Landlady asks student to vacate house over loud noise making during sex

A 24-year old Nigerian student based in Ghana has been threatened to be evicted by her landlady for allegedly making loud noise during sex.

Landlady asks student to vacate house over loud noise making during sex

According to the landlady, she received complains from neighbors about the noise the young Nigerian lady makes during sex.

“Every house has a rule that one has to adhere to when renting an apartment. I have a big house which I rent out.

I rented out a single room self-contained to a beautiful young Nigerian lady who is a student in one of the universities in Kumasi for three years (2017-2020).

We lived in peace for some time but recently she comes home with different men and makes loud noises anytime they have sexual intercourse. She makes very loud noises that even irritates people outside the house.

I confronted her several times on this issue and even advised her to reduce her noise making but it fell on deaf ears.

Recently, two other neighbours confronted me about the lady’s noisemaking and added that is either they vacate the apartment or I ask the young lady to leave.

I have complained to her several times but to no avail so I have no choice than to ask her to leave”, the Landlady disclosed.



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