Amy Schumer Reveals Husband’s Autistic Traits Made Her Love Him Even More

Unlike most celebrities Amy Schumer and husband Chris Fischer have kept their relationship private.

Which is probably adivsable given the evidence that nothing ruins love quite like fame. But recently the comedian and actress has opened up about her husband’s Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnoses, she speaks candidly and with a lot of love.

(Image Credit: Anthony Behar / SIPA USA/PA Images)

They look suitably loved up, the wall of roses behind them certainly helps. I know I refuse to be photographed without a wall of roses behind me….

amy schumer GIF by E!


Away from the roses and the red carpets Chris was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In her unusually public discussion of her relationship Schumer explains the revelation;

“all the characteristics that make it clear that he’s on the spectrum are all of the reasons that I fell madly in love with him.”

She goes on to say, “He says whatever is on his mind. He keeps it so real. He doesn’t care about social norms or what you expect him to say or do.” Clearly the two love one another for exactly who they are. Chris is an upfront, unpretensious husband and Amy, presumably, is her strange and special self…


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We love that she’s always willing to have a laugh at herself, far more down to earth than most people in her position!

It’s great to see that the comedian, who rarely takes anything seriously is speaking earnestly about her understanding of autism. It’s so encouraging when people of Schumer’s popularity are willing to speak up and debunk the unfortunate stigmas associated with autism. Talking about these experiences can allow us to celebrate those on the spectrum.

Amy reports she was always concious of some atyppical charateristics in her husband but that these were what first attracted her to him.

In her upcoming comedy special Amy discusses Chris’ diagnoses, “I knew from the beginning that my husband’s brain was a little different than mine. My husband was diagnosed with what used to be called Asperger’s. He has autism spectrum disorder. He’s on the spectrum. And there were some signs early on.”

Loving someone for their differences is something we all aspire to, and Amy and Chris have got it down. The couple met last year and within months were married (I guess you know when you know!) They are now expecting their first baby together. We think they’ll make the perfect parents, Amy will make a wonderfully funny mummy and Chris will tell it like it is.

Though the relationship kicked off as a whirlwind romance it’s hearteneing to see the two supporting each other through the less romantic hurdles of life. Amy claims to be determined on “getting it right” when describing her husband’s experience with autism because she loves him “very much”.

(Image Credit: Bryan Bedder / Getty Images)

The pair seem utterly loved up still, with a beautiful appreciation for one another’s uniqueness.

What atypical trait of your partner do you adore? Let us know what you wish others could see or understand about those you love!

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