What is sapphire FUE hair transplant

Hair transplantation has come a long way since its modest beginnings. From its early days as FUT to FUE and currently, sapphire FUE hair transplants have become all the more efficient. The concept of innovation and enhancement is a feature not foreign to the medical field. FUE might have revolutionized the hair transplant industry when compared to FUT, but the procedure is far from perfection. Sapphire FUE is the twist FUE needed to be the closest to immaculate the medical field has come. Let us marvel at the twist that transformed the hair transplant industry.

What is sapphire FUE?

What is sapphire FUE hair transplantTo fully appreciate and understand sapphire FUE, one needs to understand the difference between FUT and FUE. FUT is the earliest hair transplantation technique; however, given its flaws, the method is semi extinct nowadays. Hospitals that still offer this procedure do so for the procedure’s affordability in comparison to cutting edge techniques. Otherwise, FUT is an inefficient method of hair restoration.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

FUT or follicular unit transplantation is a method of hair restoration that extracts follicular units from areas of hair growth and transplants them to areas of hair loss. The method of harvesting in FUT is where the flaws reside. To extract follicular units, FUT requires the excision of an entire strip of skin from the scalp. The piece of skin is then dissected, and the follicular units are collected. The size of the wound requires stitching which then leaves a linear scar on the donor region.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE)

Shortly after FUT, FUE emerged to enhance on the extraction phase. In follicular unit extractions, follicular units are extracted individually with the aid of punch and forceps. The micro-punch isolates individual units by creating incisions slightly bigger in size than follicular units. Post-isolation the units are extracted with the help of forceps. The process is repeated until the exact number of grafts is achieved. The scars left behind on the donor site cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Sapphire FUE

We have seen how FUE enhanced the extraction process in hair transplantation. However, hair transplantation is not limited to extraction. The process includes two sensitive phases: graft preservation and incision making process. Sapphire FUE affects both steps by using the sapphire stone to make the equipment. Sapphire is the hardest stone on earth second only to diamond. Despite its toughness, the stone is flexible. The contradictive qualities of the stone allow for it to be shaped in such a manner where the tip has a sharper V-shaped end as opposed to the U-shaped end of steel blades.

With a shaper end and smaller surface area, sapphire blades require less force to penetrate the scalp on the recipient site. Less effort translates channel opening at a faster pace, which means more channels per session and a shorter incision-making phase. Moreover, with sapphire blades, there is a lower risk of damaging neighbor tissue.

In other words, sapphire FUE leaves no scars on the recipient size given the sharp tip of the blade. Moreover, it cuts the incision making period by about an hour decreasing the exposure time of grafts.

In closing

While FUE focused on correcting the flaws in the extraction phase in FUE, the other phases were left unchanged from the early FUT days. Sapphire FUE tackled the two sensitive stages in hair transplantation: graft preservation and incision making. With sapphire blades, the sharp edge speeds the process, therefore, increasing the number of incisions made per session. In addition, the use of sapphire decreases the exposure time of grafts leading to better results.

To know more about sapphire FUE, check out the website : https://www.veraclinic.net/en/

The post What is sapphire FUE hair transplant appeared first on dontgetserious.

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