20 Times Prince William Was A True Gentleman And The Prince Charming Of The Royal Family

What with the new baby on the way, Prince Harry has been garnering most of the attention in the press, leaving Prince William somewhat left to one side for the moment. Well, I”m here to remind you why William is the Prince Charming of the royals!

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From the fairytale wedding day to the everyday dad duties, Prince William cuts a dashing figure wherever he goes and whatever he does, I imagine he could even bring a certain je ne sais quoi to scrubbing a toilet.

So strap in, affix your tiara and get ready for 20 brain-meltingly dashing photos of Prince William that’ll make Adam and The Ant’s Prince Charming look like a scruff! (I love Adam and The Ants so you should appreciate how hard it was to write that, gotta stop making so many 80’s references)

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1.) Cue Adorable Dad Mode

(Source:  Instagram)

I mean, what more do you want from this picture… go on, tell me what to add to this photo for it to be more cheek-squeezingly adorable… I’ll wait.

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2.) Pouring With Grace And Precision

(Source: Instagram)

I worked one night in a friend of mine’s pub once ’cause they needed a hand and I thought, ‘How hard can it be?’ Pretty freakin’ hard, that’s for sure! Yet, here’s William making it seem effortless, graceful and downright delightful… I bet he’s even calm and collected once he’s had a drink, much like my good self.

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3.) Winning The Adorable Award

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It even has a little ‘W’ on it for his name, I want a paper medal with my name on it for being adorable! Somebody make me an adorable medal of adorableness with ‘AA’ on it, please.

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4.) Beard Envy

(Source:  Instagram)

He just seems to light up a room wherever he goes, even when exhibiting clearly severe beard envy. Are royals allowed to grow beards? Or is that like one of those weird rules they have?

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5.) Even Remains Calm When He Has Food Sent Back

(Source:  Instagram)

I’ve heard he makes a mean poached egg. Don’t quote me on that though, I made it up, I really wish it was true though, then he could bring me poached eggs in the morning in our imaginary house just on the outskirts of the Cotswolds in South Central England… just let me have my cringingly British fantasies okay.

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6.) Paying Respect To Older Generations

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Joking aside for one moment, it is always great to see William taking time to pay his respects to older generations.

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7.) Are We There Yet?…

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This is just such a fantastic family scene, they look like a normal family here and still look adorable! I’m also a big fan of those glasses, I wish I looked that good in glasses instead of looking like Buddy Holly’s mother.

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8.) Anyone For A Spot Of Cricket

(Source:  timesofoman.com)

In fairness it’s impossible not to look dapper when playing cricket, it’s just one of those sports so imbued with the aura of the upper classes that even when playing it you start to grow a cravat.

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9.) And Then There’s Polo

(Source:  dbpoloclub)

Okay, so as it turns out cricket isn’t the poshest sport, polo is. Still, he cuts a fine figure on that horse…  I just fall off or look terrified that I’m about to fall off!

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10.) Shaken, Not Stirred

(Source:  Instagram)

It’s hard to be the center of attention in a picture that includes the legend that is Sir David Attenborough, Prince Harry, and the future king of England, but William manages it here!

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11.) Brits Abroad

(Source: Instagram )

British people aren’t known for their grace abroad, we have a laugh, get too sunburnt and occasionally a bit drunk, but here William remains carefree yet stoic as ever! Wait til the dancing starts later though…

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12.) Bit Of Soccer

(Source: YouTube )

Soccer is a massive part of British culture, and though he may be more used to cricket whites and being on horseback, William does an excellent job of looking like a pro here! And, even while wearing a suit!

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13.) Brothers Slim

(Source:  Instagram)

You’d imagine with all that royal cuisine at banquets and fancy dinners that he’d be the size of a house… well, I would be! Yet, William manages to keep trim as heck! Relinquish your secrets to me… please.


14.) Even Playing Table Football

(Source: Instagram )

Table football is a game that turns anyone into a scrabbling mess, trying to spin as many sticks at once hoping that that little cork nuisance goes in the other person’s goal. And yet, here’s William apparently winning with no red face or forehead sweat… either that or he’s just a gracious loser.

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15.) Safety First

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Nobody… I repeat, NOBODY, looks good in a High-Vis jacket. Or so I thought… maybe it’s something they’re putting in the water at Buckingham Palace!


16.) Catalog Pose

(Source:  Instagram)

Here he is with little Prince George looking like something out of a magazine called, ‘Everything’s great in your life ’cause you’re nailing it!’ I do not have a subscription to this fictional magazine that I just made up, but I want one.


17.) Fairytale Wedding

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Imagine having those photos in your wedding album! I mean I do, but imagine having them in there without having to use photoshop!

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18.) Just Audition For Bond Already…

(Source:  Instagram)

Loves Tuxedoes, check; looks cool pouring a drink, check; is British, double check! Looks like the world is looking in the wrong place for Daniel Craig’s replacement!

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19.) Cheeky Smile

(Source:  Instagram)

He could easily just be an everyday cheeky schoolboy in this photo!

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20.) Arts And Cravats

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William can turn his hand to anything! Whether he’s being dashing on a sports pitch or playing with the glitter glues! He’s not afraid to get stuck in and enjoy the company of everyone around him. What a gent.

Is William your Prince Charming? What’s your favorite trait of the Prince’s? Let me know in the comments! AAx


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