20 Women Sick And Tired Of Being “Mom-Shamed” Share The Worst Comments People Have Made

Being a Mom is hard freakin’ work! Not only do you have to deal with the unique delights of childbirth, breastfeeding, teething, no sleep and not a moments peace, you get the added bonus of the world and his dog telling you how you could do it better!

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So I totally appreciate why some Moms are just plain fed up with this nonsense! Mom’s try their best every day and yet every day their best is questioned and criticized. Everybody else reckons they can tell you where you’re going wrong (and those people tend to not actually have kids themselves)! Maddening!

Fortunately, Mother & Baby have found the Moms that are 100% done with being judged and have compiled a list of the worst things these women have been told about their mothering techniques.

Hopefully, this will make the long-suffering Moms amongst us feel better, as well as instructing some people what not to say to a Mom!

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1. Sit up and pay attention, this is what not to say!

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

Oh, come on! In between working, sleeping, cooking, cleaning, laundry and every other freakin’ job maybe you can’t give your child attention every waking hour you’re blessed with! As any Mom knows, just because you’ve got a little one doesn’t mean that the rest of the world stops and you don’t have to juggle all the chores you were handling before!

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2. Botched bibs and nit-picking neighbors

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

In this story Mom, Stella, describes how when a neighbor dropped by unannounced she had to quickly find a bib for her baby. The nearest available one had a couple of stains on from breakfast so Stella chucked it on her baby quickly. But the neighbor was not having that. Don’t worry Stella, we know you take good care of your baby and your babies bibs… shame we can’t “take care” of that neighbor for you…

lets fight win GIF by IHC 1NFINITY

3. Strangers who think they know breast…

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

This Momma was informed that her daughter didn’t have enough “meat on her bones” by someone who wasn’t a medical professional. This individual then proceeded to let the Mom know that she should be giving her baby formula. Needless to say, the baby is still happy and healthy after continuing to be breastfed by their Mom… But still, thanks to that complete stranger for the tip…

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4. Let’s adDRESS this issue… Shall we?

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

Why do people think it’s any of their damn business how somebody else chooses to dress their child?! Even if (shock, horror) this little girl looked like a little boy, what does it freakin’ matter?! People are the absolute worst…

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5. Put your problems to bed, it’s not your kid

(Image Credit: Mother&Child)

This Mom just wanted some quality time rocking her little one to sleep but OH NO. Some genius had to chime in on her precious baby moment and dictate what she do. This particular Mom said the tone in which these things were said were what really bothered her,

“The way these things have been said to me have been like I’ve committed a crime” 

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6. The nail in the coffin

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

This Mom admits that this comment was said with good intentions by a friend. However, she pointed out that she was always trying to keep her babies nails short enough not to scratch herself but not too short to be painful.

She relates how guilty she felt when her baby did manage to scratch herself, so, however well intentioned this comment was, it kind of backfired… She already had enough to feel guilty about without this…

at least you tried press your luck GIF by Justin


7. This one carries a lot of weight…

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

WHAT MONSTER WOULD SAY THIS?! This Mum put on weight when pregnant (y’know as you do, when you’re growing another freakin‘ human being in your belly?!) and received no end of grief for how she looked. This is disgraceful, I bet she was still a beautiful, glowing Mother to be! Let the haters hate, Momma!


8. This commenter needs to be grounded…

(Image Credits: Mother&Baby)

Laurie explained that a friend took serious issue with her picking up her baby when they were crying in the buggy. Apparently, she was supposed to let the baby “cry it out”, when Laurie picked up her child anyway she was given a disapproving look. Regardless of how you’ve raised your kids, it doesn’t mean every parent will use the same method!


9. It’s the 21st Century – catch up!

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

I am just gobsmacked that anyone would have the cheek to say this?! Once again, the culprit is not a medical professional nor the kid’s actual parents. The baby is just a baby, it’s not meant to be working for NASA at this tender age!


10. The no-repeat wardrobe

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

Irene’s baby girl was gifted a cute pink dress which she wore to church on Sundays. At the time, Irene confides, they were a little short on money so the dress was a real lifesaver for the baby’s Sunday best. But when a fellow churchgoer made the above remark, Irene was understandably very upset.

Irene Jnr. was wearing the same outfit because she looked pretty as a peach in it! Now take your judgments elsewhere!

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11. The balloon belly

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

This commenter was amazed that the female anatomy does not work like a balloon and shrink immediately back down to size.

This is such a horrible comment, this Mom has just brought a new life into the world, she’s super sleepy but super loved-up with her new baby, she may not have the time or opportunity to be hitting the gym every damn day! And why should she? I’m sure she’s perfect as she is.


12. Critic of the C-sec? You can get to heck!

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby) 

I find this infuriating! Whichever way you give birth you are still a mother, your experience is valid and you shouldn’t have to justify yourself! Frankie needed a C-section due to a medical emergency so I hope she clapped back with that info in a super sassy way! Even if mothers choose to have a C-section, what does it freakin matter?!


13. When you try your breast but it isn’t enough

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

Breastfeeding can be a really difficult time in a Mom’s life! There’s plenty of complications that come with breastfeeding, it’s not always as simple as whipping out a nip’!


14. Baby blues

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

This amazing Momma made it through post-partum depression but the road to recovery wasn’t easy. It was suggested that, whilst she suffered post-partum depression she ought not to feed her baby for fear of her passing on her hormones to them. When this Mom told her OB/GYN she was scolded for following this advice. She tells women they should seek advice from an OB/GYN or pediatrician and for everyone else to keep their opinions to themselves!


15. Don’t do that, dummy!

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

There’s always one, right? They’ve just go to go against the grain for the sake of it. Heaven forfend a child use a dummy!


16. I’d struggle to let this insult go…

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

After having a baby it can be really difficult balancing self-care and baby duties! You learn what’s most important and (like it or not!) time with your baby or catching up on some shuteye, is much more important than getting your roots done!

If your friend has a new baby don’t point out the lolly stuck in her hair, or the bags under her eyes, or the nappy in her pocket. Tell her you’re super proud of her and that she looks *glowy* with new-baby magic.

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17. Running hot and cold

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

This rule applies to pretty much everything when you’re a new Mom! Whatever you’re doing, somebody thinks you should be doing the exact opposite. Why can’t people trust that you know what is best for your baby?! Sheesh!


18. And you’re nosey as heck!

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

Bea’s baby was in intensive care for the first bit of her early life, so Bea confesses she’s pretty protective of her little one. Which is really understandable! However, that doesn’t mean people get to stick their noses into her business!

Anyone who’s had a sick child knows how terrifying it can be, from that point on you’ll do anything to ensure their safety and happiness and you sure as heck don’t need other people’s opinions on that matter!

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19. Night night, sleep tight, if you hear me scream don’t get a fright

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

What nonsense is this? This Mom was encouraged to make noise so her baby learned to sleep in places that weren’t completely silent. Maybe that sounds like a good technique but this mother knows her baby and knows she’ll wake at the slightest sound. Let’s just live and let live, we all have our different methods!

20. The nosiest person in Christendom

(Image Credit: Mother&Baby)

Oh wow. This is really something else. So inappropriate, it sounds almost threatening! A child’s religion can be a seriously tetchy subject, but it’s not a conversation anybody with a voice should wade into the debate. Just don’t. Just forget it. Just walk on.

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Look, we get it, everybody wants to weigh in when a cute little baby is concerned. Sure, sometimes concerns are genuine but remember that the Mom has probably heard it all before and doesn’t need it repeated in a condescending tone! Just stay in your lane and let the Moms of the world get on with the tricky, amazing, crazy journey of raising their babies!

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Let me know in the comments if you’ve ever been “Mom-Shamed” and what advice you’d give back to the people trying to advise you! Be sure to share this with any Moms feeling the pressure right now! AAx

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