20 Tattoos That Were Actually Intentionally Funny
When you think of a funny tattoo, it’s usually a really badly done one that wasn’t even meant to be funny in the first place. Like someone getting the words “no ragrets” or some Chinese letters that spell out something rude.
However, there are some people out there with a great sense of humour when it comes to tattoos. Sometimes a tattoo goes exactly according to plan and is meant to make people laugh. Or, sometimes a tattoo artist with humour does a coverup to make people smile.
So, let us celebrate good tattoos that are intentionally funny for once!
1.) Dave is the new Shakespeare
Reddit | Hairy_Cheeks
Dave really knows how to weave a good poem, he obviously loved this one so much that he decided to get it permanently inked on his body! I’m glad that he didn’t embarrass himself by saying that violets are blue or something…
2.) Bad tattoo? Cover it up with a Muppet!
Reddit | desiwii
You can definitely improve any situation with a Muppet and this tattoo is proof of this. Also, Animal is the best Muppet ever and I think anyone could wear his face on their body with pride!
3.) Proud of his imperfections
Instagram | @will_ent
I wonder if someone ever asked this guy if he was going to get his mole removed and it prompted him to wear it with pride instead. If you ever come across something unwanted, make the most of it and get a funny tattoo!
4.) I don’t think he took the breakup well…
Reddit | SomeJagaloon
Looks like this guy might just be a little bit mad at his girlfriend or wife…this was either the result of an argument or a breakup. At least he can laugh at it now (hopefully) and it’ll no longer be a constant reminder of their relationship! Personally, I think that she looks far better and way cooler in the second one anyway…let’s just hope they never get back together.
5.) This could be the best tattoo ever
Instagram | @textpostsfromthevoid
A cat riding on a skateboard with a silly pun underneath? Yes, please! This take is just perfect in so many ways and I think it might be the inspiration for my next one…unless it’s some sort of gang I would be joining, maybe they all just really like cats, pizza and skateboards?
6.) Everybody loves cats and pizza
Reddit | RespectMyAuthoriteh
For some reason, people seem to love tattoos depicting cats and pizza, which I am totally okay with. This cat doesn’t look very impressed with its new pizza accessory but I think that she pulls it off pretty well. I need to join this cat and pizza crew…
7.) Well, it’s realistic at least
Reddit | Triomat
I love this, what an awesome way to finish off a Marvel superheroes piece! I’m glad that Ant-Man is getting the recognition he deserves, even though he is tiny. Hopefully, the guy got a discount on this one!
8.) You win at life when you see the funny side
Reddit | Albatraous
This guy may have suffered a traumatic incident that led to him losing a leg but he still manages to see the funny side with this hilarious tattoo! This is the ultimate way to make the most out of a bad situation.
9.) The best way to tell someone that you have a peanut allergy
Reddit | blazik
This is just so awesome. Does eating peanuts kill you? Then why not get a tattoo of a peanut as the grim reaper? It tells people that you are allergic and it’s hilarious. I don’t trust that peanut anyway, he has an evil smile on his face…
10.) Got a terrible tattoo why not get a new tattoo roasting it?
Reddit | MsSandwichmaker
I love the added coffee stain and red pen, making it look like a teacher has graded a kid’s bad piece of homework. Yeah, it would be the worst if you got a tattoo that was spelt wrong but thankfully this guy saw the funny side and quite literally got it fixed!
11.) I can’t believe that this actually works…
Reddit | marajk
This guy is biracial and wanted to get the barcode for Oreos as his first tattoo. I actually love this way too much and I can’t believe that it actually works. Now he can literally be scanned, he should have picked an item worth more than $2.54 though…
12.) Clever but…why?
Instagram | @wot_u_sayin_tho
I get the idea and I know that everyone loves playing connect the dots but she might as well just got a giraffe tattooed on her leg surely? Unless she literally wants everyone she meets to play connect the dots on her leg. That giraffe is adorable though…
13.) Googly eyes make everything better
Reddit | sattic
This Bowser tattoo was already awesome and now it’s been made ten times better by the addition of googly eyes! Did they stick them on with super glue or something to make them permanent? I hope so. You’ve got to commit to the look.
14.) The ultimate thug
Reddit | shagonometry
If you can’t pull off the words thug life on your tummy surrounded by butterflies and teddy bears then you will never be a real thug. This guy is taking thug life to the next level and I’m sure his enemies fear him more than ever after seeing this tattoo.
15.) I want to know why I find this tattoo so funny
Reddit | SoundOfTheBIade
This tattoo of Hank Hill from King of the Hill (look it up and watch it) as Sailor Moon is one of those things that you wonder why it exists but it still makes you laugh hysterically. This is such amazing in so many ways. It’s dumb but amazing.
16.) When memes give you life…
Reddit | sprinklememayne
This person obviously loves this meme just a little bit too much. This is next level meme dedication, at least they can show their grandkids what was popular and cool back in the day. Although, I’m not sure how cool it really is to get a tattoo of a meme…
17.) Even the cat thinks that this tattoo is dumb
Reddit | eherber
You’d think that the cat would be proud that its owner has had a tattoo dedicated to their cat. However, I’m not too sure that a cat would want to be represented as Cupid, cats are usually the exact opposite…
18.) This is disturbingly real
Reddit | meowmeo
This is so amazing, it syncs up so perfectly! This is next level spiritual when your belly button is the same as Buddha’s. I love how lighthearted this is, the tattoo is actually really good too!
19.) Who doesn’t love Zoidberg?
Reddit | Lol33ta
Everyone who has ever watched Futurama loves Zoidberg, he is a great character! This person might be a little insane though as they love him enough not only to get a tattoo of him but on his FOOT, ouch. I guess it’s worth it for how awesome it looks though.
20.) The most badass tattoo ever
Reddit | Galifrae
Imagine how much of a badass you would feel going to the gym and working out with Goku by your side?! This matches up so perfectly, I am very impressed.
I don’t know about you but now I want to go out and get a funny tattoo that is actually intentional!
Have you got any funny tattoos? Let us know in the comments!
The post 20 Tattoos That Were Actually Intentionally Funny appeared first on Go Social.
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