20 Pictures That Prove Kate Middleton Is The Queen Of High Heels

Kate Middleton is a woman of many talents, she has a lot of class and even more style, I think we are all in awe of her. If you wanted to admire her even more, look how skilled she is at wearing high heels!

Kate Middleton has this unbelievable talent, she can do literally anything in the world wearing high heels. I can’t even take a step in heels without wobbling, stumbling and consequently falling over, I have no idea how she does it. I’m Bambi on ice while she’s serene as a swan, some people get all the grace don’t they?

So, let us celebrate and marvel at the high heel wearing skill that Kate Middleton possesses.

1.) The unsinkable heel

(Image Credit: James Whatling/Splash News)

Okay, what is going on here? Kate is wearing high heels as high as the sky and get she doesn’t have any mud or grass on them. She also isn’t sinking into the ground at all. She needs to tell us her secret!

2.) Playing sports…IN HEELS?!

(Image Credit: Splash News)

This one is next level high heel masterclass. How does she manage to walk on grass, play sports AND jump all in heels?! Kate Middleton must have been BORN wearing heels.

3.) She probably could ride a bike in heels…

(Image Credit: James Whatling/Splash News)

Kate attended the first stage of the Tour de France wearing these killer high heels! At this rate I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Kate hopped on a bicycle and rode away wearing those high heels, her talents know no bounds.

4.) She can garden in high heels too

(Image Credit: James Whatling / Splash News)

If you were going to plant a tree, high heels would probably be the last piece of footwear that you would consider wearing. Thankfully, Kate’s love for high heels is a dedicated one and she happily dug and planted a tree with no issues whatsoever.

5.) Planes don’t put her off either

(Image Credit: James Whatling / Splash News)

Most of us wear tracksuit bottoms and trainers when on a plane but Kate Middleton not only looks flawless but is also walking down those perilous stairs in very high heels! I would have toppled over after the first stair but Kate looks very calm about it.

6.) Touring the world in high heels

(Image Credit: Splash News)

Kate toured Australia and New Zealand which is not only an exhausting feat in itself but she did it while wearing high heels! Her feet must have superpowers, I wonder if they ever get sore?

7.) She’s at the sports again!

(Image Credit: James Whatling / Splash News)

Kate seems to have no fear of doing sports in her high heels. Here she is seen playing cricket! I can’t even hit the ball in cricket half the time and she’s doing it in high heels, she’s making the rest of us look bad…

8.) High heels straight after childbirth

(Image Credit: Splash News)

This is really getting out of hand now. Not only did Kate just give birth to her third child in this picture but she is also wearing heels immediately after! Do her feet not swell during pregnancy or something? How she doesn’t look exhausted is beyond me…

9.) Chasing after the kids? No problem.

(Image Credit: Splash News)

If any other woman was wearing wedges, she would be worrying about how much of a nightmare it will be to chase after her kids. I bet it hasn’t crossed Kate Middleton’s mind as she serenely glides towards her little ones.

10.) Boldly striding forth wearing high heels in the rain

(Image Credit: Splash News)

The rest of us struggle to wear high heels in the rain when it’s slippery. These rules don’t apply to the Duchess who can flawlessly walk in high heels on wet, uneven ground!

11.) Kate learned from the best

(Image Credit: Paul Grover/WPA Pool/Getty Image)

The Queen still manages to wear a low heel at 92! So, it’s quite easy to see where Kate got her inspiration from, I’m sure Kate will still be proudly wearing her heels in her 90’s too.

12.) Dressed to impress the very best

(Image Credit: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)

Kate presented this Irish Wolfhound, named Domhnall, the mascot of the Irish Guards, with a sprig of shamrock for St. Patrick’s Day. Of course, she wore heels and looked amazing.

13.) Matching a young fan

(Image Credit: Samir Hussein/WireImage/Getty Images)

Kate Middleton and her young fan seem to be sporting the exact same shade of red, I wonder if her young fan will take inspiration and start wearing heels as high as Kate’s! I struggle to understand how Kate can squat down like that in those heels and not fall over.

14.) It might be winter but Kate will find a way

(Image Credit: Karwai Tang/WireImage/Getty Images)

Can’t wear open shoes because it’s cold? It’s not a problem for Kate because she will wear high heeled boots instead. I do want to own a pair of these, Kate is definitely making wearing them look much easier than it is though!

15.) These could be the highest heels yet

(Image Credit: Dominic Lipinski/WPA Pool/Getty Images)

These high heels look so tall that it is positively vertigo-inducing. The Duchess is seen looking stunning here for a family gathering to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the investiture of the Prince of Wales at Buckingham Palace.

16.) Meeting the public in Northern Ireland

(Image Credit: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)

Meeting the public must be a long, tiring day but that didn’t stop Kate from wearing these beautiful blue heels! They look very precarious to walk in though and I don’t like how close she is to tripping up on that metal fence bit on the floor!

17.) Going to the pub calls for high heels

(Image Credit: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)

Kate went to a pub in Belfast to learn how to pour a pint of beer from the tap, she really can do anything! Of course, she did this whilst wearing a pair of sky-high heels.

18.) Kate looks like a princess

(Image Credit: Karwai Tang/WireImage/Getty Images)

Kate looks absolutely amazing here and her dress is stunning. I love how she is wearing super high heels with it too, I would be too scared of stepping on my dress and tripping up.

19.) Meeting primary school children

(Image Credit: Chris Jackson/WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Kate met some lovely children at a primary school to support Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week. Her footwear may be high but she still makes the precarious effort to get on the same level as the little ones!

20.) Kate was made for the red carpet

(Image Credit: David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images)

The Duchess does look slightly nervous in this one despite her heel-wearing skills. It makes sense, everyone is looking at you and taking pictures, I would 100% fall over.

I think Kate Middleton puts the rest of us to shame when it comes to wearing heels at any and every occasion. Do you ever risk wearing heels? Let us know in the comments! AAx

The post 20 Pictures That Prove Kate Middleton Is The Queen Of High Heels appeared first on Go Social.

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