How To Pull Yourself Together When Life’s Storm Is At Its Highest


When situations turn sour you sometimes begin to question the importance of your very own existence paving way for stress, frustration, depression even suicide thoughts.

I am not here to make things long or preach to anybody but for those going through one storm or the other, here’s what you can do to come out even stronger.

Accept the challenge
The first point of call is to accept that you are on a rough path and there is a desperate need to do something about it before it escalates into something else.

Know that the storm won’t last forever

Everybody goes through some bizarre experiences at a point in time but what you need to realize is that, it’s just but a fleeting noise and the earlier you psyche your mind to go through it with that at the back of your mind the better.

Self introspection
You need to go within yourself and ask yourself questions. How did you arrive where you are? What happened? How best can you solve this? What steps must you take to prevent recurrence?

Speak to someone you can trust
Sometimes speaking to friends or people you trust can lessen the pressure, bringing some form of relief. Oftentimes, all you need a listening ear. Someone who can listen and offer some help without making you feel judged. If you have such a person in your life, cherish them because they have the magic wand to always help you out.

More importantly pray. Praying through the storm enables you develop a closer relationship with God, giving you that inner peace and assurance that everything will be alright. At this tumultuous time, you need to cultivate the habit of praying for longer periods and many times than you use to and trust me you wouldn’t even know when the storm subsides.

The post How To Pull Yourself Together When Life’s Storm Is At Its Highest appeared first on Kens Gist.

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