Biker Club Perform Stirring Haka Tribute To New Zealand Terror Victims

On March 15th 2019 New Zealand suffered the deadliest shooting in its history.

Fifty people were killed and fifty more seriously injured in terror attacks on the Al Noor Mosque and Linwood Islamic Centre in Christchurch. The shooter has been passionately condemned by New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who claims her nation will “utterly reject and condemn” his actions. Alongside ardent condemnation of the killer are emotional demonstrations of sympathy for victims and their families.

The Mangu Kaha Aotearoa biker club perform the Haka in stirring tribute to terror victims

(Image credit: Hassan Ghani)

The Mosques where the shootings took place are strewn with countless flowers, messages of love and toys. A particularly emotional tribute came in the form of the Mangu Kaha Aotearoa biker club performing the Haka. The Haka is a Maori ceremonial dance used to connote a range of emotions and to commemorate a variety of events, in this case, the tragic loss of life.

“We’re here to express our love, sadness that this has happened here in our community. This is all our community.” said Mangu Kaha Aotearoa biker club member.

(Image credit: Hassan Ghani)

The performance began with a heartrending speech from a member of the biker club. He expressed the club’s intention to demonstrate their “love” and “sadness”, emphasizing the importance of community. The biker club aptly portrayed the heartbreak suffered by the Christchurch community throughout the performance.

A mourning community, united by tradition

(Image credit: Hassan Ghani)

Globally regarded as a peace-loving, tolerant country, the attacks are both tragic and deeply shocking. We can’t begin to imagine the pain suffered in Christchurch, especially amongst their Islamic community. We’re absolutely appalled by the actions of the killer and hope that these acts of fellowship will help New Zealanders to heal.

Images of the biker club’s Haka continue to circulate on social media. The scenes have deeply affected viewers

(Image credit: Hassan Ghani)

The Haka has been popularised by a range of mainstream culture, most notably by New Zealand’s famed rugby team, The All Blacks. The dance is often performed before the match begins as a lively challenge to the opposing team. Here, the dance is adopted as a means of mourning.

The biker club is not alone in using the Haka to commemorate and grieve the event. Indeed, the use of the Haka is being used widely amongst the younger generation in moving displays. The ceremonial dance is clearly an integral unifier to New Zealanders in this dark time.

Performing the Haka. An emotional display of solidarity and grief

(Image credit: Hassan Ghani)

Evidently, the attack has shaken not just the Islamic community but all of New Zealand. These stirring scenes reinstate the worldwide understanding of the resilient and loving Kiwi spirit. Shaken but not broken.

(Image credit: Hassan Ghani)

As the world grieves with New Zealand and the Islamic faith we admire the heartfelt demonstrations made to the victims of the Christchurch terror attack, and extend our deepest sympathy to those affected.

(Image credit: Hassan Ghani)

Watch the biker club perform the Haka here, a beautiful moment for those grieving in Christchurch and across the world:

Haka tribute to Christchurch victims

This is beautiful. #Maori members of Black Power gang perform Haka in tribute to those murdered in #Christchurch.

Posted by Hassan Ghani on Sunday, 17 March 2019

(Video Credit: Hassan Ghani

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