20 Strict Rules Pets Enforced On Their Gullible Owners

Yet again the internet has been asking the important questions that we never knew we needed the answers to in our lives, most recently in the form of what ‘rules’ have pets put in place in pet-owner’s houses that MUST be obeyed!

(Photo Credit: Reddit)

Pet owners have been taking to Reddit (the internet’s regular haunt for those avoiding doing actual work while in the office) to give examples of strict parameters that they must abide by in their own house, or risk incurring the wrath of their beloved animal.Related image

So here are my 20 favorite rules that pets have included in their house manifesto…


1.) No Whispering, It’s Rude!

(Photo Credit: Reddit)

Ever since I was a kid I was told that it was rude to whisper, which made playing Chinese whispers especially difficult! But it’s good to see that the rules still apply to the animal kingdom.


2.) ‘So How Was Your Day…?’ – ‘*Bark’ – ‘Oh Really, Tell Me More…’

(Photo Credit:  Reddit)

Communication is key in any solid relationship, and what some people don’t get is that this is even more crucial when one of the parties only speaks in growls, barks, and the odd woof.

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3.) We Don’t Talk Anymore…

(Photo Credit: Reddit)

Communication is perhaps actually even more key when your pet can actually speaks English… The conversation tends to have more of a back and forth then, even if the other side is just ‘what are you doing’ over and over again.


4.) Keen The Freakin’ Noise Down!

(Photo Credit: Reddit )

A bit of peace and quiet is all many of us are really looking for, and hell hath no fury like a sleep-deprived pooch!

Harry Potter Shut Up GIF

5.) I’m Just Gonna Leave This Here And… Oh, Wait

(Photo Credit: Reddit )

Just as chameleons change color, cats knock things over. No matter the scale or importance of the object, it’s going on the floor – even if its nowhere near the cat, cats do not abide by the laws of time and space like we do.

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6.) What’re You Up To In There?!

(Photo Credit: Reddit )

Animals are naturally distrustful of closed doors, although without opposable thumbs I’m fairly certain that the presence of doors would infuriate me on a daily basis… imagine not being able to open doors, it’d be like an episode of the Twilight Zone, if the Twilight Zone was an anthology of menial everyday problems.

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7.) Third Wheeling

(Photo Credit: Reddit )

It’s like living with a friend who doesn’t understand the need for ‘alone time’. Except that friend also can’t speak English or understand complex human social constructs such as the concept of ‘alone time’ in itself. Unless your dog majored in philosophy…

(Photo Credit: Royalty Pet Centre)

You’re welcome for that discovery.


8.) Wait, What?

(Photo Credit: Reddit )

I don’t really know how to say this, but I think your dog might have a bit of complex. But, how would you discipline an animal like that?

spank natalie portman GIF by Saturday Night Live

9.) Respect Your Elders

(Photo Credit:  Reddit)

The dog, quite frankly, has a point…

dog fetch GIF

10.) Which On Is The Dog Bed?

(Photo Credit:  Reddit)

Four whole years? I hope that dog appreciated your sacrifice… It probably didn’t though let’s be honest.

dog man GIF


11.) *Heart Melts

(Photo Credit:  Reddit)

Okay, this is just too adorable. I normally just get people telling me to keep it down ’cause I’ve interrupted the TV.


12.) No Whistling

(Photo Credit:  Reddit)

Maybe the whistling was just really off-key, that would be unbearable!


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13.) *Meows Forlornly

(Photo Credit:  Reddit)

First of all, you knew that cat far too well to be able to tell the solidity of its bowel movements by the tone of its meows. Secondly, call me old fashioned but there would be no way I could stare at a cat while it defecates to completion, forgive me but life it just a little too short for that – I mean be there for moral support by all means, but un-breaking eye contact, no way.

how can you live with yourself will ferrell GIF

14.) Don’t Wake The Seagull!

(Photo Credit: Reddit )

I mean, how do you end up with a seagull? Did it just move in one day and refuse to leave? And do seagulls sleep in baskets? This post just raises far too many questions.


15.) Living The Dream

(Photo Credit:Reddit)

I think this should begin ‘Our genius cat, Potato’! If I could train someone to carry me to food whenever I’m hungry I’d be living the dream!

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If I could be a koala too that’d be the dream, just thought I’d share that with you.

16.) Three’s Company

(Photo Credit:Reddit)

I think you got the good end of the deal there considering, your boyfriend’s dreams must be exclusively about dog food, now that’d be one hell of a recurring nightmare.

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17.) In Bed By 8:30

(Photo Credit:Reddit)

The fact that the whole family has had to adjust their sleeping pattern might be hilarious to us, but that ‘lol’ doesn’t exactly exude enthusiasm though does it?


18.) Ice Cubes Are Fun guys… Honest

(Photo Credit:Reddit)

This kitten’s mind is going to be absolutely blown when it first encounters snow. I get very excited too when the freezer opens, but that’s cause that’s where the ice-cream is.

excited winona ryder GIF

19.) The Purr-fect Ploy (*Winks At Camera)

(Photo Credit:Reddit)

Now that is genius, thank goodness you only threw her out for scratching the furniture not anything more extreme; otherwise, every time she wanted to go out she could be knocking all the good china off the wall!


20.) The Cat Manifesto

(Photo Credit:Reddit)

It’s good to see that all cats have unhealthy relationships with bathrooms as I’ve had many an uncomfortable experience in a bathroom with a cat in my time, mostly involving nervous eye contact causing general unease.

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So there was 20 of the funniest and generally baffling rules that pets have decreed be obeyed in households. Do you do anything daft for your pets, or are you a strict no compromise pet owner, if such a thing exists, they always have a habit of running a house! Let me know in the comments! AAx

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