20 Photos That Show Cats And Dogs Are From Different Planets
People tend to either class themselves as either a cat person or a dog person. You occasionally get those rare people that claim to be a cat AND dog person but no one really trusts or believes them. There’s a clear divide here folks! Yes, cats and dogs both make wonderful pets but they are very different from one another and are suited to very different types of people.
Dogs are likely the clingy, lovable friend that will forever be your sidekick but need constant love and affection. Cats are more like the independent person that will take you or leave you but can surprise you with displays of love.
They are both great pets but the differences between them can be pretty hilarious…
1.) Going for walks
Cats and dogs have very different ideas when it comes to taking them on a walk. A dog is honoured to go on an adventure with you whereas cats would prefer to just walk themselves without you there. If you want a walking companion, maybe get a dog!
2.) A truer sentence was never spoken
Cats see their owners as paid employees. Dogs see their owners as Gods who must be honoured and protected! It’s all just perspective…
3.) Their approach to love and affection
Cats prefer their own personal space and don’t want you messing up their fur with cuddles. Dogs are the happiest ever when they receive love and affection! I agree with cats on the personal space part though.
4.) How they react when they’ve done something wrong
When a dog does something wrong, he will feel incredibly guilty and do everything in his power to make it up to you. When a cat does something naughty, she will stare and you with a cold, steely glare until you back down and apologise.
5.) How they feel about water
Dogs love jumping and playing in the water, they actually CHOOSE to go in it! Cats, on the other hand, will kill anyone who dares even suggest that they go into the water.
6.) Where they like to sleep
Dogs will need a particular toy or blanket to snuggle up to before they can go to sleep. A cat will happily take a shoe box over a comfy bed, I think they enjoy the struggle of trying to fit in it.
7.) Their approach to food
Dogs will eat practically anything you give them AND they will love every bite of it. Cats can be very fussy eaters and only the finest cat food will satisfy these food concessioners.
8.) Welcoming you home
Your dog will welcome you home with smiles and a wagging tail, there’s no doubt about it that they are happy to see you! Your cat might look grumpy or mildly surprised that you live there too, I thought it was their kingdom?
9.) When they sleep in your bed
A dog will happily cuddle up to their own in bed and sleep soundly throughout the night. A cat will probably sleep ON you because you might as well just be a pillow to them! Joking, they love you more than that…
10.) How they like to be held
Dogs LOVE to be held, no matter how big or heavy they are! Cats would rather just climb on you but you’ll accept that because at least it means that they don’t hate your company.
11.) How they react to light
Dogs might try and eat light before lying down in it. Cats will try and KILL the light before it escapes their furry grasp!
12.) How they show emotion
Dogs obviously show that they love their owners very much and there’s no doubt about it. In reality, cats do love their owners just as much but they just have unique ways of showing it…
13.) Different tastes
Dogs can actually taste sweet foods so have more of a varied diet range which explains why they will eat anything! Cats, on the other hand, can’t taste sweet foods and only have a hunger for meat, which might explain why they are such fussy eaters!
14.) Their toy choices
A dog’s favourite toy is probably the humble tennis ball that will keep them entertained for hours. Cats prefer boxes and tall things that they can climb and might sit on.
15.) Cat logic
Dogs don’t tend to knock things off sides and just stare at it in the way that cats do. They just knock things off cabinets and watch the hit the floor. It’s pretty rude.
16.) Their approach to foot-petting
Cats are royalty and expect to be treated as such. If anyone tries to pet them with their foot they could very well be disgusted. Dogs, on the other hand, will love it!
17.) On their birthdays
Dogs love it when it’s their birthday, they are so grateful for the attention and are basically having the best day ever. Cats have no idea why a cake is being shoved in their face, also, don’t even TRY and give them a party hat.
18.) How they think about bathtime
Dogs love getting all clean and enjoying a nice, luxurious bath. Cats clean themselves so when you give them a bath they just might get VERY offended!
19.) Their Google search results
Now, this is just a little unfair. Cats are just as lovely as dogs, you’ve just got to be more patient with them! The difference in search results is pretty hilarious though…
20.) How they interrupt you
A dog might interrupt you to stare at you while you eat food. Cats will sit on whatever you are doing and not move. They are royalty, remember?
Whether you love cats or love dogs, they are both unique and awesome pets. We’ve got to love them for their differences! Are you a dog or a cat person? Let us know in the comments!
The post 20 Photos That Show Cats And Dogs Are From Different Planets appeared first on Go Social.
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