy source for kelp. You could also get some dried kelp, snack on them or use it in soups and stews.  Excellent for making your sushi or to flavour soups and stews.


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