Mom Spends $20,000 On Surgery To Look Like Meghan Markle, Says Her Kid Can’t Tell The Difference

If you take a step back and have a good look at our celebrity-obsessed culture, it really is quite bizarre. We spend hours and hours of our lives reading magazines and watching TV shows about people who we’ve never met, probably never will, and who might not give us the time of day even if we did.

For the most part, celeb gossip is harmless fun, but there are those who fall off the deep end, and dedicate their lives to trying to become their favorite celebs.

Mum-of-three Xochytl Greer, from Texas, revealed this week that she’s spent over $20,000 on surgery, in a bid to look just like Meghan Markle. She’s happy with the results, and claims that her 2 year-old daughter now confuses the real princess for her mom.

Greer, 36, said that she was at a pretty low ebb in terms of her self confidence, when she had her youngest daughter two years ago.

“Previously I felt no matter how much make-up I put on or how I fixed my hair that I wasn’t properly presentable,” she said. So, of course, her solution was to spend thousands of dollars trying to turn herself into someone she’s not. Sounds healthy, right?

Well, a whole load of liposuction, a rhinoplasty, fillers under the eyes, lip filler, jawline filler, Botox and a butt lift later, and Greer says she finally feels like a real princess again.

“When I look in the mirror, I’m happy again,” Greer said. “I still see me, but a better version of me. I’m at the point where I feel I can put myself out there in the world again…”

I think you could have achieved that without trying to look like Meghan, but whatever works for you, I guess…

“I don’t think I look identical to Meghan Markle, but I do see our similarities a lot more now, my nose definitely resembles hers more closely.

“I also had fillers in my jawline to have a stronger jaw like she does, so I do feel I more strongly resemble her now.”

Although the surgery was do doubt a pretty demanding experience, Greer has no regrets about her decisions.

“I got out of it what I wanted and I see more of a resemblance to her, whenever my 23-month-old sees Meghan she looks at her and says ‘Mommy, mommy’…”

“The way I carry myself on a daily basis has changed – I like going out again, being in public and feeling good about myself.”

The life-changing transformation was reportedly inspired by the Duchess of Sussex’s appearance on American TV show Suits, as well as her subsequent climb to the British monarchy. It’s a pretty unusual career path that she’s had!

She said: “I really like her, I have always thought she was a classy person, she’s very relatable and I think she’s absolutely beautiful.”

“Beauty wise I thought she was a gorgeous, then on a personal level through getting to know her a little more I guess it did enhance my admiration for her.”

Now the mum to Isla, as well as 17-year-old boy Brandon and 12-year-old girl Kai, says she has achieved a new level of self-confidence and energy.

I think Xochtyl looks great, but I somehow doubt her story about her child mistaking her for Meghan. What do you guys think? Let us know in the comments.

The post Mom Spends $20,000 On Surgery To Look Like Meghan Markle, Says Her Kid Can’t Tell The Difference appeared first on Go Social.

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