Wow!!! Story Of A Broke Job Seeker With Two Degrees And Betty Irabor

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Betty Irabor, the founder of Genevieve Magazine, has shared the story of a broke Nigerian guy who has two degrees but unemployed. She said the guy got across to her for job placement and she used her influence to secure an interview for the guy via an HR company but told the recruiting company to keep her anonymous.

According to her, the HR company sent the guy an email inviting him for an interview and the guy failed to show up even after a call was put across to the guy. The guy reportedly told the HR company that he didn’t apply for any job with them.

Nigerians in their reactions have said it is not the guy’s fault.See what they said:

Her tweet:


However, mother luck has smiled on the guy as she said she has been Interviewed afterwards.

She wrote:


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