20 Photos That Perfectly Show Just How Big The Generation Gap Is

We all talk about the generation gap and imagine it’s the difference between a 20-year-old and a 60-year-old. However, sometimes people with as little as a 2-year age gap are living in completely different generations.

The dreaded generation gap can strike at any time and any place, when you are least expecting it. These striking photos really show the stark difference in realities between people with just a few years age gap or in entirely different generations.

Get ready to feel very old, or young if you’re lucky…

1.) “My niece asked me what one of these was.

(Image Credit: 1Nic_Beav85 / Twitter)

Oh dear, it is worrying now that we’ve come to a time where people don’t know what cassette tapes are, these are so iconic! It’s strange to think that the younger generations probably won’t ever really buy CDs either, they’ve missed out completely on the physical aspect of music!

2.) Quite literally the generation gap

(Image Credit: bobby-sandhu / reddit)

Every generation has its own styled careless look, the younger generation intentionally rips their clothes whilst the older generation sport an attractive button pop around their belly area. Either way, we are all proud of our “fashion”!

3.) “13-year-olds now vs me when I was 13”

(Image Credit: GustMorgan / twitter)

This really distresses me, when I was 13 I was the most awkward person ever with a haircut that was borderline offensive it was so bad. 13-year-olds now look like models and I have no idea what happened…

4.) Has anyone ever used this for it’s intended purpose?

(Image Credit: Alltheway80s / twitter)

To be honest, I don’t even know what these were supposed to be used for, I just remember storing random things in them! Let us know in the comments if you know what these are…

5.) “Found this scenario interesting at Starbucks…”

(Image Credit: unknown_author / imgur)

This really is quite eye-opening, it really shows the huge generation gap between young people and older people. I definitely prefer the older generation’s way of keeping up to date with the news, it’s far better than being constantly glued to a screen!

6.) “But…. you have a real… I give up.”

(Image Credit: unknown_author / imgur)

Who needs real ping-pong when there’s virtual ping-pong?! This one really does baffle me, playing real ping-pong is far more entertaining. I guess you do need another person for that though and that’s quite a big ask…

7.) Older generations definitely know best

(Image Credit: aleczapka / reddit)

When the younger generation has spare time, they go on their phones. When the older generation has a spare minute, they nap. I definitely know what I would prefer to be doing!

8.) Minecraft vs LEGO

(Image Credit: unknown_author / imgur)

This image is a little too real and I’m not sure what to think. It saddens me that the younger generation will never know the joy of Lego but at least they will never know the pain of stepping on Lego with bare feet. They are the lucky ones…

9.) “My 16-year-old cousin asked me what these were and I simply told her they were first generation USBs.”

(Image Credit: IGOT7Wairaka / twitter)

I’ve never thought of it this way but this is very true, floppy disks are just big, ugly USBs. I must admit, these were easier to keep track of at least!

10.) “That’s my 12-year-old sister and me at the same age.”

(Image Credit: Dizzabel / pikabu)

Sometimes I do really worry about the younger generation, they are growing up too quick! Childhood is about not caring what you look like or what people think about you. Unfortunately, now younger people are far more focussed on looks and I’m not sure that it’s healthy…

11.) “Today, one of the kids I babysit asked me, ’What’s this lever for?’ I had to explain it rolls the windows up and down.”

(Image Credit: StephanieLentz / twitter)

I don’t think that any of us miss having to physically wind our car windows down with one of these, it was so much effort! The kids of today should appreciate simply pressing a button to open a window, it was a luxury many of us didn’t have.

12.) “Some little kid just came up to me on the train and asked me what this was. My heart shatters for children everywhere.”

(Image Credit: RoobMacchia / twitter)

This is probably the saddest thing I have ever heard in my entire life. Game Boy’s were literally every single 90s-2000s kid’s childhood! They were so revolutionary in the portable gaming world and if you got one of these for Christmas it was the best thing ever. In some ways, I do feel sorry for the younger generation…

13.) HOW?!

(Image Credit: AnikevdM / twitter)

I don’t know anyone who hasn’t heard Toxic by Britney Spears and I didn’t know that people actually existed who don’t know this song. I don’t know how to feel, all I know is that I am deeply upset.

14.) “Me at 14 going to a party vs my sister at 14 going to a party”

(Image Credit: aliceebyrne / twitter)

Wow, I’m loving the cowgirl look the girl on the left is rocking! Another example of the younger generation growing up too quickly. Bring back dodgy haircuts that our moms did for us and cowboy kids parties!

15.) Couples still ignore each other no matter what the generation

(Image Credit: redlightgreenlighter / reddit)

Whether it’s phones or newspapers, every generation has always been bombarded with distractions that stop them from communicating and spending quality time with their loved ones. Let’s put an end to this!

16.) “The Motorola RAZR is now in a museum…boy do I feel old!”

(Image Credit: AustinCQ6 / imgur)

Has the entire world gone mad or something? How can this phone be in museums already?! I feel like my entire world has changed and I think that I’m having a mid-life crisis.

17.) “My 18-year-old brother just asked me what this is.”

(Image Credit: NinjaSweatpants / twitter)

Are you telling me that 18-YEAR-OLDS don’t know what portable CD players are anymore? The generation gap is getting bigger all the time, people just a few years younger than one another have a whole different technology!

18.) Come on, everyone knows these classic bands!

(Image Credit: juliawhitee / twitter)

I’m hoping that everyone who is reading this knows who the Backstreet Boys and NSYNC are or I’ll be very disappointed. Also, are 14-year-olds working now?! The younger generation really is growing up quickly…

19.) The young generations will never have to make their own ankle socks

(Image Credit: mrbitoni / instagram)

I hate to admit it but I actually do still sometimes make my own ankle socks like this, even though normal ankle socks do exist now. This was always such a pain as the socks never worked properly and they were too thick, it was just a nightmare.

20.) “Tired of those millennials with their silly gadgets!”

(Image Credit: Lord_Shaxquiel_ONiel / reddit)

However, sometimes the generations can mix and the older learn or copy the young. Here is a great example, sometimes my mom is on her phone more than I go on mine!

The generation gap certainly is eye-opening, time moves too fast and now we all feel old! What do you find funny about the generation gap? Let us know in the comments…AAx

The post 20 Photos That Perfectly Show Just How Big The Generation Gap Is appeared first on Go Social.

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