15 Freakin’ Hilarious Times This Woman Faked Her Death In Photos To Combat A “Selfie-Obsessed” World!

Artist Stephanie Leigh Rose has created what she has termed the ‘Anti-Selfie’, a series of photographs documenting her life from the mundane to the more exciting in which she appears as a crumpled dead corpse contrasting the fake poses common in selfie culture.

(Source: Instagram @stefdies )

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Selfies have become a modern necessity for most people, whether you’re at one of the seven wonders of the world or drunk in a McDonalds in the early hours of the morning with your shoes in one hand and a McFlurry in the other, there is no doubt that a selfie will be taken.

However, Stephanie Leigh Rose (AKA Stefdies) took umbrage with the fake nature of selfie culture. Her photographs are ‘striv[ing] to get back to the roots of what a photograph was intended to be- a captured moment in time.’ This means stripping away all of the ‘fake-ness’ that comes with most selfies such as agonizingly premeditated angles and lighting choices.

(Source: Instagram @stefdies )

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It is a freakin’ fantastic collection, and so here are my favorite 15 photos where Stephanie “died”…


1.) That Time Stef Died At Notre Dame

(Source: Instagram @stefdies )

Particularly prevalent in current circumstances, with Stef’s collection being about mortality this photo now takes on even more significance in light of the fire at Notre Dame, not to get too artsy-fartsy on you.

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2.) When Stef Ceased Living At The Golden Gate Bridge

(Source: Instagram @stefdies )

The Golden Gate Bridge, a lovely place to take a nice photo… perhaps not so much when one of you is dead on the rocks though. She really nailed the sprawled out pose in this one!


3.) When Stef Shuffled Off The Mortal Coil With Some Geishas

(Source:  Metro)

This could be my favorite, as the people of Kyoto look unanimously baffled in the background of this photo. Speaking to Bored Panda, Stef said: ‘All STEFDIES images occur spontaneously in my daily life,’ and with that comes the fact that these photos happen spontaneously in the life of other people nearby too… much to their confusion!

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4.) The Tim Stef Kicked The Bucket At The Kötlujökull Glacier

(Source:  Boredpanda)

Her nose must be freezing here. She really blends in with the background on this one, it took me a moment to spot her! She could’ve done with a sign like Wylie Coyote when he walks off a cliff.

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5.) When Stef Breathed Her Last Breath At Buckingham Palace

(Source:  Metro)

Being in the presence of royalty can have a powerful effect on people! I like that there are only about two people in this photograph who actually look concerned for her wellbeing, the rest are just going about their business or looking at their phones.

andre braugher millennials GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine


6.) When Cinderella Caused Stef To Drop Dead On The Spot

(Source:  Facebook)

I guess it’s not just real royalty who cause Stef such severe reactions as instant death, but also Disney Princesses. This was taken at Disneyland, and I love how impromptu it looks, you can see the actual shock on Cinderella’s freakin’ face!


7.) When Stef Became Goat Food At San Diego Zoo

(Source: Instagram @stefdies )

Goats are terrifying animals whatever way you look at them, so it’s no wonder Stef fell victim to one of the hundreds of Goat-related fatalities that occur each year when people underestimate one of nature’s most fearsome predators – the goat.

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8.) That Time Stef Stared Death In The Face At The Eiffel Tower

(Source: Instagram @stefdies )

This one really catches the point of the collection when you compare her against the group of people on the right I think. I also want to know how much grass she must have tasted just by doing this collection… must be a lot right?


9.) And Then She Died Again At The Top Of The Tower

(Source: Facebook )

Yep it wasn’t long before Stef battled with the grim reaper yet again as she was seen dead at the top of the tower… she didn’t even have a chance to change her outfit, imagine being caught dead in the same outfit twice, oh the shame.

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10.) That Time Stef Gulped Her Last Gulp At The Corsica fountain

(Source: Instagram @stefdies )

I went to Rome during a heatwave once and I felt very much how she feels here in this photo!


11.) That Time Stef Crashed At A Wedding

(Source: Metro )

Clearly, it’s not just Stef who has a passion for taking deceased photos, I like to imagine that the other bridesmaids had to drag her up the aisle during the ceremony.


12.) That Time Stef Bit The Dust (Or Something) At A San Francisco Toilet

(Source:  Metro)

Okay, I struggle to look at this one if I’m honest because it makes me feel a little sick! In an article about Stef’s escapades she was quoted as saying that her mouth ‘definitely touched urine while laying down in a public loo in San Francisco’.

nasty barack obama GIF by Obama


13.) When Stef Slept The Final Sleep At The Cliffs Of Dover

(Source: Instagram @stefdies )

This is what I would look like if I had to walk along those cliffs myself, in dire need of a lie-down!


14.) When Stef Got Trampled To Death At The Paris Marathon

(Source: Instagram @stefdies )



15.) And Finally, When Stef Just Died At The Side Of The Road Somewhere…

(Source: Instagram @stefdies )

When I look at old pictures of me and my parents, they look how we looked, because we just took them (and then had to wait for them to be developed!) but when this generation look back they’ll be looking at a load of airbrushed people who may look a bit like themselves, but with no authenticity or truth to them.

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 Share your thoughts on what a photograph means to you in the comments, or share your favorite old photographs, I’d love to see them! AAx


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