20 Hilarious Times Old People Didn’t Get The Internet And I Felt Kind Of Bad For Laughing

Social media is difficult sometimes, whether it’s not knowing what certain emojis mean, or just generally not understanding how to use all the little finicky features! And sometimes people of a certain age (definitely not me though!) manage to get both of these wrong in a very confined period of time, and the results are hilarious… if a little dark!

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The worst thing about not understanding how to use social media is that your mistakes are plastered up for everyone to see – and that;s where the reddit thread r/oldpeoplefacebook comes in. Now, I may not be the most sprightly chicken but I like to think I’m not as bad as some of these people listed below in my top 20 posts by old people who do not necessarily get the internet… And yes, I do feel a little bad about laughing at some of these…

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1.) Those Aren’t Tears Grandma

(Source: Reddit )

I understand that the crying laughing emoji may look a little like regular tears from a distance… this is a textbook example of why you should always wear your glasses when posting on social media.

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2.) U Okay Hun?

(Source: Twitter @cxllumark )

It’s a genuine question, are you okay? It seems like you shouldn’t be, but those balloons are just so freakin’ cheery!

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3.) Please, Stop With The Balloons

(Source: Twitter @cxllumark )

Again, unless those are water-balloons filled with your tears, I really think you need to look into how to use the background feature for posts, otherwise your throwing out some insanely mixed emotions!

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4.) Slightly Inappropriate?

(Source: Reddit )

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There is a time and a place for this kind of thing, at least this one didn’t use the balloons though! Also, why didn’t they just call instead of posting asking the other person to call them?



5.) Thanks Jeff

(Source: Reddit )

Love the specificity of ‘our cat’. Jeff, I doubt people who know your cat are going to really care about this, let alone people who have never had the pleasure of meeting your banana eating cat.

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6.) Savage Review Pam

(Source: Reddit )

Is she just going around every restaurant in the world and giving them 1 star, that’s one hell of a commitment! Or maybe she’s just subtly hinting to her husband that she wants to go there!


7.) Mind Your Own Business Imogen

(Source: Reddit )

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If Sharon wants to use the wildly inappropriate purple car crash dog then she’s more than entitled to, stop shaming people for using horribly optimistic cartoon characters to undermine tragic family bereavements Imogen!



8.) No Need To Swear Nan!

(Source: Twitter @cxllumark )

Yep, another victim of the balloon background. Maybe if they rub them together they’ll get more electricity… that’s how static works right? I didn’t do that well in physics, but I could make my hair stand on end with a balloon, shame it never went back to normal!


9.) You Tell Them!

(Source: Reddit )

As horrible as that must be, seeing a reminder of those lost’s birthday, telling Facebook in this vague a manner ain’t gonna get it sorted I don’t think!

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10.) Context Is Key

(Source: Reddit )

I can’t believe Linda actually thought that this might be advice to try… well, you know… look I’m not gonna freakin’ say it, you know what’s going on here!

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11.) Good For You?

(Source: Buzzfeed )

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This is the last balloon background one I promise! I’d say they need to get rid of it as people clearly don’t understand what it’s for, but I’m having far too much fun laughing at these!


12.) I Don’t Think That’s How It Works

(Source:  Reddit)

I’m just baffled by this. What does this person think wifi actually is? This is the sort of person that will have the staff in Target running for their breaks!

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13.) Lots Of Love

(Source:  Reddit)

Oh boy, someone should really let them know that it doesn’t mean Lots Of Love. Or, hey, maybe they’re just really really horrible people who love schadenfreude more than anyone else on the planet?


14.) New Hallmark Range


(Source: Twitter @cxllumark )

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I think they out this on valentines day cards now. The background may not be as funny as the balloons but it’s getting there!


15.) That’s Not What You Think It Is

(Source:  Twitter @PhilipCopley)

Aunty Acid 119:31 – ‘And the wonderful and wise pink haired lady did say: “eat as much chocolate as you want whenever you want…”

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16.) Debbie Are You Okay?

(Source: Reddit )

I can’t tell whether she’s a fan of Debbie, or is really annoyed with Debbie. Wherever you are Debbie, Hellen is coming for you, whether it be for ill or good, you better watch out.

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17.) Just Hanging Out

(Source:  Reddit)

Now I love hanging out at the infectious disease clinic as much as the next gal, but clearly not as much as this person! We’ll have to hang out together sometime at the infectious disease clinic!

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18.) I mean… What?

(Source:  Reddit)

First of all, I don’t know whether this is some weird game where people have to guess what other diseases people in the world are suffering, ’cause that’s weird if so. Secondly, I don’t like what you’re insinuating with the poop emoji background!

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19.) Breaking News

(Source:  Reddit)

I just love the simplicity of this one, I literally have no need for that information but I’m loving the enthusiasm about it.

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20.) Send Help

(Source: Reddit )

I mean seriously, has anyone checked up on this person? Although, it’s more than likely a philosophical statement about the oppressive nature of the society we have create which stifles people with constant information and requirements of them in their day to day life without giving them time to pause and take stock of what really matters until it’s ultimately too late. Or they just can’t breathe.

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So those were 20 posts by old people who either just didn’t get the point of the internet, didn’t understand how to use emojis, or just didn’t get how it works in general, all of which lead to some hilarious (if a little dark) results! Let me know your favourite in the comments! AAx

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