22 Photographs Of Nature That Will Make You Never Ever Ever Want To Leave Your House Ever Again

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Nature; it’s pretty cool, and can often be amazing. I mean – who doesn’t love a bit of nature every now and then? And no, I’m not talking about those pictures you see occasionally when you’re mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, I mean real, outside nature.

As cool as it can be, however, it can also be absolutely terrifying. I mean, think about it; we really have no idea what is truly out there, never know what we may come across or when we may come across it.

And lucky for you I’ve collected some of the most terrifying examples I can find and stuck them in a lovely list for you to enjoy while you’re boarding your doors and windows planning to never leave your house ever ever again.

So… enjoy!

1. Just A Flying Fox Chilling In Your Backyard. (The Philippines)

What Do You Do When You See A Flying Fox In Your Backyard? (The Philippines)

Nope, this isn’t some sort of photoshop trickery, that truly is one huge, massive bat. The reason they’re called Flying Foxes is pretty darn obvious, they are among the largest breeds of bats in the world with a wingspan of a whopping 5 feet (1.5 meters) and a head and body length of around 16 inches (40 centimeters).
Luckily, as terrifying as these things may seem, they do only eat fruits… for now.

2. Haven’t Cleaned Behind The Dresser In Months

Haven't Cleaned Behind The Dresser In Months

Okay well, now I’m trying to think back to the last time I cleared behind my own dresser. All I have to do now is to decide whether I want to risk cleaning it now or if I should just save time and completely move house instead.


3. Crazy Bird Tornado

Crazy Bird Tornado

Have you ever seen Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’? Yeah… well, this isn’t a clip from it, this actually happened out there in the wild thanks to mother nature. The cluster, which has been referred to as ‘Birdnado’,  is thought to be made up of starlings, a bird which is known for flying in thick flock formations called murmurations.
Sounds cool and everything, but I’d still run a mile if it came towards me.

4. Hey, Look At These Birds Using A Dead Pike’s Mouth To Nest Inside Of!

Birds Using A Dead Pike's Mouth To Nest

I don’t know if this is the craziest, most rock n’ roll thing I’ve ever witness… or if this is just the creepiest, most terrifying thing I’ve ever witnessed.

5. I Want To Ride My Bicy- Er, On Second Thoughts…

I Want To Ride My Bicycle

I wouldn’t care if I worked 60 miles away and this bike was my sole method of transportation… I would set it on fire and never look back. No. Thank. You.

6. My Town In Central Texas Has A Bit Of Bird Problem

My Town In Central Texas Has A Bird Problem

Er… I guess I wouldn’t necessarily call this a problem… unless you’re looking for somewhere to park your car… or are deathly afraid of birds.

7. This Spider Web That Looks Ironically Like A Spider-Man Mask

This Spider Web That Looks Like A Spider-Man Mask

Sometimes nature gives you cute little gifts when you least expect it, and this one is seriously cool! Unless you’re superstitious and view seeing a skull-looking web in your garden as some sort of curse.

8. Toads Hitching A Ride On The Back Of A Python

Toads Riding On A Python

I know this looks like some sort of cute, whimsical scene from a Disney movie… but I hate to break it to you, these toads aren’t riding this python because they want to make use of the free transportation system – they’re riding it because they’re super horny and they’re trying to hump it’s brains out.
Isn’t nature beautiful?

9. Lizard Shed His Entire Face In One Go

Lizard Shed His Entire Face In One Go

I know some women who would probably benefit from doing this a couple of times a month. YIKES.

10. There Was A Friggin Gecko Hiding In My Son’s Toy Spider

There Was A Friggin Gecko Hiding In My Son's Toy Spider

At first, I thought this was a REAL spider the Geko was coming out of when I first saw this photograph and I almost had a complete and absolute mental breakdown. However, if I was this mother I probably would have gone into complete cardiac arrest either way.

11. “Something Is Growing Inside A Bottle Of Natural Orange Juice I Abandoned Inside A Cabinet For Over A Year”

Something Is Growing Inside A Bottle Of Natural Orange Juice I Abandoned Inside A Cabinet For Over A Year

All I want to say is; destroy this bottle and any evidence of existence immediately. I do not want to deal with this, at all.

12. Snaggle-Toothed Snake Eel Found On The Beach In Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Snaggle-Toothed Snake Eel Found On The Beach In Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

This nightmarish creature is the snaggle-toothed snake eel or the Aplatophis zorro. It is a tropical eel found in the eastern central Pacific Ocean. According to the specimen found and studied by John E. McCosker and David Ross Robertson in 2001 they can reach a maximum length of 104 centimeters or 3″4 in feet (gulp). The eels live at 5-10 meters deep and live in burrows.

13. I Guess You Can Say Someone Totally “Bugged” His Phone

Someone Bugged His Phone

Honestly, I don’t know why I’m even writing this. I’ve already gained at least 12 new phobias within the last hour.


14. Death Shrouds From Hell – Spiders Cocooned These Trees To Save Themselves From A Flood

Death Shrouds From Hell - Spiders Cocooned These Trees To Save Themselves From A Flood

Okay yes so this image is truly, truly terrifying, but the story behind it is absolutely super interesting.

In 2010 a monsoon hit Pakistan that caused the rivers to swell and insects to run for cover. The strange anomaly was captured by aid worker Russell Watkins, a multimedia editor with the U.K.’s Department for International Development (DFID) in the Pakistani village of Sindh.”There wasn’t a scientific analysis of this being done. Anecdotally, I think it was pretty much any kind arachnid species, possibly combined with other insects,” he told National Geographic. It was noted that because the flood waters took so long to recede, spiders who had sought asylum in the trees had just begun to spin weaves. Locals said they had never seen anything like it before.

15. You Can See The Back Of An Owl’s Eye Through Its Ear

You Can See The Back Of An Owl’s Eye Through Its Ear

“Like all birds, owls lack the external ear structures found in most mammals,” photographer Jim McCormac said. “The birds’ ears are unadorned openings in their skulls, visible only when the feathers on the sides of the animals’ heads are parted. But these owls’ unusually large earholes and eyes also offer a “behind the scenes” peek at their visual system, showcasing the evolutionary adaptations in sight and hearing that make the birds so successful at stealthy nighttime hunting.”

I could have happily died without ever seeing this image, but I guess it’s quite a cool thing to know.


16. Mother And Girlfriend Found This On The Beach Today. Any Idea What It Is?

Mother And Girlfriend Found This On The Beach Today. Any Idea What It Is?

Er, no, no I do not. And I hope I never ever come across one in the wild ever during my life.

17. Sawfish


Sawfishes are large rays that are characterized by their long blade-like snouts. Along with this elongated snout are lateral tooth-like testicles set inside sockets – which give the allusion of a giant chainsaw. Oh… and they’re TERRIFYING AS HECK.

18. Grow Bigger Or Die

Grow Bigger Or Die

The worst thing about this image is the fact that there’s no way I’ll ever be able to know if that is a teeny, tiny snake, or if they are just some huge, ginormous crickets.

19. Found A Beehive While Renovating An Old House

Found A Beehive While Renovating An Old House

This makes me feel rather uncomfortable to look at, but can you imagine living within the same space as this monster beehive without ever knowing!? Surely you could hear it buzzing!? No??

20. In Case You Ever Wanted To Know What A Hedgehog Skeleton Looked Like…

In Case You Ever Wanted To Know What A Hedgehog Skeleton Looked Like

Never once have I ever wondered and I will never be thankful I’ve seen it but there’s not a lot I can do about that now is there?

21. Frog With Eyes In Its Mouth As A Result Of Macromutation

Frog With Eyes In Its Mouth As A Result Of Macromutation

A macromutation is a mutation that has made a significant impact on an organism, caused by a change in a regulatory gene that’s responsible for the expression of an array of structural genes…
WHAT. IS. HAPPENING? How do you even find something like that?

22. Hydnora Africana

Hydnora Africana

The plant grows underground, except for a fleshy flower that emerges above ground and emits an odor of feces to attract its natural pollinators, dung beetles and carrion beetles. The flowers act as temporary traps, retaining the beetles that enter long enough for them to pick up pollen.

…Not to mention it looks like something out of an 80s sci-fi movie.

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So folks, what did you think of that one? Is there anything in particular that has truly terrified you? Maybe you’ve seen scarier things in your own front garden? Let me know in the comments! And don’t forget to share this with your friends and family in order to pass on the terror! x

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