This Guy Bought Veneers Online To Impress The Ladies, Ends Up “Looking Like Freddie Mercury”
It’s happened to the best of us; we’ve spotted an absolute bargain online we just can’t resist whipping our credit card out to treat ourselves, excited to receive our newest purchase… only to discover 3-5 working days later that we’ve been tricked by the God’s of Online Shopping once again.
Well, this is exactly what happened to Chris Hunt, who went ahead and tried his luck on a pair of false teeth (also known as veneers) that cost him a meager $17.70, in hope of a miracle.
Watch Chris yourself tell the story of his hilarious ordeal below:
See what I mean? Absolutely, hilarious.
The 25-year-old singleton was planning on doing himself up as best to his ability in the hope it would help impress all the ladies at the weekend when he purchases these cheap, clip-on veneers… and er, yes, we’re told alcohol was involved while making the decision too.
Despite his high hopes, he was absolutely devastated when the somewhat giant gnashers arrived and actually left him looking like an absolutely terrible poor-mans Freddie Mercury more than anything else… however I don’t really want to be insulting Mr. Mercury that much.
Chad will be celebrating his close friend’s 30th birthday in Newcastle, which is a popular city for a good night out in the UK, and so decided to treat himself to some ‘pearly whites’ online.
And honestly, I’m sure they would have looked absolutely fine… y’know if he was heading off to the local zoo and planned to get right on in there with the zebra enclosure.
Chad’s eagerly-anticipated delivery arrived on early Monday morning and Chad quickly realized that this particular set of cheap fake front teeth made him look like the late great super-star himself.
Luckily though, he was definitely able to see the funny side of this whole ordeal.
He did, however, believe that his dreams of romantic success were indeed now shattered, and so Chad took to posting a video he’d taken of himself online to at least be able to entertain his friends in anything else – but he never in a million years imagined he’d end up becoming a viral sensation because of them.
Since being posted to Facebook, the video has amassed almost a whopping 1 million views, along with more than 27,000 shares, likes, and comments. Not to mention, Chad has been absolutely inundated with requests for a good night out from Geordie (aka people who hail from Newcastle) women ahead of his and his pals weekend away.
So I guess you could say he had a plan all along, right? What a cheeky chap indeed!
Chad, who’s actually from Nottingham himself, said:
“I looked like Freddie Mercury. My teeth were like I’d swallowed a piano. I ordered them the other day from Amazon and I was pissed. I thought, I’m going to get some pearly whites and I’ll be ‘posing ’til closing’…”
“…They came through the post and they’re obviously not what I’d picked out. They’re not proper veneers – the proper one are £300. These were cheap – only £13.50. On the photo, I was looking at they looked mint.
I thought ‘what the f**k are these’ when they arrived. I looked like an idiot. It’s gone global now though – I’ve had girls message me from Newcastle saying they’re coming out with us.”
In the now-famous video, Chad poses hungover on his sofa after another night of heavy drinking, before he bursts into a truly hilarious rendition of ‘I Want To Break Free’ – with a vacuum cleaner and all. Gotta love that British humor, eh?
The self-confessed partygoer can be seen miming along to one of my favorite songs ever while he struggled to keep those oversized choppers inside his mouth.
Chad himself said:
“I’d had a few beers when I ordered them last week. I’d been for a drink after work and I ended up coming in bladdered.
“I’m in Newcastle this weekend on a lad’s weekend for my mate’s 30th birthday party so I wanted them for that. I just picked them – I wasn’t expecting to spend loads on them.
“And I’d seen a few people with them before but I’m not really clued up with things like that. I was trying to impress the women but it backfired massively. At least everyone else found it funny.
“I’ve always wanted to stand out but this is taking the piss. For the sake of £13.50, I’m not getting a refund. I’ll just keep them in all weekend to make my friends laugh.”
Well, good for you Chad! We hope you and the guys have a night to remember, and we can’t wait to see some of the videos you come back with!
Let me know about some of the hilarious online-shopping mishaps you’ve ever suffered through in the comment’s! And don’t forget to share this with all your friends and family to keep the laughter going! x
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