21 Everyday Trials Of Womanhood The Men In Your Life Will Never Understand
Shania Twain, in her divine, pop-diva wisdom was right; the best thing about being a woman is the prerogative to have a little fun.
But, as any lady will let you know, it’s not all men’s shirts and short skirts! Existing in the world as a woman comes with its own unique set of challenges, which can be really freakin’ annoying but also really freakin’ funny!
Sometimes if you don’t laugh you’ll cry, so strap in for the very best observations on lady life that the internet has to offer!
1. The hurtful high ponytail…
(Image Credit:Twitter: @lifeofablondee)
Why waste money on botox? Just scrape your locks back into the tightest scrunchie you can manage and voila! You’re ten years younger (and you look like an egg, but never mind that)
2. The parable of the painful ponytail continues 
(Image Credit: Twitter: @Axelitl)
It’s a never-ending story of how you think you look vs how you actually look. Even if you don’t look quite as cute as the little puppy we’re sure you still look like a hot chick…
3. Sheet mask sorrows
(Image Credit: Twitter: @heymichellelee)
It’s sexy masquerade ball on the left and Hannibal Lecter chic on the right. We know exactly which of these two we relate to most and though we won’t ruin the surprise by telling you which one it is… we’ll just let you know that we enjoy fava beans and nice Chianti…
4. The wandering boob
(Image Credit: Twitter: @EyesOfAnAngel13)
Miss, if you don’t sit down I’ll have to call a member of security to deal with you. I don’t care if you’re not a fan of this beige bra, it’s the only one not in the laundry.
5. Hairband horror
(Image Credit: Twitter: @bethseager_)
The lacerations on this lass! But fret not, as we all know, our wrists only look like severe rope burns because of our trusty hair ties. Sure, they come at a price but you’ll never have a more important bond, your black hair tie will be there for you when no man is!
6. Inconsistent eyebrows
(Image Credit: Twitter, @ambzdee94)
Why can’t they just get along?! I’ve never had twins but my eyebrows have made me aware just what it must feel like to have twins. One is perfect and one is evil, a let down to the family and hidden beneath a fringe whenever possible (…okay maybe that last one isn’t so applicable to twins but you catch my drift)
7. The messy bun that’s a straightforward mess
(Image Credit: Twitter: @boohoo)
So just what kind of pact did these girls make with the devil? Because we’re ready to sell our souls to get that “just-shoved-it-up-but-it-still-looks-spectacular” vibe that the girl on the left is working.
8. The sacrificial hair
(Image Credit: Twitter: @sxmmi)
“Nice scalp you’ve got there, would be a shame if someone were to… rip out a huge portion of hair from it.” – Every hair tie as it’s untangled from a ponytail.
9. Sisters love silky smooth and freshly-shaved skin
(Image Credit: Twitter: @naritalynnr156)
Slicker than a dolphin gliding through the ocean, living your best life and feeling the cold, fresh air of the mountains on your baby-soft legs (or whatever else you’re shaving below your brows) God, it’s revitalizing stuff.
10. The perilous price of smooth skin
(Image Credit: Twitter: @larajeffery_)
Where the heck does the notion that ladies faint at blood come from?? Seriously?? We nick our heel with a razor and we’ll be bleeding for days, months, nay years. But yeah, let’s push the idea that women can’t handle bodily fluids. Puh-lease!
(Image Credit: Twitter: @KristaKaylynn)
Woman. The delicate flower, the fragile counterpart of man… that habitually sheds the lining of an internal organ, y’know, just ‘cos girly things.
12. Periods happen “Every twenty-eight days” and “whenever else they freakin’ feel like it”
(Image Credit: Twitter: @Vahnayhay)
What do you want me to tell you doc?! It’s a literal mystery, it comes and it goes, I couldn’t tell you when it last decided to show up. On this point, what’s with doctor’s assuming everything that’s wrong with you is your period?? Broken arm? Period. Common cold? Period. Dead? Period.
13. Unclasping the breast baskets
(Image Credit: starecat.com)
And breathe! It’s the best part of anybody’s day, releasing the girls to bob in their natural form. A massive rush of freed-boob endorphins takes over and you know you won’t be leaving the house again that day. Priceless.
14. The shimmery shattering of dreams
(Image Credit: Twitter: @andrsn_xo)
Ah yes, there goes another perfectly good make-up item that cost half my salary and changed very little. Still. I will mourn for my loss and hope the gods will prevent it snowing glitter all over my make-up bag…
15. The mascara marked towels
(Image Credit: Twitter: @terfaelrifaie)
Look, I’m sorry about staining it but truly nothing removes make-up better than a nice plush towel. On the upside… it now looks kind of cute? With those little Panda eyes? No? You want money to replace this one with a new one? Oh…
16. Manicures – impressive but impractical
(Image Credit: Twitter: @ellelaing94)
“Just let me press the damn button you confounded claws!” And heaven help you if you happen to drop a coin, you’re not scraping that thing back up off the floor with these talons. Manicures are costly but they rob you of your change in truly creative ways…
17. Kinky in the worst way…
(Image Credit: Twitter: @iofunnypictures)
Maybe you’ve taken the hair tie out but that’s no reason for your hair to calm down or straighten out. Don’t be ridiculous! Odd angles have never been in but your hair sure wants to make them a thing!
18. The bobby-pin pain
(Image Credit: Twitter: @BamItsSayum)
Don’t talk to me about pain until you’ve had one of these bad boys scraped along your scalp. Torturous.
19. “I guess this is me for the next half hour, contemplating life…”
(Image Credit: Twitter: @sarafrieden)
Oh well, who said watching paint dry wouldn’t be fun?? Except for like… everyone??
20. Worse than stepping on Lego
(Image Credit: Twitter: @JessicaAcunaa)
These things give out an earth-shattering crunch and mangle your foot beyond recognition. Like tiny alligator teeth, they hold next to no hair and they cause untold pain. Who invented them? And why do we keep buying them?!
21. Mood swings so severe you get whiplash
(Image Credit: Twitter: @thiccdolanz)
We’re not prepared to deal with all the emotions, none of us are. Just leave us alone. No come back. No, go away, why are you here?! Where are you going?! We need space! etc.
But of course, we know there’s lots to celebrate about womanhood! Let us know what you like best about being a woman or what you wish men understood about female struggles! Keep up the good fight, ladies! AAx
The post 21 Everyday Trials Of Womanhood The Men In Your Life Will Never Understand appeared first on Go Social.
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